Approved Minutes For Meeting On December 20, 2006
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: December 20, 2006
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Patty Cosgrove, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, Cordy Love, Don Patton, Karen Reynolds, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Jake Baggott for John Massie, Don Castle for Paulette Curkin, JP Dunn for Heidi Jung, David Schwartz for Phil Bankester.
Visitors and Guests: John M. Dunn, Terri Harfst, Glenn Poshard, Marge Selinger, Julia Wetstein.
3. Guest
President Poshard expressed appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the Council. He indicated he and Interim Chancellor Dunn have been meeting with various groups on campus because he feels it is important to communicate with people and also to share the goals with which he has been charged by the Board of Trustees. President Poshard then reviewed the goals (available on the web at Presidential Goals), answered questions and took comments.
4. Minutes
The minutes for the meeting on November 15, 2006, were approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: D. Wilson moved to approve the agenda; seconded by M. Stammer. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair
C. Gibson reported: i) the constituency heads did not meet this month; ii) C. Love has resigned his position as a Council member in Student Affairs. However, he has been selected to fill the vacancy in Academic Affairs left by the resignation of John Davis; iii) she has been appointed to serve on the Chancellor Search Advisory Committee. The committee has been given a four to six month time frame.T. Ashner noted that last month the Council was asked to provide names for the Plagiarism Review Committee. She asked if an A/P representative has been appointed to that committee. JP Dunn responded that neither he nor H. Jung (the two names that were forwarded) were selected to serve. Interim Chancellor Dunn indicated that it is the President's committee. Lain Atkins, who is A/P, is chairing the committee, so there is at least an A/P person on the committee.
6.2 Board of Trustees
C. Gibson reported there was no Board meeting this month.6.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Recreational Sports and Services - Terri Harfst6.5 Standing Committees
T. Harfst reviewed her report (included as appendix 1).6.4b University Joint Benefits Committee - Don Mullison
J. Baggott (for D. Mullison) reviewed the committee report (see (appendix 2).6.4c Search Committee for Dean of Liberal Arts - Patty Cosgrove
P. Cosgrove reported the committee met on November 29 and reviewed the list of applicants and nominees. More applicants and nominees are expected, as the closing date is January 2 or until filled. The committee reviewed a draft of the screening instrument, discussed the search process, time line and additional advertising venues. Committee members will screen all applicant files the week of January 16 and will meet again on January 22.6.5a Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported the committee met on December 7. No changes were made to the minutes of November 15, and the agenda for December 20 was finalized. There was also discussion about C. Love's move from Student Affairs to Academic Affairs and D. Castle's appointment to Student Affairs.6.5b Committee on Committees
P. Cosgrove reported the following nominations were made:Chancellor Search Advisory Committee6.5c Constituency Relations
Jake Baggott, Student Health Programs [StA]
Charlotte Gibson, Agricultural Sciences [AcA]
Don Patton, Med Prep Program [Med]Nominations were approved.
Screening Committee, Director of Shryock Auditorium and Arena Promotions
Phil Lindberg, International Students & Scoloars [StA]Nomination was approved.
T. Ashner reported the Excellence Through Commitment Awards Selection Committee will meet on January 25, 2007, to review the nominations for the Outstanding A/P Award and the Outstanding A/P Teaching Support Award. Recipients of the two awards will be announced at the Chancellor's awards dinner on April 27, 2007. The Constituency Relations Committee will meet and discuss the idea of a reception for all nominees to be held after the awards dinner.6.6d Operating Paper
C. Love reported he is awaiting input from the Council concerning possible changes to the Operating Paper with respect to sector representation.6.6e Staff Benefits - No report.
6.6f Staff Welfare - No report.
7. Old Business
7.1C. Gibson reported she received notification that Dana McKenzie (Science Advisement) was selected to be the A/P representative on the Search Committee for Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management.7.2 The Council discussed the changes in sector representation and the decrease in staff numbers in Student Affairs as a result of the most recent reorganization. J. Baggott reiterated the concern raised at the Council's last meeting that having only two representatives from Student Affairs would present a burden to those individuals, particularly when it comes to representation on Council standing committees. Having only two representatives minimizes the impact that sector has on the Council. He believes there is value in having a minimum number of representatives per sector. It was noted that unless there is a change in the Operating Paper, Student Affairs, which is down in numbers, could lose one representative when spring 2007 elections begin.
During discussion, it was pointed out that several years ago, the Council was comprised of four members in each sector. A change was made to the Operating Paper at that time so that representation was determined by the number of A/P in each sector. The belief was that going from a "Senate" to a "House of Representatives" type of representation would allow for more proportional representation in each sector. J. Baggott noted that even with three representatives in Student Affairs, it is not a division large enough to sway the consensus, if any, of the Council. It would make it easier, though, to balance committee representation, if the preference is to have sector representation on each committee. B. Dillard noted that it has been an unofficial policy to try and have a representative from each sector serving on each standing committee. However, it was also questioned whether that was really important. He believes everyone is in agreement that it would be unfair to have only two Student Affairs representatives if the Council wants all sectors represented on standing committees. If the belief is that it is not important, then two representatives would be satisfactory. C. Gibson pointed out that there are some standing committees that work for everyone's good, so she did not see why there would necessarily be a need to have sector representation on those committees.
D. Castle believes it is a practical issue involving representation and how do two people represent the issues of Student Affairs as a whole. Issues to consider would be years where there is a transition and there may be one experienced person and one inexperienced person; or, there may be two inexperienced people, which would mean a loss of any sense of history. There are also diversity issues to consider as they relate to gender and ethnicity. There are just different things that would be harder for only two people as opposed to three. He agrees with the idea of a minimum number per area.
After further discussion, C. Gibson charged the Operating Paper Committee with exploring the possibility of changing how Council representation is determined. She suggested the committee meet with the Council representatives from Student Affairs in order to come up with a proposal the Council can consider in January. J. Baggott asked if there was any strong objection to [proposing a minimum number of representatives for each sector.] C. Gibson noted that the possible changes being discussed would only affect a small number of A/P. J. Geiger suggested a formula by which each sector would have one or two representatives and then the rest would be based on population. D. Castle believes that is what the minimum would do. If a minimum is designated and a sector exceeds that number, then it would have more representation. T. Ashner commented that the University's structure could change at any time. She questioned whether the Council should change its operating paper every time there is a reorganization. C. Gibson indicated the Operating Paper Committee will need to discuss the issue and consider whether changes need to be made. If so, then a proposal should be brought forward for consideration in January.
8. New Business
C. Gibson reported that D. Castle has been selected to replace C. Love in the Student Affairs sector. D. Castle will complete the remainder of that term (through May 2009).
9. Announcements - None.
10. Adjournment