Approved Minutes For Meeting On April 19, 2006
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: April 19, 2006
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Susan Edgren, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Heidi Jung, John Massie, Andy Morgan, Jeff Myers, Don Patton, Karen Reynolds, Rhonda Seeber, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Rhonda Seeber for Allison Sutphin.
Members Absent: John Davis.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Joan Davis, Gabriele Hoffmann, Marge Selinger.
3. Guests
C. Gibson introduced J. Davis of the SIU Tobacco Policy Committee who gave a presentation on the need for an SIUC Nicotine Dependence Research Treatment and Education Center.
4. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on March 15, 2006, were approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: B. Dillard moved to approve the agenda; seconded by R. Seeber. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair
C. Gibson reported there have been no meetings scheduled this month with the Chancellor, and there have been no meetings of the constituency heads or Board of Trustees. She did attend the State of the University address.6.2 Board of Trustees - None.
6.3 Human Resources (HR)
M. Selinger reported that HR is sponsoring a health fair on May 3-4. Brochures have been mailed to all employees. There will be counselors available for anyone wanting to make changes in their benefit options.6.4 A/P Excellence Concept Team
J. Baggott reported the Concept Team has stepped up its meeting schedule and will begin meeting weekly rather than every two weeks. Progress is being made on several fronts. The Team's three major focuses are the compensation plan, the evaluation tool and merit pay. At the last meeting, there was lengthy discussion on the evaluation tool. It is hoped a more functional tool can be developed for use with any merit pay proposal that may evolve. S. Edgren believed that the constituency should be informed about the kinds of issues on which the Concept Team has been working. R. Seeber noted that it has been mentioned in previous minutes. C. Gibson indicated that the Executive Committee discussed the idea of having the Staff Welfare Committee poll constituents to get feedback on how they feel about merit increases. It was pointed out that every year the Chancellor requests a recommendation on salary increase distribution. Although he has not yet requested a recommendation from the Council for this year, one will be forthcoming, and the Council should be prepared.JP Dunn distributed a sample survey to Council members that was drafted by the Staff Welfare Committee. The survey asks constituents to rank order their preferences with respect to how merit should be awarded. Council members reviewed, discussed and suggested some revisions to the survey. JP Dunn indicated the committee would continue to refine the survey.
6.5 Representatives to University Committees
6.5a Search Committee for Dean, Business and Administration - Tammy Cavarretta6.6 Standing Committees
T. Cavarretta submitted her written report (see appendix 1).6.5b Traffic and Parking - To be rescheduled.
6.5c Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Susan Edgren
S. Edgren reported on the Agility and Efficiency Task Force Priorities and the map of priorities for tuition revenue commitments. She provided handouts on these, as well as the recommendations generated by the chairs of the Agility and Efficiency Task Forces. She indicated that Susan Ferry co-chaired the Hiring Practices Task Force; Tom Calhoun chaired the Economic and Student Affairs Task Force; and Jill Kirkpatrick and Kevin Bame co-chaired the Business Practices Task Force. [Handouts are available in the Constituencies Office or by contacting S. Edgren/].6.5d Search Committee for Dean, Science - Pat Matthews
P. Matthews submitted her written report (see appendix 2).6.6a Executive Committee
B. Dillard reported the committee met on April 6. The minutes from the meeting on March 15 were reviewed, and the agenda was set for the April 19 meeting.6.6b Ad Hoc Elections
R. Seeber presented the results of the recent spring elections (included as appendix 3).6.6c Committee on Committees - None.
6.6d Constituency Relations - None.
6.6e Operating Paper
H. Jung reported the ballot on the proposed changes to the Operating Paper has been mailed to the constituency.6.6f Staff Benefits - None.
6.6g Staff Welfare
P. Cosgrove reported the A/P Judicial Review Board recently had the opportunity to meet in order to review a grievance. In going through the process, it was discovered that the Operating Paper for the JRB had not been revised since 1987. Therefore, the Staff Welfare Committee reviewed and made revisions to the Operating Paper, which were subsequently submitted to and approved by the JRB. In accordance with the Operating Paper, the Council needs to officially approve the changes before they are incorporated into the document. P. Cosgrove indicated the changes include officially changing the name from A/P Staff Review Board to A/P Judicial Review Board; clarifying the role of the Staff Welfare Committee member of the JRB; and electing a recorder. She noted that the Operating Paper works hand in hand with the Grievance Procedure document. P. Cosgrove asked that Council members review the changes so a vote can be taken at the next Council meeting.
7. Old Business
B. Dillard reported he is still attempting to get information on the changes to the Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Procedures. There was a change in A/P representation on the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee during the past year. As a result, he is attempting to schedule the previous representative to attend an upcoming Council meeting as that person would be better informed on the issue.
8. New Business
C. Gibson reported that the Council needs to examine its composition in light of the restructuring within Academic Affairs and Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. She noted that no changes in representation would occur this year because the election process for the year is complete. However, the restructuring will possibly mean a net loss of Council seats for Student Affairs and a net gain for Academic Affairs and General (the latter because of the financial aspects being absorbed by the area of Executive Director of Finance). R. Seeber explained that Council membership is determined by apportioning one representative for every 50--or majority fraction of 50--constituents in a sector. J. Massie expressed concern that any loss of Council seats in Student Affairs would render the sector a non-factor. C. Gibson asked if anyone had suggestions about how to handle this issue. R. Seeber suggested postponing any decisions until after July 1 to see how the sector representation will actually break down.
9. Announcements
C. Gibson announced that everyone is invited to attend Agriculture Industry Day on April 22.
10. Adjournment