Approved Minutes For Meeting On September 19, 2007
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: September 19, 2007
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Tuesday Ashner. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Mike Cubley, Paulette Curkin, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, Lisa McKennedy Dana McKenzie, Barbara Nowack, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Sharon Walters.
Visitors and Guests: Paul Bennett, Susan Edgren, Jennifer Hammond, Michelle Hughes Miller, Phil Lindberg, Marge Selinger, Robert Sims, Julia Spears, Kim Taylor.
3. Guest
M. Miller, the new director for University Women's Professional Advancement (UWPA), discussed UWPA's mission statement, ethos and programming (see appendix 1). One issue of importance that she would like to pursue is mentoring for A/P women. She would be pleased to work with the Council on developing a training program for mentors, a recruitment effort for mentees and look into ways to provide services for A/P women on campus. S. Edgren asked what plans are underway to revitalize the internship program. M. Miller responded that she would like to obtain funding for the internship program and adapt it slightly to shorten the length of time on campus but also couple the program with off campus training and internal mentoring. This would reduce costs and be more beneficial for staff in the long run because it would not only increase opportunities for networking outside campus but increase experience on campus. T. Ashner indicated the Council recently launched a mentor program that is overseen by the Council's Committee on Committees. She suggested M. Miller might want to meet with S. Rhoads, who chairs the committee, and have her explain what the Council is doing for new A/P. L. McKennedy asked if efforts will be expanded to include those A/P in Springfield. M. Miller responded it has not been discussed, but is something she can look into.4. Minutes
The minutes of the August 15, 2007, meeting were approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: T. Ashner requested the agenda be amended to include a School of Medicine report from L. McKennedy. P. Curkin so moved; seconded by JP Dunn.Motion carried. P. Curkin moved to approve the agenda as amended; seconded by C. Love.Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair7. Old Business
T. Ashner reported that at the last Council meeting, she was asked to look into the Council's relationship with the School of Medicine A/P Council. She indicated the Springfield Council has its own website, operating papers and sectors. That group is currently attempting to put in place a mentor program that will mirror the one this Council has in place. T. Ashner reported she talked with Rhonda Seeber, who currently chairs the Springfield Council, and they agreed that it would be a good idea to each year have the Carbondale Council select one of the Springfield Council's representatives to report to Carbondale on Springfield's activities. L. McKennedy has been reporting to the Springfield Council on the Carbondale meetings. T. Ashner noted that she was surprised to learn that the Springfield Council has no budget and therefore sponsors no events. This is an issue she and R. Seeber will pursue further. R. Seeber was able to obtain approval from Dean Dorsey to use SIU's plane to allow six Springfield Council members to attend the October 9 constituency luncheon.T. Ashner reported that, of the three names forwarded, Jake Baggott (Student Health Center) was selected by the Provost's office to serve on the Search Committee for Dean of the College of Mass Communication and Media Arts.
6.2 Board of Trustees - None.
L. McKennedy reported that R. Seeber has been working diligently to arrange transportation for some A/P staff members in Springfield to attend the October 9 luncheon. She also reported that the Springfield Council is currently electing new members.6.4 Board of Trustees - None.
6.5 Representatives to University Committees
6.5a Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Susan Edgren6.5 Standing Committees
S. Edgren presented and discussed her report (included as appendix 2). She added that the committee did not meet during the transition of chancellors, so the first meeting was August 6 with the new chancellor. Also, an additional faculty member was added to the committee.6.5b Computing Advisory - Patty Cosgrove/Mike Cubley
P. Cosgrove reported there has not been a meeting since February. The search for a director of Information Technology was closed, and it is unclear whether it will be re-opened. Frank Scobby was appointed interim director.6.6a Executive Committee
A. Sutphin reported the committee met on September 13 and reviewed the August 15 minutes and the agenda for the September 19 meeting. Also, a suggestion was made that the Council discuss how recommendations for a salary increase should be handled for upcoming years, specifically how Staff Benefits, the Executive Committee and the Council should work together in developing the recommendations.6.6b Committee on Committees
S. Rhoads reported the committee met on August 31 and discussed names to submit for the Search Committee for Dean of the College of Mass Communication and Media Arts. The following names were forwarded to the Provost's office: John Massie (Student Health Center), Jake Baggott (Student Health Center) and Ronald Caffey (Minority Engineering). Also, the committee made assignments to 11 A/P staff employed during June and July 2007. In August, 11 more A/P staff were hired. They will be assigned a mentor in September. The committee revised its goals to include oversight of the mentor program. She noted that the committee has been receiving positive feedback from new A/P on the program.S. Rhoads submitted for approval the selection of Jake Baggott to serve on the Search Committee for Dean of the College of Mass Communication and Media Arts. Nomination was approved. S. Rhoads submitted for approval the nomination of Vanessa Sneed (Continuing Education) to serve on the University Joint Benefits Committee.Nomination was approved.
T. Ashner charged the committee with appointing a replacement for Crystal Bouhl on the Peer Review Committee.
6.6c Constituency Relations
P. Curkin reported she e-mailed her committee and received good feedback/recommendations for the October 9 luncheon. She met with T. Ashner and decided on a simple menu in order to accommodate as many people as possible. There was brief discussion about people who reserve a seat and then do not show up, as well as those people who show up without having reserved in advance. D. Castle suggested a waiting list for those who show up without a reservation; they could take the place of a person who does not show. It was noted there will also be chairs to the back of the room for those who will not be eating. H. Jung asked how the seating would be arranged. P. Curkin responded that a Council member will be placed at each table to act as a table host. Door prizes will again be given this year.6.6d Operating Paper
T. Ashner charged the committee with looking into revisions to the responsibilities of the Constituency Relations Committee in light of the changes that have been made to the outstanding service award process. In addition, she asked the committee to look into whether a revision is needed to the Operating Paper to specify the constituency the Council serves.6.6e Staff Benefits
D. Hahn reported the committee has been e-mailing back and forth about the time reporting issue and the compensation plan. It was decided the committee would postpone action until T. Ashner is able to provide additional information on these issues. D. Hahn indicated he was contacted by M. Selinger, who will be providing him with the constituency information the committee requested. The committee will review the information and report back to the Council at the next meeting on its findings.6.6f Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported the committee is continuing discussion on the draft of a survey put together by S. Walters. The survey was about mentoring and what kinds of information new employees need when they start. JP Dunn also noted that several months ago, the Council discussed A/P who were losing their jobs as a result of the budget cuts; one person in his office was put on a term contract but has since been put on a continuing contract.
7.1 The FY08 Goals and Objectives, with the revision of one of the Committee on Committees' goals, were presented for approval. S. Rhoads moved to approve; seconded by D. Hahn. Motion carried.8. New Business - None.7.2 T. Ashner distributed copies of the document, "Frequently Asked Questions: Ethics Act Time Sheets," which is still in draft form. If anyone has questions to submit to the FAQ, they can e-mail them to Brent Patton, Labor and Employee Relations, at T. Ashner also distributed B. Patton's responses to the questions that were raised by the Council. The major concern the Council had was in how University Business was defined. According to B. Patton, University Business is everything that happens between 8:00AM and 4:30 p.m. (regular business hours). Any time spent away from the University on official business should be reported as University Business on the [time sheet]. Jury duty, bereavement and military leave are examples of non-University related business and should be reported as Other Absence with Pay. P. Cosgrove noted that the time sheets have to reconcile with the absence slips. The FAQ states that "All time away from work during regular working hours should be recorded on a time sheet and backed up by appropriate absence slips."
7.3 T. Ashner updated the Council on the A/P Compensation Plan, noting that it has been approved. Jake Baggott is supposed to let her know the web launch date. Once she has that information, she will send an e-mail through the listserv that the document is available. M. Selinger mentioned that one of the major changes to the Compensation Plan is on the salary levels. When A/P positions that are subject to job content have to come into job content evaluation to redetermine salary levels, a letter of justification is no longer needed to approve those salaries that would be above the midpoint. Salary levels can now fall between the minimum and maximum. T. Ashner indicated that previously, [any increase in pay would have to go to the chancellor for approval]. M. Selinger responded that the new plan [states that increases will be approved at the vice chancellor level]. B. Dillard commented that he needs to see that it is still part of the document because that was the intent. T. Ashner indicated she is anxious to see the new plan on the web to see if any changes were made as the document went from Interim Chancellor Dunn to Chancellor Trevi¤o to General Counsel. J. Baggott had informed her there should be no changes. M. Selinger noted that another change in the plan is the salary level increase within the A/P staff member's own salary level. T. Ashner believes A/P will be very interested to read the new document. B. Dillard commented that the plan offers much more flexibility. The changes are likely the most important made to the plan in many years.
9. Announcements
D. Castle announced that his office coordinates the Homecoming Parade. Anyone interested in getting involved can go the Student Programming office and fill out a simple application. It is also on the Programming office's website.10. Adjournment