Approved Minutes For Meeting On August 15, 2007
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: August 15, 2007
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Tuesday Ashner. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Mike Cubley, Paulette Curkin, JP Dunn, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Dana McKenzie, Barbara Nowack, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Sharon Walters.
Proxies: Patty Cosgrove for Brad Dillard, Mike Cubley for Cordy Love, Mary Stryker Aiello for Lisa McKennedy.
Visitors and Guests: Jon Geiger, Rachel Richey.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the July 18, 2007, meeting were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: D. McKenzie moved to approve the agenda; seconded by M. Cubley. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
T. Ashner reported she had a "get acquainted" meeting with Chancellor Treviño. They discussed, among other things, the A/P Staff Council, the University and the budget situation for the University and the state. In addition to his attending the October 9 constituency luncheon, she extended an invitation to the Chancellor to attend a future Council meeting.5.2 Board of Trustees - None.
5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
Search Committee, Assistant VC for Enrollment Management - Dana McKenzie5.5 Standing Committees
D. McKenzie reported that since her last report to the Council on February 21, 2007, the search has concluded with the hiring of one of the finalists. The committee met at the beginning of April to screen all 20+ applicants. Six semi-finalists were selected from the pool, two of which withdrew their applications. References were contacted and phone interviews conducted with the four remaining finalists. Between May 29 and June 14, each of the candidates were scheduled for a two day visit to meet with various administrators and University staff and give an open forum presentation on the topic, "Elements of a Successful Enrollment Management Program." Ms. Victoria Valle was invited back to campus July 18-19 for a second visit. Following her second visit, an offer was made and accepted. She begins her position on September 1.5.5a Executive Committee
A. Sutphin reported the committee met on August 8. A draft of the July 18, 2007, minutes were reviewed and revised as needed. The committee discussed the relationship between the School of Medicine Springfield A/P Staff Council and the Council in Carbondale, specifically regarding representation. T. Ashner agreed to investigate the relationship further. A. Sutphin also reported the committee reviewed the two proposed procedures for the A/P mentor program.A copy of the A/P Staff Council Mentor Program was distributed to Council members (see appendix). A. Sutphin explained how the program would work, noting it is basically the procedure the Council had discussed. S. Rhoads questioned assigning a mentor to a staff person in Springfield. T. Ashner responded that what the Executive Committee decided to do was leave the proposal as is until she completed her investigation on the relationship between the Springfield and Carbondale councils. T. Ashner pointed out that the program should be considered a "baby step" towards orienting new staff. She suggested that "mentor" might even be too strong a word and that "welcome program" might be better. There are no supervised parameters; it is simply a welcome to new staff on behalf of A/P on campus. T. Ashner noted she is working on a [tip] sheet that will be provided to mentors to get them started. She plans to bring it to the Executive Committee before bringing it to the Council. T. Ashner believes the Council should move forward on the program and can tweak it as needed along the way. P. Cosgrove indicated she preferred Plan A since the Committee on Committees already has the information on those A/P who would like to participate. P. Curkin agreed and also suggested keeping the term "mentor" as opposed to "welcome" because she believes it dilutes the intent. P. Curkin moved the Council adopt Plan A of the Mentor Program; seconded by G. Hoffmann. Motion carried.
5.5b Committee on Committees
S. Rhoads presented for approval the FY08 University Committee Assignments (included as Attachment 1 to the agenda). She reported the committee met on August 6 and reviewed all the volunteer forms that were submitted for the 16 openings. There were 41 volunteers, up from 28 last year. One of the committee's goals was to offer equal distribution between the sectors and give those who have not served an opportunity to do so. Committee appointments were approved.5.5c Constituency Relations
P. Curkin reported the committee met via e-mail and approved its goals.5.5d Operating Paper
P. Cosgrove reported for C. Love that the committee met via e-mail to approve its goals.5.5e Staff Benefits
D. Hahn reported the committee met on August 9 and finalized its goals. There are also several issues the committee would like to pursue aggressively, such as the new compensation plan once it has been approved. The committee would like to monitor implementation of the compensation plan to insure the University is following the guidelines. D. Hahn reported the committee is also looking at the term versus continuing contract issue and time monitoring. The committee had a lengthy discussion about the presentation Human Resources gave on how to fill out the time sheets, and they were still unclear about how it should be done. One of the issues discussed was the difference in the absence request slips. H. Jung noted that this issue was included in the committee's goals. T. Ashner suggested continuing the discussion under Old Business. D. Hahn added that he has requested several pieces of information from Human Resources so the committee can begin to examine issues such as market levels, degree levels, etc.5.5f Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported the committee has not met since finalizing its goals.
6. Old Business
6.1The FY08 Goals and Objectives were presented for approval. T. Ashner raised the issue of the two different absence request slips. She indicated Human Resources is leaving it up to the departments as to how [the slips] should be completed. P. Curkin believes such a thing would be difficult because it could create different standards of employment. There is no consistency. D. Castle mentioned that he was told there is a draft of frequently asked questions being developed that addresses some of the inconsistencies. He believes what the Council would like to see is consistency in the kind of information that is included on the absence forms. P. Cosgrove commented that in her department, they will check to make sure that what is on the time sheet is the same as what is on the absence form. H. Jung indicated that in the library, if she goes to a conference, she checks off "other work with pay" on her absence slip. However, the time sheet says "other absence with pay" is not work. It is leave such as military or bereavement. [D. Hahn] commented that when he attends meetings in Springfield, his department marks him as "absence with pay." H. Jung indicated she was told that for insurance purposes, [HR] needs to know if a staff member is or is not on campus because that is the only way to differentiate. [M. Stammer] commented that her department tells staff they need to write down "University business" so if they are in an accident, they will be covered by insurance.T. Ashner asked D. Castle if he knows where the FAQ draft is and who is responsible for developing the document. D. Castle responded that he is unsure. A staff person in his unit has a copy of the draft. H. Jung believes the question should go back to the original author(s) of the time sheet. P. Curkin suggested that T. Ashner, as chair of the Council, contact Brent Patton [for clarification]. D. Castle noted one of the Staff Benefits Committee's goals is to monitor the implementation of the time sheets.
C. Coppi commented that no one understands the definitions of the terminology. She believes the University will need to come up with an arrangement so that all departments agree on the definitions of "University business" versus "other absence with pay." That is what appears to be the crux of the confusion.
After further discussion, D. Castle suggested that anyone with questions should direct them to the Staff Benefits Committee. A suggestion was made that someone from HR come to a meeting and explain how the time sheet is to be completed. The possibility of holding an open forum for A/P staff on the time sheet was also suggested.
6.2 T. Ashner asked for the standing committee nominations to the website ad hoc committee. The following people were nominated: M. Stammer (Committee on Committees); T. Ashner (Constituency Relations); Sharon Walters (Staff Welfare); H. Jung (Staff Benefits); and P. Cosgrove (Operating Paper). P. Cosgrove asked the purpose of the committee. T. Ashner responded that she would like the committee to look at the A/P Staff Council website to make sure it is meeting the needs of the constituency.
6.3 T. Ashner reported the A/P Compensation Plan is at the Chancellor's office. She was unable to find out if it went to the General Counsel's office prior to being submitted to the Chancellor. She has a meeting with the Chancellor on August 20 and will find out more information.
7. New Business - None.
8. Announcements
8.1 T. Ashner announced that the new director of New Student Programs is Angie Royal. She is an internal hire, coming from Admissions.8.2 P. Curkin announced everyone is invited to participate in freshman move-in day on August 17.
8.3 D. Castle announced that those who have general announcements or information they would like posted to the A/P listserv should make those postings by sending an e-mail to APSTAFF-L@SIU.EDU. However, to post on that list, the person has to subscribed. For more information visit the listserve.
9. Adjournment