Approved Minutes For Meeting On August 25, 2006
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: August 25, 2006
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, John Massie, Don Patton, Sandra Rhoads, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Charlotte Gibson for Jon Geiger, Heidi Jung for John Davis.
Members Absent: Karen Reynolds, Mary Stammer.
3. The Constituency Relations Committee requested the Council hold a special meeting to discuss the Guidelines for the Excellence Through Commitment Awards drafted by Chancellor Wendler. Copies of the proposed guidelines were distributed to Council members. Changes to the award process include: i) adding $1,000 to A/P award; ii) the award would be strictly for work and not non-work activities; iii) only one watch would be awarded to an employee during their career at the University; iv) eligibility for receiving the award would be once every 10 years; v) one award per person per year would be given; vi) the application process would be streamlined; vii) the Executive Director of Finance (currently Kevin Bame) would be coordinator of the award.
T. Ashner expressed concern regarding the long-time tradition of the A/P Staff Council's involvement in the outstanding A/P award. She questioned whether there has been a problem with the number of applications received. P. Curkin indicated the intent of the current award is already for current service to SIU and does not need to be more streamlined. She was concerned that it does not allow for peer recognition. This is more relinquishment of shared governance and the fact that it is being eroded on this campus. Many Council members expressed concern that this is another example of the Council no longer being able to select its representatives to committees, such as when it has to submit a list of names from which [the administration] selects members to serve.
T. Ashner pointed out that the outstanding A/P award is a peer to peer award. The peer to peer factor adds value to the award process, and she does not believe the Council wants to lose that responsibility. C. Gibson noted her understanding is that the guidelines will be put into place [regardless what the Council decides]. T. Ashner asked how the Council can stand up for its constituency. How does the Council think its constituents would feel? The Chancellor will select the people serving on the committee and also reviewing the process. The A/P Staff Council will no longer be involved. JP Dunn asked whether the Council could respond and say it has questions. P. Bankester echoed T. Ashner's comments, adding that the Chancellor will have no more need for the A/P Staff Council.
C. Gibson suggested that in its response draft to the Chancellor, the Constituency Relations Committee be included in the make-up of the committee headed by the Executive Director of Finance. T. Ashner distributed a draft of some thoughts regarding the guidelines, which were discussed at length. C. Gibson appointed a committee composed of the Executive and Constituency Relations Committees to write a response to the Chancellor.
4. Adjournment