Approved Minutes For Meeting On February 15, 2006

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Date: February 15, 2006


1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.

2. Roll Call

Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, John Davis, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Susan Edgren, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Heidi Jung, Andy Morgan, Don Patton, Karen Reynolds, Rhonda Seeber, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.

Proxies: Jake Baggott for John Massie.

Members Absent: Jeff Myers.

Visitors and Guests: Lana Campbell, Sarah Merideth.

3. Minutes

C. Gibson reported that she received a correction to the minutes (under 5.6f) from Marge Selinger; however, it was unclear how the corrected paragraph should read. C. Gibson requested delaying approval of the minutes until M. Selinger arrived.

4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P.Curkin moved to approve the agenda, as amended (to allow delayed approval of the minutes); seconded by B. Dillard. Motion carried.

5. Reports

5.1 Chair 
C. Gibson reported: i) the constituency heads did not meet in January; however, she did meet individually with Chancellor Wendler on January 20. The abbreviated Board of Trustees meeting schedule was discussed. Also, Chancellor Wendler offered to present the Saluki Way/Tuition Fee Increase proposals to A/P staff. The presentation will be held on February 28; ii) she attended a special meeting called by President Poshard on January 25. The President, Vice President Haller and some of the legal staff gave a presentation to the deans, directors and constituency heads about the potential legal action by the Justice Department and SIU's response. The legal action is targeted at three fellowship programs that recruit and are awarded to minority populations; iii) the Spring Campus Leadership meeting was held on February 14. President Poshard and Chancellor Wendler presented Saluki Way and how it has changed and has been integrated into the 2001 Land Use Plan. The financing of the construction and/or renovations proposed in Saluki Way was also presented. In other business, it was noted that all SIU employees will be given the opportunity to become contributors to the SIU Capital Campaign. Invitations should be sent out this semester.

5.2 Board of Trustees 
C. Gibson reported the Board called a special meeting to propose and vote on a resolution in response to potential legal action by the Justice Department related to the three fellowship programs. The resolution was approved (see appendix).

5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.

5.4 A/P Excellence Concept Team 
J. Baggott reported the Concept Team has been meeting every two weeks, with subcommittees meeting in between in an attempt to address the charge of the group. A number of issues are being discussed, such as review of position descriptions and evaluations, including an independent review that would address concerns people have; whether position descriptions accurately reflect staff duties and whether that may or may not impact their pay levels. J. Baggott indicated there are many existing processes that are in place that are poorly understood, if at all. He believes there needs to be some further education among employees and managers/supervisors. This is seen as the best opportunity in a while to review the compensation plan. If anything meaningful comes out of this effort, it will be to make some improvements to the compensation plan. Some of the issues the Concept Team is attempting to address are cost of living equity and salary compression. The Chancellor's directive is that he wants a portion of any salary increase to include a merit component. J. Baggott indicated there have been some interesting discussions on bonuses and the options that are available. Some additional issues he believes should be examined are: i) whether education credentials should impact [compensation]; ii) additional duties through attrition/collapse of positions; iii) how levels of pay are approved both for continuing and entry level positions; and iv) the relationship between merit pay and the performance evaluation. J. Baggott indicated that the Concept Team plans to stay on track and meet every two weeks. He hoped to have a report and recommendations ready in April.

5.5 Representatives to University Committees

5.5a Naming University Facilities - Sarah Merideth 
S. Merideth reported the committee met once since her last report in November. The committee voted unanimously to name the School of Medicine's Cancer Institute, currently under construction, the SimmonsCooper Cancer Institute. The request met all committee guidelines.

5.5b Screening Committee, Student Center Director - Lana Campbell 
L. Campbell reported the committee is currently reviewing applications. TJ Rutherford is retiring this month, and Ken Jaros has been named as the new interim director beginning March 1. The committee hopes to have three to four candidates on campus for interviews during the latter part of March. No application deadline has been set; the position is open until filled. Currently, there are 26 applicants for the position.

5.5c Student Center Board - Lana Campbell 
L. Campbell reported the committee last met in December. At that time, it was reported: i) Homecoming and Family Weekend were well attended; ii) the Bookstore had a good fall rush. Prepay worked well; iii) the new manager of the Bookstore is Dan Bonavia; iv) new dishwashers are being purchased, as well as new furniture for the International Lounge; v) energy conservation and practices have saved almost $2 million since the plan was introduced in 1990. The plan included replacement of lighting and adjustments to heating and air conditioning. Energy costs in 2005 were less than the energy costs in 1984; vi) the bowling alley will be renovated during Spring 2007. This will mean closure of the bowling alley for that semester; vii) WIDB is currently broadcasting volleyball, softball and football games; viii) fee schedule increases will be made to the Board of Trustees during the March meeting. Several scenarios have been discussed, but the students have shown a preference in a more level funding increase. The recommended fee for Fall 2006 will be $98 per semester, a $13 increase (15.29%) over 2005. Projected for Fall 2007 would be 17.35% and Fall 2008, 19.13%; ix) International Festival is this week.

5.6 Standing Committees
5.6a Executive Committee 
B. Dillard reported the committee met on February 3. The minutes from the January 18 meeting were reviewed, and the agenda was set for the February 15 meeting.

5.6b Ad Hoc Elections on Committees 
R. Seeber reported the solicitation for nominations has been mailed. All of the sectors, with the exception of School of Medicine, have the same number of seats. The School of Medicine increased by one representative.

5.6c Committee on Committees - None.

5.6d Constituency Relations 
R. Seeber reported the committee is working on the Chancellor's presentation on February 28 and also the outstanding A/P award. Nominations are due on February 17. The committee will review the nominations next week and make its selection. Presentation of the award will be at the spring constituency meeting on March 22.

5.6e Operating Paper 
H. Jung reported the committee made some minor changes since the last Council meeting. She reviewed the new changes to the Operating Paper (included as an attachment to the agenda). Since the changes were more than editorial in nature, this will serve as the first reading for the Council. A vote on the changes will be taken at next month's meeting.

5.6f Staff Benefits - None.

5.6g Staff Welfare 
P. Cosgrove reported the committee met and re-wrote the Operating Paper of the A/P Judicial Review Board. P. Curkin will set up a meeting and present the changes to the JRB because they are the ones who have to approve the revised document. They also have the option of making additional changes or re-writing the document.

6. Old Business - None.

7. New Business

JP Dunn moved to postpone approval of the minutes for the January 18, 2006, meeting until such time that M. Selinger can be contacted to clarify her correction to the minutes; seconded by D. Wilson. Motion carried.

8. Announcements

P. Curkin announced that Student Development's annual Spring Leadership Symposium on Social Justice is scheduled for February 18.

9. Adjournment