Approved Minutes For Meeting On August 16, 2006
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: August 16, 2006
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Phil Bankester, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, John Davis, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, John Massie, Don Patton, Karen Reynolds, Sandra Rhoads, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Patty Cosgrove for Tuesday Ashner, Paulette Curkin for Cordy Love, JP Dunn for Heidi Jung, Donnell Wilson for Brad Dillard.
Members Absent: Mary Stammer.
Visitors and Guests: Lana Campbell, Sarah Merideth, Marge Selinger.
3. Minutes
The minutes for the meeting on July 19, 2006, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: JP Dunn moved to approve the agenda; seconded by P. Curkin. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
C. Gibson reported: i) she will meet with the Chancellor on August 17; ii) the Presidential Inauguration Planning Committee, on which she serves, continues to meet to organize and plan for the inauguration; iii) she attended the Chancellor's Fall Leadership Meeting. At that meeting, the Chancellor requested it be mandatory that every student on campus be assigned a faculty mentor; iv) she has not received any feedback on the A/P Excellence Concept Team Report. She did talk with one staff member who expressed concern that, using the 3% example of 2% going across the board and .5% for merit, he would have to go to the Chancellor and justify getting the [other] half percent in order to give his staff the increase. C. Gibson indicated the idea was that units would get the 3% and it would be up to them how [the half percent] is distributed. It was noted the Chancellor did not seem to be supportive of the idea that any amount up to the cost of living increase should be across the board. The argument in recent years is that the state has not been providing anything, so the extra dollars have been coming out of tuition and fees. The Chancellor believes that those people who earn an increase should get it and those who are operating at substandard should get a reduced amount.5.2 Board of Trustees - None.
5.3 Human Resources (HR)
M. Selinger reported that HR is currently conducting new employee orientations. If anyone has new employees coming in, she asks that they contact the HR director's office and provide a copy of the contract (it does not have to be signed) so that new employees do not have to wait so long to get into the system.5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Naming University Facilities - Sarah Merideth5.5 Standing Committees
S. Merideth reported the committee approved naming the Southern Illinois Research Park building "One Enterprise Place." This does not eliminate the honorific naming in the future. Also, because the One Enterprise Place naming request was descriptive rather than honorific, the committee developed "Guidelines for Descriptive Naming," which have been submitted to Chancellor Wendler. S. Merideth reported that at its meeting in June, a proposal was approved and forwarded to the Chancellor. Specifics cannot be shared at this time.5.4b Student Center Advisory - Lana Campbell
L. Campbell reviewed her report (included as appendix 1).5.4c Search Committee, Director of University Housing - JP Dunn
JP Dunn reported the committee reviewed 27 resumes in one hour, and then picked three top candidates plus three in a secondary pool. The first interview was last week and two more interviews will take place at the end of August. He noted the top three candidates were everyone's number one picks.5.5a Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported the committee met on August 3. Some clarifications were made to the minutes of July 19, as well as some minor changes to the agenda for the August 16 meeting. The committee discussed inviting Carmen Suarez to the September meeting.5.5b Committee on Committees
J. Massie presented for approval the slate of University committee assignments, excluding the nominations for the Liberal Arts search, which will be voted on separately. He indicated the committee attempted to balance the assignments by sector and gender across the board, as well as provide volunteers with their first or second choices. It was noted that Michael Cubley, Undergraduate Admissions, is now in the Academic Affairs sector. University committee assignments were approved as corrected. [see appendix 2].J. Massie presented for approval the nominations of Patricia Cosgrove, Information Technology and Tom Furby, School of Law for the Search Committee for Dean of Liberal Arts (one person will be selected to serve). Nominations were approved.
C. Gibson reported that she received a request from Provost Dunn to appoint a person to serve on the Academic Calendar Planning Committee. She received the request prior to the Committee on Committees getting organized and submitted the name of Michael Cubley, who agreed to serve. J. Geiger moved to approve the appointment; seconded by J. Massie. Motion carried.
5.5c Constituency Relations
S. Rhoads (for T. Ashner) reported the committee met on August 9 to discuss the fall constituency luncheon. Mario Moccia, the new director for Saluki Athletics, will be the guest speaker. K. Reynolds has been invited to visit Carbondale for this event and then attend the Council meeting afterward. Also, after the luncheon the committee will have the closing speaker invite those in attendance to attend the Council meeting. Invitations for the fall constituency luncheon will be sent to A/P by campus mail and then if need be by the listserv.S. Rhoads reported the committee discussed presenting a motion to change the time of October's Council meeting to 1:45, following the luncheon. C. Gibson indicated the time change need only be announced and that no motion was needed. S. Rhoads then reported that the committee reviewed the Council's Operating Paper, in particular the section concerning the outstanding service award. A contradiction was noticed between Section II.E.2.e.5, which states,"The Committee shall review the nominations and bring a final slate of nominees to the Council for approval" and Section II.E.2.e.6, which states, "The committee shall select the outstanding service award recipient. The name shall remain confidential until an official announcement is made by the committee." The committee's suggestion is to merge the two items to read, "The Committee shall review the nominations and and select the outstanding service award recipient. The name shall remain confidential until an official announcement is made by the committee." P. Curkin indicated that in the past, the committee reviewed all the applicants and narrowed the list down to the top four, which were then presented to the Council for approval. However, what has evolved over time is that the committee has made all of the decisions without bringing it to the general body for approval. It was noted that the issue is why the names are brought to the Council for approval when it is the committee that reviews all the nominations. It is simply a matter of removing that particular wording from the Operating Paper. C. Gibson indicated the Operating Paper and Constituency Relations Committee need to work together to determine the proper wording.
5.6d Operating Paper - No report.
5.6e Staff Benefits
P. Curkin reported the committee corresponded by e-mail to draft its goals for the year.5.6h Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported the committee met and drafted its goals for the year.
6. Old Business
6.1 JP Dunn moved to approve the Council's Goals and Objectives for FY07; seconded by P. Cosgrove. Motion carried.6.2 C. Gibson reported that the joint luncheon between the Board of Trustees, the Civil Service Council and the A/P Staff Council will be held after the Board's meeting on October 12 and will be held at the Student Center.
6.3 J. Geiger asked if the Council needed to make a decision on which salary recommendation option (submitted by the Staff Benefits Committee last month) to recommend to the Chancellor for FY07 increases. P. Curkin responded that it is now a moot point. C. Gibson indicated the Council was not asked and it has already been announced how the increases would be distributed.
7. New Business
C. Gibson reported that Chancellor Wendler has offered to attend one of the Council's meetings to discuss the A/P Excellence Concept Team Report. She asked if the Council was interested in having him attend a future meeting. The consensus was to invite the Chancellor to either the September or the October Council meeting. P. Cosgrove indicated the Concept Team has not received any feedback from the Chancellor on the report.
8. Announcements - None.
9. Adjournment