Approved Minutes For Meeting On June 21, 2006

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Date: June 21, 2006


1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.

2. Roll Call

Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, John Massie, Don Patton, Sandra Rhoads, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.

Proxies: Letitia Bullard for Patty Cosgrove, Charlotte Gibson for John Davis, Heidi Jung for JP Dunn, Cordy Love for Paulette Curkin.

Members Absent: Brad Dillard, Karen Reynolds, Mary Stammer.

Visitors and Guests: Dave Hahn, Marge Selinger.

3. Minutes

It was noted that the date needed to be corrected on the web version of the 2006-07 minutes of May 17, 2006. The minutes for the 2005-06 meeting and 2006-07 meeting on May 17, 2006, were approved as presented.

4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: S. Rhoads moved to approve the agenda; seconded by J. Geiger. Motion carried.

5. Reports

5.1 Chair 
C. Gibson reported the constituency heads did not meet, and she also did not meet individually with the Chancellor.

5.2 Board of Trustees 
JP Dunn attended the meeting on June 8 and submitted his report (included as appendix 1).

5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.

5.4 A/P Excellence Concept Team 
J. Geiger reported the committee will meet next week for possibly the last time. Jake Baggott met with Chancellor Wender and presented him a draft report. It is the committee's belief that until the performance appraisal is updated, it would be difficult to implement anything with respect to this year's salary increases. H. Jung indicated her understanding is there will be a new evaluation tool recommended in the report. M. Selinger explained that the proposed performance evaluation will tie in with merit and will show deficiencies, as well as "normal" and "exceeds expectations." D. Patton indicated there are about five areas. The whole concept is to look towards continuing quality improvement as opposed to "meets" and "does not meet expectations." The committee decided on this model and is hopeful it will be approved in committee and forwarded to the Chancellor for input. H. Jung indicated she saw some of the evaluation tool and is concerned that it generalizes across the board of A/P on evaluating their performances. D. Patton responded that the evaluation tool has undergone several changes. He suggested it is in everyone's best interest to wait until they have all the information, not just on the evaluation tool but the narrative, and analyze the whole. The question was raised as to whether the Council would be able to see the document. D. Patton responded that at this point, it will only go to the Chancellor because he charged the committee. It is possible the Chancellor will post the report to his website, as he did with the faculty report. People will then be able to respond or give input.

5.5 Representatives to University Committees

5.5a Traffic Appeals Board - Keith McMath 
K. McMath submitted his report (see appendix 2).

5.5b Graduate Council Representative - Roy Joy 
R. Joy submitted his report (see appendix 3).

5.5c Ombudsman Advisory - Patty Cosgrove 
P. Cosgrove submitted the following report on the June 8 meeting: i) two new law clerks have been hired and began work on June 12, 2006. The make-up of law clerks will now be one third- year law student and two second-year law students. The addition of the two new law clerks should help the work load tremendously; ii) the redistribution of funds received from attrition in the office was discussed. Some of the money went to OTS and the new law clerks. The $1,000 contingency was carried over to the next fiscal year, as is appropriate with 1% of the total budget; iii) the staff is focusing on auditing one position and upgrading another; iv) reports were distributed regarding monthly activity since November 2005. Frequent complaints at the Ombudsman Office are issues with students, social misconduct, administration of Student Conduct Code procedures and academic concerns of students. Cases with faculty, A/P staff and civil service staff are also addressed.

5.5d University Professional Advancement - Debbie Sarvela 
D. Sarvela reported the committee is typically called together twice during each semester by the UWPA Coordinator. However, for academic year 2005-2006, the committee did not have a regular coordinator. Retired UWPA Coordinator Linda Gannon graciously consented to continue to act in this capacity for the year. D. Sarvela reported: i) last year, UWPA was unsuccessful in retaining a new coordinator. Because of this, Linda Gannon, under the direction of Seymour Bryson, conducted focus groups with each of the constituency groups (A/P, civil service and faculty) and developed a new job description. The focus of UWPA has also been redefined to include "underserved" groups, not just women. This was done as a result of Department of Justice issues with other university programs. The position was advertised as "Director, University Professional Advancement." It will be a full time position. Fourteen applications were received, and members of the UWPA Advisory Committee were required to schedule times to review the applications individually. The group then met on June 14 to determine the top five candidates. These names were submitted to S. Bryson. It is hoped a new director will be named this summer; ii) the Tenth Annual Celebrate Women event took place in March; iii) Women of Distinction Awards were presented at a reception on May 11. The Women of Distinction this year are Karen Renzaglia (Plant Biology) and Katie Sermersheim (Student Development).

5.6 Standing Committees
5.6a Approval of Standing Committee Assignments 
C. Gibson presented the standing committee assignments for approval (included as an attachment to the agenda). She noted that Paulette Curkin and John Massie are serving on two committees so Student Affairs will be represented on each committee. P. Bankester moved to approve the standing committee assignments; seconded by J. Geiger.Motion carried.

5.6b Recess to Elect Standing Committee Chairs 
C. Gibson recessed to allow committees to meet and elect their chairs.

5.6c Executive Committee 
C. Gibson (for JP Dunn) reported on the June 1 meeting: i) some corrections were made to the minutes of May 17, and the agenda was set for the June 21 meeting; ii) there was discussion about inviting Carmen Suarez to the September meeting to discuss sexual harassment/ discrimination; iii) the Council budget for FY07 was discussed and approved; iv) standing committee assignments were made.

5.6d Committee on Committees 
C. Gibson reported J. Massie agreed to be chair.

5.6e Constituency Relations 
T. Ashner reported she was elected chair.

5.6f Operating Paper 
C. Love reported he was elected chair.

5.6g Staff Benefits 
J. Geiger reported P. Curkin was elected to chair the committee.

5.6h Staff Welfare 
C. Gibson reported JP Dunn previously expressed his willingness to the chair the committee.

6. Old Business

6.1 C. Gibson noted that, as reported under Executive Committee, C. Suarez will be invited to attend the Council's meeting in September in an effort to get clarification on the changes to the Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Procedures.

6.2 H. Greer reported the proposed changes to the Council's Operating Paper have been approved and should be posted on the web.

7. New Business

7.1 The Proposed A/P Staff Council Budget for FY07 was presented for approval. S. Rhoads moved to approve the budget; seconded by D. Wilson. Motion carried.

7.2 C. Gibson reported that, together with the Civil Service Council, a joint luncheon with the Board of Trustees has been tentatively scheduled for October 12.

7.3 J. Geiger asked if the Council needed to be thinking about how it wants to appropriate salary increases in case the request comes from the Chancellor before the next meeting. C. Gibson responded that because of the excellence team, this issue has been touched on briefly. The tool is there for deans and directors to use if they choose to give merit. The Council can make a recommendation, but they can do whatever they want with the salary dollars they get. T. Ashner questioned whether the Council would be asked for a recommendation given that July 1 is less than two weeks away. C. Gibson believes the Council will be asked. M. Selinger noted there is wording about how deans and directors can award salary. There is also merit in place that can be used if [they] wanted. C. Gibson suggested the Council could quote what already exists for deans and directors to use. She indicated she could draft something for the Council to review.

7.4 C. Gibson reported she received two requests from Vice Chancellor Dietz's office for two persons to serve on the Search Committee for Director of University Housing and the Search Committee for Director of International Programs and Services. The Executive Committee forwarded the names of JP Dunn and Dana McKenzie (College of Science) for the Housing Search, and Jacqueline Scolari (School of Medicine) and Andy Morgan (University Housing) for the International Programs search. She asked for a motion to approve forwarding the names. T. Ashner moved to approve; seconded by J. Massie. Motion carried. C. Gibson noted that D. McKenzie and J. Scolari were selected to serve on those respective committees.

7.5 C. Gibson reported she received a request from Chancellor Wendler for two persons to serve on the Chancellor's Advisory Review Board. The Executive Committee forwarded the names of Terri Harfst (Financial Aid) and Lucas Maxwell (Agricultural Sciences). D. Wilson moved to approve forwarding the names; seconded by J. Geiger. Motion carried.

7.6 C. Gibson reported she received a request from Chancellor Wendler for two persons to serve on a committee he is forming to review and update current criteria for the Excellence Through Commitment awards. The Executive Committee would like to put forward the names of Tuesday Ashner and Rhonda Seeber (School of Medicine) to serve on the committee. J. Geiger moved to forward the names; seconded by D. Wilson. Motion carried.

8. Announcements - None.

9. Adjournment