Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 16, 2007-08

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Date: May 16, 2007 (2007-2008)


1. The meeting was called to order by the 2006-07 Chair, Charlotte Gibson.

2. Roll Call

Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Don Castle, Patty Cosgrove, Mike Cubley, Paulette Curkin, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Cordy Love, Lisa McKennedy, Dana McKenzie, Sandra Rhoads, Allison Sutphin.

Proxies: Patty Cosgrove for Brad Dillard, Jon Geiger for Heidi Jung, Gabriele Hoffmann for Mary Stammer, Cordy Love for JP Dunn.

Members Absent: Barbara Nowack, Karen Reynolds.

Visitors: Charlotte Gibson.

3. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: M. Cubley moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by P. Curkin. Motion carried.

4. Welcome and Introduce New Members

C. Gibson welcomed the new and continuing Council members.

5. Orientation

C. Gibson reviewed the duties and responsibilities for the offices of Chair and Vice Chair. P. Cosgrove reviewed the duties and responsibilities of Secretary.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 Chair 

P. Cosgrove, 2006-07 Elections Committee Chair, opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chair. P. Curkin nominated T. Ashner; J. Geiger nominated JP Dunn. P. Cosgrove indicated that since there is more than one candidate for the office, the vote will be taken by paper ballot. T. Ashner asked to say a few words on her behalf since there are new members on the Council that may not know her. There was brief discussion whether to allow this since JP Dunn was not in attendance. T. Ashner indicated she had no objection if someone wanted to speak on JP Dunn's behalf. P. Bankester moved to allow brief statements from the officer candidates; seconded by D. Hahn. Motion carried. T. Ashner spoke on why she would like to be chair. P. Cosgrove made a brief statement on behalf of JP Dunn. She then distributed the paper ballots. T. Ashner was elected 9-8 by paper ballot vote.

6.2 Vice Chair 
P. Cosgrove opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice Chair. J. Geiger nominated A. Sutphin; P. Cosgrove nominated JP Dunn. Hearing no other nominations, P. Cosgrove distributed the paper ballot. The vote resulted in a 8-8 tie. P. Cosgrove withdrew JP Dunn's nomination since she was unsure whether he would want to be considered for another office. A. Sutphin was declared Vice Chair.

6.3 Secretary 
P. Cosgrove opened the floor for nominations for the office of Secretary. P. Curkin nominated D. Castle. T. Ashner nominated P. Cosgrove, who declined. Hearing no other nominations, D. Castle was elected Secretary by acclamation.

7. New Business
Committee preference sheets were distributed. Council members were asked to return their preferences to the Constituencies Office so the Executive Committee could make standing committee assignments.
8. Announcements - None.

9. Adjournment