Approved Minutes For Meeting On February 21, 2007
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: February 21, 2007
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Don Castle, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, Cordy Love, Karen Reynolds, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Patty Cosgrove for Brad Dillard, JP Dunn for Heidi Jung, Karen Reynolds for Don Patton, Donnell Wilson for Phil Bankester.
Members Absent: John Massie.
Visitors and guests: Ronald Caffey, Susan Edgren, Dana McKenzie.
3. Guest
C. Gibson reported that Andilee Warner was unable to attend the meeting as a result of illness; however, she provided brochures on the upcoming RecycleMania, a 10-week competition among college and university recycling programs. The main goal of the event is to increase student, faculty and staff awareness of campus recycling programs.
4. Minutes
The minutes for the meeting on January 17, 2007, were approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: JP Dunn moved to approve the agenda; seconded by P. Curkin. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair7. Old Business - None.
C. Gibson reported that there was no constituency heads meeting in January, nor did she meet individually with Interim Chancellor Dunn. C. Gibson reported on her February 9 individual meeting with Interim Chancellor Dunn: i) he read a draft copy of a memo that will be sent out to all units/colleges and constituency heads about the upcoming budget cuts. Units will be asked to plan for three scenarios: a 2%, 4%, and 6% cut. Interim Chancellor Dunn has offered to attend a future A/P Staff Council meeting to discuss the budget and any other issues of concern. C. Gibson suggested to the Council that he be invited to speak at the April meeting; ii) the Excellence Awards process was discussed. Interim Chancellor Dunn indicated he saw no reason why the number of applications could not be released; iii) on February 3, she had the opportunity to interview Presidential and Chancellor Scholarship candidates. At the luncheon that followed, she spoke with the father of an Anna-Jonesboro student who expressed concern and dismay about the high school not allowing students to take a "college" day to visit SIUC. He was told by school officials that students are expected to visit on a weekend since the University is local. She relayed this concern to the Interim Chancellor, who indicated he would contact school officials to see if something could be negotiated (possibly a half-day). C. Gibson commented that she came away from her first one-on-one meeting with Interim Chancellor Dunn with very positive feelings and believes he will remain open and receptive to all constituencies and their concerns.C. Gibson reported on the February 13 constituency heads meeting, noting she and Brad Colwell (Graduate Council) were the only two constituency heads who attended the meeting with Interim Chancellor Dunn: i) Interim Chancellor Dunn reviewed the 2007 and 2008 budgets and the projected shortfall that will occur. Deans, directors, etc., will be notified in the near future that they are to prepare for 2%, 4%, and 6%, budget cuts. The final figure will not be known for a few months. He indicated all programs and services are being reviewed to determine if cuts can be made. Also discussed were the tuition and fee increases scheduled to be approved by the Board of Trustees. The tuition increase for first semester freshman is 9.3% and for graduate students, 13.17%. In addition, all students will be charged the new "facility maintenance" fee of $144 per semester. First semester freshman (fall 2007) can avoid the tuition increase by taking a summer semester course and locking in at the current tuition rate; ii) Interim Chancellor Dunn addressed the recent publicity regarding the state ethics test and pointed out that SIUC employees were much more in compliance than many other state universities. There continue to be student employees in certain areas who have failed to take the test. These are being tracked down and could possibly be students who no longer work at SIUC. The wording of the "failure" form that employees are required to sign if they failed to take the appropriate amount of time has been changed by Legal Counsel to make it more palatable.
6.2 Board of Trustees
C. Gibson reported she attended the January 11 meeting held at SIUE. There was nothing of significance that occurred during the committee meetings and little discussion. At the formal Board meeting: i) President Poshard and Interim Chancellor Dunn provided updates on their activities since the last Board meeting. Interim Chancellor Dunn proudly related the events surrounding the recent space shuttle mission which saw SIUC alumnus Joan Higginbotham travel into space on the shuttle, in addition to several other SIUC alumni on the ground working for NASA; ii) in the public comments portion of the meeting, Joan Friedenberg (Linguistics) and Mark Schneider (Sociology) condemned President Poshard for what they believed to be slanderous statements to the Faculty Senate and Graduate Council about J. Friedenberg and her role in the recent accusations of plagiarisms within the Southern at 150 document. J. Friedenberg demanded a public and a written apology from the President to avoid a lawsuit. President Poshard asked for permission to respond and then denied that his statements were inaccurate; iii) all items on the Board agenda were approved.6.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Traffic and Parking - Tina Collins6.5 Standing Committees
T. Collins submitted her written report (included as appendix 1).6.4b Affirmative Action Advisory - Ronald Caffey
R. Caffey discussed his report on the committee's activities (included as appendix 2).6.4c Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Susan Edgren
S. Edgren discussed her report on the committee's activities (included as appendix 3). She indicated she has minutes of the meetings and additional materials if anyone would like to review them. In addition, she noted that the budget situation changes quite a bit, so current figures could be different next time. The University is fighting forces under which it has no control. D. Castle commented that [the Council] should keep watch on how the University is being represented to those externally, [e.g., as a University in crisis or as a University that is wrestling with budget challenges. How this representation is handled could impact future enrollment].6.4d Search Committee for Assistant for VC Enrollment Management - Dana McKenzie
D. McKenzie reported: The search committee met for the first time on January 26, 2007. Interim Chancellor Dunn welcomed and introduced all the members. Dr. Thomas Calhoun was selected chair of the committee. A copy of the job description and advertisement for the position was reviewed, and a few changes were made. The goal is to have the position filled July 1. After some discussion, it was decided the committee would begin reviewing applications on March 16. Since this falls on the Friday of spring break week, it was decided the committee would meet on March 26 to avoid scheduling conflicts. Interim Chancellor Dunn discussed the responsibilities of the search committee, and a short film was shown on conducting a good faith search. The committee was encouraged to network and recruit as many good candidates as possible. D. McKenzie reported that a brief informational/clarification meeting was held on February 13 to discuss the desired qualifications of the position. She noted the committee has received five applications thus far.6.4e Search Committee for Dean, College of Science - Pat Matthews
P. Matthews submitted the following report: On-campus interviews have been scheduled for the candidates as follows: i) Dr. Charles J. Amlaner, Jr., February 8-9. Dr. Amlaner is chairperson of Department of Ecology and Organismal Biology at Indiana State University; ii) Dr. Jay C. Means, February 19-20. Dr. Means is associate director of the Environmental Research Center at Western Michigan University; iii) Dr. Michael S. Jacobson, February 22-23. Dr. Jacobson is chairperson of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Colorado at Denver and Health Science Center; iv) Dr. John M. Briggs, March 1-2. Dr. Briggs is co-director of the Long-Term Ecological Research Program at Central Arizona Phoenix. After completion of the interviews, the committee will meet and select the finalist for consideration by the Interim Provost and the Interim Chancellor.6.5a Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported the committee met on February 1. Some minor changes were made to the minutes of January 17, as well as to the agenda for the February 21 meeting.6.5b Ad Hoc Elections
P. Cosgrove reported the Call for Nominations has been mailed to the constituency. The committee members are: John Massie (Student Affairs); Allison Sutphin (Medicine); Sandra Rhoads (Academic Affairs) and Donnell Wilson (General). As Council Secretary, she chairs the committee. P. Cosgrove reported the committee reviewed the list of A/P by sector. It was determined from the figures as of January 31, 2007, that totals break down as follows:Academic Affairs, 418 constituents = 8 representatives (was 6); 4 vacancies existP. Cosgrove noted that although the General sector currently has five representatives, one term is up and the remaining four members are entitled to complete their terms. M. Stammer asked if the total number of A/P staff has decreased. P. Cosgrove responded that she did not have the numbers other than for this year. It is possible there are A/P positions that have been converted to civil service. It is unclear how prevalent this is around campus. In addition, there have been changes in sectors as a result of departments being moved around. P. Curkin suggested the Council might want to compile a list of A/P numbers over the last few years to see if there has been a decrease. A case could be made that A/P are already losing numbers and is taking its hits [with respect to staff reductions]. C. Gibson believed this might be an issue the Staff Benefits Committee could examine.
General, 159 constituents = 3 representatives (was 5); no vacancies exist
School of Medicine, 246 constituents = 5 representatives (was 5); 2 vacancies exist
Student Affairs, 99 constituents = 2 representatives (was 3); no vacancies existP. Cosgrove reviewed the election schedule, indicating the committee will establish a slate of candidates on March 5, mail ballots on March 19 and count them on April 2. The results will be brought to the Council meeting for validation on April 18. J. Geiger asked how the pending Operating Paper change would affect the nomination process (if Student Affairs is allowed another representative). P. Cosgrove responded that the committee has to go by current numbers to determine the number of vacant positions. It was noted that, should the Operating Paper change be approved, the vacancy would be filled by normal method, i.e., the sector would select a person to fill the term.
6.5c Committee on Committees
P. Cosgrove presented for approval the following nominations: John Massie (Student Health Center) to serve on the Advisory Committee to the Director of Public Safety. He will replace Bill McMinn, who has retired from the University; and Patty Cosgrove (Information Technology) to serve on the University Professional Advancement Committee. She will complete the term of Twyla Adkisson-Peak (through August 2008), who resigned from the committee. P. Cosgrove noted that the committee has a very short list left of volunteers. She urged Council members to solicit volunteers who would be willing to serve on committees. Nominations were approved.6.5d Constituency Relations
T. Ashner reported the Selection Committee for the Outstanding A/P Excellence Through Commitment Awards met a final time to select the recipients of both the teaching support and the outstanding A/P awards. There were three nominations for the teaching support award and 12 for the outstanding A/P award. T. Ashner indicated most waited until the deadline to submit applications. She noted that the entire pool of candidates is excellent. The Selection Committee's recommendations will go to another committee for final approval. The Selection Committee is not able to reveal the names of the nominees. The recipients of the awards will be announced at the Chancellor's banquet at the end of April. T. Ashner reported the committee will meet to discuss plans for the spring constituency meeting, as well as decide what it wants to do about recognizing all the nominees of the A/P Excellence awards. Anyone with ideas for the spring meeting should contact her. M. Stammer suggested including the names of all the nominees, as well as a short bio for each, on the A/P website as a way to help staff learn more about each other. T. Ashner commented that she would like the Selection Committee to meet again to discuss ideas on how to make the process better, although some suggestions were put in a folder for the next committee. Also, the teaching support award needs to be better defined to make it clear that a staff member does not have to be in the classroom to provide support for the teaching environment.6.6e Operating Paper
C. Love presented for approval the revision to the A/P Staff Council Operating Paper (included as an attachment to the January agenda). P. Curkin reiterated that the change will provide enough representatives to ease the committee workload of [a smaller sector]. JP Dunn indicated he is uncomfortable with the change because it means if a sector's numbers fall below, for example, 60, that sector would be entitled to three representatives. He questioned the need for each sector to be represented on each standing committee. During discussion, it was pointed out that the increase in representation in Academic Affairs means that sector could be the majority on any particular committee. C. Gibson noted she did not believe one sector's reps would make any decisions that would be detrimental to another sector. It was noted that it is possible the Council could appoint [at large] members to those standing committees with a lack of representation from a particular sector. After further discussion, P. Curkin believed the change addressed an important enough issue that the Council should vote to approve so it can then go to the constituency for a vote. J. Geiger requested a roll call vote, which was recorded as follows:Tuesday Ashner - yesOperating Paper amendment was approved 14-4 by a roll call vote.
Donnell Wilson for Phil Bankester - yes
Patty Cosgrove - yes
Paulette Curkin - yes
Don Castle - yes
Patty Cosgrove for Brad Dillard - yes
JP Dunn - no
Jon Geiger - yes
Charlotte Gibson - no
Gabriele Hoffman - yes
JP Dunn for Heidi Jung - no
Cordy Love - yes
Karen Reynolds for Don Patton - yes
Karen Reynolds - yes
Sandra Rhoads - no
Mary Stammer - yes
Allison Sutphin - yes
K. Donnell Wilson - yes6.6f Staff Benefits - No report.
6.6g Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported the committee will be meeting in the near future.
8. New Business
The Proposed A/P Staff Council Budget for FY08 was presented for approval. P. Cosgrove moved to approve the budget; seconded by JP Dunn. Motion carried.9. Announcements
C. Love announced that [New Student Programs] is designing a calendar that will include important dates throughout the year that are of interest to students and parents. Anyone who has an important date they would like included can contact him10. Adjournment