Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 17, 2005-06
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 17, 2006 (2005-2006)
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, John Davis, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Heidi Jung, John Massie, Andy Morgan, Jeff Myers, Don Patton, Rhonda Seeber, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Sandra Rhoads for Susan Edgren.
Members Absent: Karen Reynolds.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Phil Bankester, Gabriele Hoffmann, Cordy Love, Marge Selinger, Mary Stammer.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on April 19, 2006, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Curkin moved to approve the agenda; seconded by R. Seeber. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
C. Gibson reported the constituency heads did not meet, and she also did not meet individually with the Chancellor. There was a constituency heads luncheon with President Poshard on May 3. At that meeting, it was reported: i) SIUC's budget from the state is expected to increase by 1.4% for FY07. With additional agency grants for assorted projects, the increase is at 2.4%; ii) there is a possibility of additional MAP funding, labeled "MAP 2." It is currently targeted toward tier two students, tier one being the neediest students; iii) the IBHE will not allow bachelors degrees to be awarded at the community college/two year institution level; iv) the Board of Trustees has requested a presidential inauguration for President Poshard. It will be held on September 28 at the Arena. C. Gibson indicated she will be serving on the planning committee for the event. Several events will be held in the weeks prior to and after the event on all campuses; v) SIU has issued a proactive response to the Department of Justice regarding the situation on minority hires. As it turns out, the University is being regarded in a positive light with the support of the General Assembly and several minority agencies; vi) SIU is taking a proactive approach to the possibility an epidemic of the Avian Virus. President Poshard has been in contact with a former professor and epidemiologist regarding the timing and extent of an infection and what role SIU would play; vii) President Poshard commented that his plan--and the wishes of the Board of Trustees--is that he serve as an active president, with a wide-spread presence and involvement on all campuses, as well as around the state and nation.5.2 Board of Trustees
C. Gibson reported on the May 2 meeting: i) in the Finance Committee, the Proposed Flight Training Charge increase was withdrawn. The Intercollegiate Athletics fee, Residence Hall/Apartment Rates fee, Student Activity fee, Information Technology fee and Student Services Building fee were pulled from the omnibus motion to be approved separately at the formal Board meeting. Several SIUC alumni gave passionate support of the proposed Saluki Way and the fee increase associated with its construction; ii) in the Architecture and Design Committee, the following items were moved and approved on an omnibus motion: Award of Contracts for Evergreen Hall, SIUE; Dedication of Land and Purchase of Alley Right of Way, School of Medicine; and a Resolution to Develop a Policy Requiring Certification with Predatory Lending Laws. C. Gibson reported that at the formal Board meeting, all remaining items on the omnibus motion were approved, except for the Student Activity Fee, which was tabled and will appear on next month's agenda. Two items, the Proposed Tuition Rates for 2007 and the Purchase of a Student Information System for SIUC were voted on separately and approved unanimously. She noted there were two Board members who voted against the Intercollegiate Athletics fee, the Residence Hall/Apartment Rates fee, and the Student Services Building fee.5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 A/P Excellence Concept Team
J. Baggott reported the subcommittees have essentially completed their work, and the Concept Team is now beginning to put everything into one document. His hope is that the Concept Team's work will be wrapped up in two to three weeks. He indicated the Chancellor set out four goals: review campus procedures that are designed to recognize A/P achievement through salary increases, merit compensation, awards; review the job content evaluation process for improvement and recognizing excellence and promotions; using market-based compensation models as a possible way to establish salary rates; and to look at new and innovative procedures that might accomplish the goal of rewarding A/P excellence in the most effective manner. In addition, in the Concept Team's first meeting, he made the statement that there is a need to distinguish between expected behaviors and meritorious behaviors. J. Baggott indicated there has been much work done on the compensation plan and the evaluation process that he believes will be the backbone of the report. He indicated the report will be forwarded to the Chancellor once it is complete. H. Jung asked whether the report will come through the Council. J. Baggott responded that the Chancellor plans to meet with the three constituency chairs of the committees to discuss the reports. He is unsure what the Chancellor's goal is, but the Council has discussed the possibility of making some kind of merit recommendation, probably before the report can be put into place. H. Jung asked what would happen with the other parts of the report such as recommendations on evaluations. Does Human Resources have to provide input as well? J. Baggott responded that Human Resources has been represented at every meeting. In addition, the compensation plan would have to go the Board of Trustees for approval, so it would have to go through the usual process. R. Seeber asked if the Council would have an opportunity to review the full report once it is submitted. J. Baggott responded that from what he understands, the report is submitted to the Chancellor. It is his hope that the Chancellor will distribute it to the Council at nearly the same time. H. Jung expressed concern that the Chancellor would view the report as having Council support since a large number of the A/P representatives on the committee are from the Council. J. Baggott indicated he would make sure it is clear that the document has not been presented to the Council for approval. J. Baggott expressed appreciation to the Concept Team members for all the work they put into the whole process.5.5 Representatives to University Committees
5.5a Screening Committee, Director of New Student Programs - Keith McQuarrie5.6 Standing Committees
K. McQuarrie reported that, with the reorganization of the responsibilities for Provost Dunn and Vice Chancellor Dietz, and the uncertainty regarding the reporting line for this position, the search has been cancelled. There are no plans to open a new search at this time. Currently, the work of the office is being done by the staff in New Student Programs, including graduate students and student workers.5.5b Traffic Appeals Board - To be rescheduled.
5.5c University Joint Benefits - Paulette Curkin/Don Mullison
D. Mullison presented and reviewed his report (see appendix 1).5.5d SURS Members Advisory - Jake Baggott
J. Baggott presented and reviewed his report (see appendix 2). He noted there is another document, the Illinois Board of Higher Education Work Session, which Dan Slack presented to the IBHE. J. Baggott indicated there is much interesting, useful information about SURS, funding issues, etc., in an easy to digest form. He encouraged people to take a look at that document. [For a copy, go to: here]. He indicated that next spring will be important, and it is not too early to keep the funding issue in front of legislators. P. Curkin noted that when talking about what benefits are protected, that does not include health care benefits. Even though retirement benefits might be currently be protected, it is possible that the state of Illinois could eliminate health care benefits for retirees; it happened in Ohio. This should be of concern to everyone.5.6a Executive Committee
B. Dillard reported the committee met on May 4. The minutes from the meeting on April 19 were reviewed, and the agenda was set for the May 17 meeting.5.6b Committee on Committees
T. Ashner presented the committee's final report.5.6c Constituency Relations
R. Seeber presented the committee's final report, noting one change: The inclusion of the names of the committee members: Donnell Wilson, John Davis, Andy Morgan and Rhonda Seeber.5.6d Operating Paper
H. Jung reported the referendum on the proposed changes to the Operating Paper was approved on May 8. She noted for informational purposes that one constituent made an editorial suggestion under II.E.2.e.6 to change the word "secret" to "confidential." Since it is under the Document Editor's purview to make editorial changes as needed, this change will be made. Because it does not change the meaning of the sentence, a Council vote is not required. H. Jung then presented the committee's final report.5.6e Staff Benefits
D. Patton presented the committee's final report.5.6f Staff Welfare
P. Cosgrove presented the committee's final report. She noted two items in the report: First, the Resource Guide for A/P Staff for Reporting Harassment on Campus developed by JP Dunn was appended to the final report and is available on the Council's website. Second, the committee had presented the A/P JRB Operating Paper last month with the understanding it was to be approved by the Council at this meeting. However, she has since learned that unless the revisions require amendments to the grievance document, only the JRB has to review and approve the document, which it has done.
[all final reports can be found at Final Reports 2006]
6. Old Business
B. Dillard reported he is attempting to get information on the issue of changes to the Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Procedures that was reported by the Council's representative on the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee. He plans to contact the current chair of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, as well as review their minutes to see if he can get some clarification.
7. New Business
C. Gibson thanked B. Dillard and R. Seeber for all the help they gave her this year. She then presented certificates of appreciation to outgoing Council members Susan Edgren, Jeff Myers, Rhonda Seeber, and Andy Morgan. She thanked them for their Council and committee service. On behalf of the Council, B. Dillard presented a gavel to C. Gibson for her leadership as Chair of the Council from 2005-2006.
8. Announcements - None.
9. Adjournment