Approved Minutes For Meeting On July 19, 2006
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: July 19, 2006
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, John Davis, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, John Massie, Don Patton, Karen Reynolds, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: David Schwartz for Phil Bankester.
Members Absent: Cordy Love.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Terri Harfst, Bill McMinn, Marge Selinger.
3. Minutes
The minutes for the meeting on June 21, 2006, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Curkin moved to approve the agenda; seconded by JP Dunn. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair6. Old Business - None.
C. Gibson reported: i) the constituency heads met on July 5, at which time the Board of Trustees agenda was reviewed. There was brief discussion about Touch of Nature changing from the Office of Administration (Plant and Service Operations) to the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor; ii) the Inauguration Planning Committee continues to meet every week. The budget is being watched very closely, and items are being reduced or eliminated if the budget is exceeded. No tuition or state dollars are being used for the event. The projected budget for the inauguration is $40,000.5.2 Board of Trustees
C. Gibson reported on the July 13 committee meetings: i) in Finance, the Chancellors briefly reviewed the Fiscal Year 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets. Very little discussion occurred. Trustee Sanders warned both Chancellors that he would not vote to approve any future budgets that did not include some attention to increased aid for low income undergraduate students. Neither budget addressed this specifically, though Chancellor Wendler's budget did indicate that additional monies for scholarships continues to be one of the top priorities for SIUC. Also, Reorganization of Touch of Nature Environmental Center (Item O) was removed from omnibus motion to be discussed and voted on separately; ii) in Architecture and Design, Approval of the Chillled Water and Communication Piping Easement at the SimmonsCooper Cancer Institute (Item P) was removed from the omnibus motion to be discussed and voted on separately; iii) in Academic Matters, Vice President Haller reported on Off-Campus Programs for both campuses. Both SIUE and SIUC have increased their programs around the state and country (military programs for SIUC only). SIUC definitely has the lions share of off-campus programs. Also, a presentation was given by the School of Medicine on its Rural Outreach Programs.C. Gibson reported on the formal Board meeting: i) Trustee Goldman reported on the progress of the Presidential Inauguration Planning Committee. He expressed his appreciation to the Board for reinstating the formal inauguration for the campuses; ii) Trustee Simmons reported on his recent trip to China with Vice Chancellor Koropchak and others. The trip was intended to explore the possibility of joint ventures in the area of the development of energies and environmental concerns that have been of major concern to China as they develop these technologies. The trip was successful in that many contacts were established with Chinese universities, research institutions, and industries. SIU has been asked to return in the future to strengthen these ties, and Trustee Simmons urged the Board to follow through with plans to return; iii) President Poshard expressed his appreciation of the return of the tradition of a Presidential Inauguration. He believes it will be a tremendous opportunity to highlight and showcase the whole SIU system; iv) all items on the omnibus motion were approved. Items O and P, which had been pulled from omnibus motion, were voted on separately and approved. Trustee Goldman abstained from voting on Item O; Trustee Simmons abstained from voting on Item P. T. Ashner asked if the issue has been raised about working with China, given their record on human rights violations. C. Gibson responded that the issue was not raised.
5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 A/P Excellence Concept Team
J. Baggott distributed the final report of the A/P Excellence Concept Team and provided an overall summary of the recommendations. He indicated the Chancellor will use the report as a discussion point to effect changes. The Chancellor is anxious to move on the report, and it will take time to implement. The Concept Team offered to participate at any level that he would like with whatever implementation that will take place. J. Baggott noted there have already been concerns raised above the Chancellor's level about creating controversy [with the recommendation to tie pay increases and merit to performance evaluations]. There will be a transition problem for those who are accustomed to getting an increase regardless of how well they perform. C. Gibson expressed her appreciation for all the work done by the Concept Team. J. Baggott thanked those on the Team, which included some members of the Council, and indicated he is willing to return to a future meeting to answer any questions.P. Curkin asked what the process will be for someone who receives an evaluation from their supervisor with which s/he does not agree. J. Baggott responded that one of the strengths of the evaluation tool is that it outlines very specific tasks and guidelines for evaluating an employee. To do this right, the process has to be in effect in advance of the distribution of merit. That will allow people to know what to expect, and there will be time to debate/discuss/review the results of the evaluation before merit is actually distributed.
5.5 Representatives to University Committees
5.5a Recreational Sports & Services - T. Harfst5.6 Standing Committees
T. Harfst reviewed her report (included as appendix 1). P. Curkin asked if there has been an improvement in the Campus Lake water. B. McMinn responded that testing has shown that the water has improved, and the lake should be in good shape. S. Rhoads asked if it was safe to walk around the lake. B. McMinn responded that he has talked with Todd Sigler (Public Safety) and they do plan to remove the police tape [to allow access to the paths].5.5b Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory - Sandra Rhoads
S. Rhoads reviewed her report (included as appendix 2).5.5c Advisory Committee to Director of Public Safety - Bill McMinn
B. McMinn reviewed his report (included as appendix 3). P. Cosgrove asked if the Clinical Center only parking spaces in front of Wham are still necessary now that the Clinical Center is no longer there. J. Massie responded that the Clinical Center is still there; only Physical Therapy moved locations. In its place is the Autism facility. B. Dillard suggested contacting Parking and having them analyze the parking in that area. They may not be aware of all the moving that is taking place.5.6a Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported the committee met on July 6. Some minor corrections were made to the minutes of June 21, and the agenda was set for the July 19 meeting.5.6b Committee on Committees
J. Massie reported the request for committee volunteers has been mailed, with a return date of August 4. The committee will meet shortly after to make committee assignments.5.6c Constituency Relations
T. Ashner reported the committee met and discussed possible speakers for the fall constituency luncheon. It was decided to invite the new athletics director to speak at the luncheon, which will be held on October 18 in Ballroom B of the Student Center. When he gets on campus, the committee will discuss with him a theme or area on which they would like him to present. The committee will meet again to brainstorm about ways in which to get the word out to constituents about the luncheon other than the usual flyer.5.6d Operating Paper - No report.
5.6e Staff Benefits
P. Curkin reported the committee met (at the Chair's request) to draft recommendations for the FY07 salary increases. There are essentially two options, one with slightly different wording than the other. It was noted that the Council was not officially asked by the Chancellor for a recommendation, and salary increases have already been distributed. The recommendations are as follows:Option 1: While we do, in principle, support the concept of merit-based salary increases and believe that improved and more comprehensive evaluation tools must be in place and working to implement merit-based salary increases, until such time as these changes are in place, it is the recommendation of the A/P Staff Council that all A/P staff meeting performance expectations receive 3% across the board salary increases for FY07.B. Dillard asked if it was a change in procedure or if the request for a salary increase recommendation was overlooked. C. Gibson was unsure, though she noted that the administration is in negotiations with the Faculty Association. J. Baggott indicated the issue was discussed briefly at the meeting where he presented the Concept Team report to the Chancellor. The Chancellor indicated that [those who report directly and two levels below him would have the opportunity for merit distribution and that across the board was the decision for others.]Option 2: While we do, in principle, support the concept of merit-based salary increases, we believe that improved and more comprehensive evaluation tools must be in place and working before implementing merit-based salary increases. Therefore, until such time as these changes are in place, it is the recommendation of the A/P Staff Council that all A/P staff meeting performance expectations receive 3% across the board salary increases for FY07.
5.6h Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported he will be calling a meeting of the committee to plan out its objectives for the year.
7. New Business
7.1 C. Gibson charged standing committees with establishing their Goals and Objectives for FY07 and having them ready to present for approval at the August 16 Council meeting.8. Announcements - None.7.2 The A/P Staff Council Year End Budget Report for FY06 was presented as an informational item.
9. Adjournment