Approved Minutes For Meeting On November 15, 2006
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: November 15, 2006
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, John Massie, Don Patton, Karen Reynolds, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Allison Sutphin for Gabriele Hoffmann.
Members Absent: Sandra Rhoads.
Visitors and guests: Jake Baggott, Marge Selinger.
3. Minutes
The minutes for the meeting on October 18, 2006, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Curkin moved to approve the agenda; seconded by J. Massie. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair6. Old Business - None.
C. Gibson reported: i) at the November 1 constituency heads meeting, the agenda for the Board of Trustees meeting was reviewed; ii) her individual meeting with Chancellor Wendler was cancelled; however, she was contacted by Interim Chancellor Dunn's office and was told the one-on-one meetings with constituency heads will continue beginning January 2007; iii) she will, if there is no objection by the Council, compose and send a letter on behalf of the Council congratulating Dr. Dunn on his appointment as Interim Chancellor; iv) she has been contacted by President Poshard to submit the names of three to four A/P staff members who could serve on the Chancellor's Search Committee (one will be selected). It is anticipated the search will be conducted over a six month time frame. The request for nominees has been turned over to the Committee on Committees.5.2 Board of Trustees
C. Gibson reported on the November 9 committee meetings: i) in Architecture and Design, there was some discussion about approving the acquisition of real estate at two locations in Springfield (SIU School of Medicine). Trustee Wigginton was concerned that SIU was being asked to pay well above the market value of these two properties. SOM reported that the asking prices were consistent with prices of other pieces of property in the same location; ii) in Academic Matters, Interim Chancellor Dunn presented some highlights of a developing Enrollment Retention Plan. JP Dunn noted that one of the trustees asked Interim Chancellor Dunn if there could be a re-examination of the factor by which international student tuition is raised. Interim Chancellor Dunn responded affirmatively, but no further discussion took place.C. Gibson reported that at the formal Board meeting, one of the two parcels of real estate on Carpenter Street in Springfield for the Medical Campus, specifically related to the Simmons-Cooper Cancer Research Center, was approved. Approval of the second parcel was tabled.
5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a SURS Members Advisory - Jake Baggott5.5 Standing Committees
J. Baggott reported on the Advisory Committee's April 6, 2006, meeting: The committee reviewed the year end report on how investments have faired and the overall health of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) [see attachment]. As of August 2006, they were at 66.1%; the fiscal year in June started off at 65.4%, so there has not been much change. The SURS total investment year-to-date in July is at .7%; the market goal was .6% so investments are doing slightly better than the goal. The public fund index is at .5%. SURS is doing comparatively well to other investments of a similar nature. J. Baggott indicated there was a preview of some of the changes to the SURS website, which included adding information on SURSMAC and what it does, its history, etc. There was discussion about what is going on in state politics and also about the overall issue of health benefits. J. Baggott noted that University employees are represented through AFSCME, and overall they have done a credible job negotiating with the state for benefits. J. Baggott reported he presented a motion to renew the committee's commitment toward the adjustments of pre-1980 retirees. Those retirees are disadvantaged because the values of their pensions have decreased dramatically as a result of not receiving some of the increases that retirees since 1980 have received. He also suggested an increase to the death benefit of $1000 and an adjustment to the two-year sick leave credit option that is available to community colleges and those with union-negotiated contracts to make it available to the general membership. In other business, J. Baggott reported that election of officers took place. Jim Carlson from Illinois State was elected chair, and he was elected vice chair. The next meeting of the committee is April 10.5.4b Search Committee for Dean of Science - Pat Matthews
P. Matthews submitted the following report: The period of October 16, 2006 through October 25, 2006 was reserved for reviewing applications. On October 25, 2006, members of the Search Committee met to discuss the applicants. At this meeting, 8 candidates were selected from a pool of 20 applicants to solicit simultaneously references and permission to contact those on and "off list" individuals. The request was done jointly to speed up the process. Committee members were again divided into teams of at least three to make reference calls. The plan is to complete these calls as soon as possible and convene immediately after Thanksgiving to discuss the results. Also, since several individuals have been nominated for this position, a decision was reached to contact these individuals, inviting formal application.5.4c Search Committee for Dean of Education and Human Services - Tuesday Ashner
T. Ashner reported the Provost's office as late as last week was still negotiating with the top candidate. [However, as of this date, she has been informed that the candidate, for personal reasons, will no longer pursue or be pursued for the position. It appears that another search will occur.]5.5a Executive Committee5.5c Constituency Relations
JP Dunn reported the committee met on November 2. Some changes were made to the minutes of October 18, as well as to the agenda for the November 15 meeting.5.5b Committee on Committees
J. Massie noted that because of the time lines involved, the following names were submitted prior to Council approval:Search Committee for Assistant VC for Enrollment ManagementNominations for each committee were approved, with JP Dunn and H. Jung abstaining on the vote for the Plagiarism Review Committee.
Dana McKenzie, Science Advisement [AcA]
Josah Powers, New Student Programs [AcA]Search Committee for Director of Recreational Sports & Services
Kyle Harfst, Economic & Regional Dev. [G]
Kathleen Plesko, Disability Support Services [StA]Plagiarism Review Committee
JP Dunn, Library Affairs [AcA]
Heidi Jung, Library Affairs [AcA]
T. Ashner reported the committee sits on the Excellence Through Commitment Awards Selection Committee. That group has met twice, and both times has broken off into a smaller subcommittee on marketing. Three Constituency Relations members serve on the subcommittee, in addition to the other A/P representative, Carlos Del Rio (Student Judicial Affairs). T. Ashner believes it has been a positive experience, noting the Constituency Relations Committee will not only continue to be involved in selecting the outstanding A/P staff member but will also be involved in the selection of the outstanding A/P teaching support award. Other than Constituency Relations members, other members of the committee are: Kevin Bame (Chair), Carlos Del Rio, Jennifer Watson and Jeff Goh (both Civil Service) and Carl Flowers (faculty).T. Ashner distributed copies of the flyers and posters developed by the marketing subcommittee, as well as the guidelines for submitting nominations. She indicated everything that has been developed by the committee is being kept in a file that can be passed on to the next Selection Committee. She pointed out that the Council needs to take responsibility to make sure that the awards are out there and successful. She indicated the subcommittee would also like the Council chair and the Selection Committee chair to write a letter that would go to directors and deans. H. Jung asked if this process for selecting the outstanding A/P person would continue now that Chancellor Wendler, whose process this was, is no longer chancellor. P. Curkin responded that Interim Chancellor Dunn is supporting this effort, so the process will move forward, at least for this year. H. Jung asked if the same criteria applies for the outstanding service award as has been used in the past. The response was that the criteria is the same except that community service is no longer being considered. In addition, the person who wins the teaching support award will have to in some way strongly support teaching on campus. M. Stammer asked how the awards are being marketed at the School of Medicine Springfield. T. Ashner responded that K. Bame's office will be sending information to a contact in Springfield who will post the flyers and put one in each mailbox. Also, the administrators in Springfield will get a memo or letter from K. Bame and C. Gibson bringing the awards to their attention.
T. Ashner reported that the committee asked for clarification of the Excellence Through Commitment Awards Committee. This is the second committee that is to receive the names of the recipients for the award and forward them to the chancellor. [K. Bame's response] was that this committee's function will be to assure that the procedures are established and administered fairly. It does not necessarily have veto power over the Selection Committee but reserves the right to pose questions or ask for clarification of the Selection Committee about the recommended candidates. K. Bame was also asked about the makeup of the Awards Committee. His response was that the committee would include those people who were committee chairs of the outstanding A/P award, the outstanding faculty, and the outstanding graduate teaching support. In addition, constituency groups will be asked to forward names for the committee. P. Curkin suggested that the Constituency Relations Committee be asked to provide the name. C. Gibson responded that she has been having conversations with K. Bame about that issue, and that is one of the possibilities. She indicated to K. Bame that the Council is trusting he will, by being on the Selection Committee, be able to defend to the Awards Committee the choice the Selection Committee has made.
P. Curkin indicated that one question that was raised previously was how the names would be kept confidential until the awards banquet if only the recipients are invited. That has yet to be clarified. T. Ashner mentioned that the Constituency Relations Committee discussed having a reception in honor of all the nominees as a way of recognizing them for their excellence; however, it would have to be after the awards banquet.
5.6d Operating Paper - No report.
5.6e Staff Benefits - No report.
5.6h Staff Welfare - No report.
7. New Business
C. Gibson reported that she received notification from John Davis that he has accepted a new position at the University and is now working as Special Assistant to the President. As such, he is a Systems employee, not a University employee, and must resign from the Council. C. Gibson indicated that Academic Affairs will need to select a replacement. P. Curkin pointed out that as a result of the recent reorganization, one of the current Student Affairs representatives is technically now in Academic Affairs. One possibility would be to have that person fill the vacancy in Academic Affairs. Student Affairs could then possibly fill its empty position. C. Gibson indicated that the person would first have to resign from Student Affairs and then be appointed by Academic Affairs. She noted that she has not yet received J. Davis's official resignation, so no action will be taken until that time.P. Curkin indicated the new numbers in Student Affairs indicate that it is down to two representatives. Her opinion is that Student Affairs cannot function effectively on the Council if there are only two people representing the sector, particularly when there are five Council standing committees. She questioned whether the Operating Paper should be examined to possibly include wording to the effect that no sector will have less than three representatives. It was mentioned that Council representatives from Student Affairs have had to serve on more than one standing committee, although it is their choice whether or not to do so. B. Dillard pointed out that it is a goal and not a requirement that standing committees have representation from each sector. P. Curkin believes it is important that [each] standing committee have a member to represent the Student Affairs perspective. Her concern is that it will become such a burden to be the Student Affairs representative that no one from that sector will want to run for the Council. B. Dillard indicated the Council needs to decide whether it believes it is important that each sector be represented on each committee. C. Gibson questioned whether discussion should continue within the Operating Paper Committee or if it should be discussed by the Council as a whole. It was noted that the Operating Paper Committee will not know what direction to go until it has had Council input. There was discussion about the time line and whether it would be possible to have discussion, a vote of the Council, a vote of the constituency and then approval by the chancellor before the spring election process [concludes]. C. Gibson indicated that, in anticipation of a change, the issue will be included as an agenda item in December.
8. AnnouncementsP. Curkin announced that Henry Bayer, Executive Director and International Vice President of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), will be speaking this evening on health benefits at the Student Center.9. Adjournment