Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 16, 2006-07
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 16, 2007 (2006-2007)
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Charlotte Gibson. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Don Castle, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, Jon Geiger, Charlotte Gibson, Gabriele Hoffmann, Cordy Love, John Massie, Don Patton, Sandra Rhoads, Allison Sutphin, Donnell Wilson.
Proxies: Patty Cosgrove for Brad Dillard, Jon Geiger for Heidi Jung, Gabriele Hoffmann for Mary Stammer, Cordy Love for JP Dunn.
Members Absent: Karen Reynolds.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Mike Cubley, Dave Hahn, Dana McKenzie, Lisa McKennedy, Don Mullison, Barbara Nowack, Greg Wendt.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on April 18, 2007, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: G. Geiger moved to approve the agenda; seconded by J. Massie. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
C. Gibson reported there was a constituency heads luncheon with President Poshard and Interim Chancellor Dunn on April 23. It was reported that: i) there is nothing new with the University's budget. Until the state budget picture is clearer, reductions are only a guess at this point. Additional cuts may be necessary depending on the final state budget. It appears that the amount of reduction requested has varied from unit to unit. In the past year or so, the discussion has been to consider enrollment per unit to determine levels of reward or punishment; ii) Attorney General Madigan appears to be backing a trial bachelor degree granting program by Illinois two-year institutions. It is to be implemented in one institution, but the fear is that once one has had this opportunity, the rest will soon be demanding the same right. This could spell disaster for four-year institutions; iii) there have been no changes in enrollment; fall semester is down over 600 students (as of May 14) while applications are still up by 11%. Housing contracts are down as well. There exists the possibility that next year there will be even more severe budget cuts.There was discussion about the trial bachelor degree program at two-year institutions. D. Patton indicated he is a member of Illinois Community College Board Association (ICCB), and last year that group was against this proposal. Most community colleges do not want to get into this area. The ICCB and the IBHE voted against the baccalaureate access. He believes it is a political process; politicians from Harper and DuPage are seeing the need to do this because they are being pressured by their presidents.
C. Gibson reported the constituency heads met on May 8. She expressed the concerns of many A/P staff about the recent directives given to deans and directors on reducing their budgets via position elimination. Both her dean and Interim Chancellor Dunn have confirmed to her that faculty, civil service, and graduate assistant positions were not to be touched, which leaves administrative professionals and term faculty. Interim Chancellor Dunn believes term faculty will take the brunt of the cuts. C. Gibson indicated to him that she has already been contacted by an A/P staff member who was notified of termination. Interim Chancellor Dunn seemed surprised and wanted to know from what unit this person was terminated. She mentioned that even if no A/P staff are terminated, the perception alone of being targeted for elimination while other unionized groups were left unscathed would be enough to again bring talk of A/P unionization to the surface.
C. Gibson reported she met individually with Interim Chancellor Dunn on May 11 and again discussed the budget cuts and how they are affecting A/P staff. By that time, she had learned of two continuing appointment A/P staff, as well as a term person, who were being eliminated. The term person was completely unaware that termination could happen [without cause]. G. Wendt noted that he has had a continuing appointment in the library for eight years and was notified last week that he would be put on a one year term contract as of June 1. Considering the options the deans were given, the only people that can be cut are A/P staff and possibly term faculty.
C. Gibson reported that, aside from the cutting of A/P staff positions, another issue the next Council will need to address is time reporting at state institutions. Interim Chancellor Dunn informed her that the University of Illinois has started requiring their A/P staff to submit time reports in 15-minute intervals, and President Poshard will institute this same procedure at SIUC, but only for A/P. President Poshard believes doing this will keep faculty from having to do the same. Civil service are not included because they already fill out time sheets. C. Gibson believes the only advantage of A/P having to report their time is that it will open the eyes of the administration to how much work A/P actually do. D. Castle noted that it is actually a [state] law that employees are to report their time, but SIUC has been able to fend off doing this for many years. T. Ashner pointed out that when the law was passed, her perception was that it was meant for faculty because the Governor's office felt that some faculty were abusing their time.
C. Gibson commented that this was her last official meeting as chair. She thanked Council members for all their support over the past two years.
5.2 Board of Trustees
C. Gibson reported the Board did not meet this month.5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Advisory Committee to Director of Public Safety - John Massie5.5 Standing Committees
J. Massie reported the committee met on February 19 and discussed three major items: parking, Carbondale Study Circles and police issues. Under parking, it was reported that: i) the payroll deduction program for parking decals is a success; ii) new crosswalk signs are scheduled to be installed; iii) parking lot 106 has been resurfaced; and iv) the parking lot for Wall and Grand Apartments is being completed. This will be a restricted lot for housing residents. J. Massie also reported that this year, the Carbondale Study Circles groups will focus on the relationship between the community and the police. Police issues raised were: i) the high crime rate (up 5.8% for the 2005-2006 school year); ii) implementation of an on-line satisfaction survey; and iii) the force being currently down two officers.5.4b Traffic Appeals Board - Keith McMath
K. McMath submitted his written report (included as appendix 1).5.4c University Joint Benefits - Don Mullison
D. Mullison reported that the Subcommittee on Health Benefits and the Subcommittee on Retirement Benefits and Annuities have been working together to develop a question and answer information sheet to address concerns about possible reduction or loss of health benefits for current workers and retirees. It is hoped that the Q&A sheet (included as appendix 2)) will inform constituents about their health benefits and potential threats to these benefits. D. Mullison noted that the Q&A sheet on pension benefits will again be distributed. He indicated that there were some distribution problems with it last year, and those are being worked out. It has been difficult for the committee to find a comprehensive way to get this information to the major constituency groups (A/P staff, faculty and civil service). At this point, the committee is awaiting word from the Chancellor's office to send the information sheets out on their announce list.5.4d SURS Members Advisory - Jake Baggott
J. Baggott presented and reviewed his report (see appendix 3). [A copy of the detailed handout can be obtained by contacting the Constituencies Office].5.5a Executive Committee
P. Cosgrove presented for JP Dunn the committee's final report.5.5b Ad Hoc Elections
P. Cosgrove reported that Barbara Nowack will be the new Council member from the School of Medicine. Linda Vautrain, who was recently elected, has left the University.5.5c Committee on Committees
J. Massie presented the committee's final report. He also presented for approval the name of Letitia Bullard (Information Technology) to serve on the Search Committee for Director of New Student Programs.Nomination was approved.5.5d Constituency Relations
T. Ashner presented the committee's final report.5.5e Operating Paper
C. Love reported the referendum on the proposed change to the Operating Paper has been approved. C. Love then presented the committee's final report.5.5f Staff Benefits
P. Curkin presented the committee's final report.5.5g Staff Welfare
P. Cosgrove (for JP Dunn) presented the committee's final report. P. Curkin asked if the committee has developed its questionnaire on orientation/mentoring for new A/P. C. Gibson responded that the survey has not yet been drafted. P. Curkin believes it to be a good thing that Human Resources is becoming more flexible in its orientations for new A/P; however, it would behoove the Council to have some type of coming-together where issues that are not addressed by Human Resources can be discussed. P. Cosgrove suggested maybe the Council could hold its own orientation about the A/P Staff Council and A/P issues. C. Gibson suggested the possibility of Staff Welfare, Staff Benefits and Constituency Relations working together to develop an orientation program. L. McKennedy asked how such a program could be developed for those at the Springfield School of Medicine. C. Gibson responded that generally there are representatives from the School of Medicine on the three committees, so those types of issues could be discussed within those groups. C. Gibson indicated the three standing committees could get an early start in developing an orientation welcome that could be held in the fall.
[All final reports can be found at Final Reports 2007]
6. Old Business
6.1 C. Gibson reminded the Council that there could be several searches coming up that will need A/P representation. Council members need to recruit their fellow A/P staff into service on these and other committees. J. Massie added that new staff should be approached as well. He noted that there were only 25 people who volunteered for committee assignments last year.
6.2 P. Curkin asked about the status of the chancellor search. C. Gibson responded that an announcement should be forthcoming.
7. New Business
C. Gibson thanked JP Dunn and P. Cosgrove for all the help they gave her this year. She then presented certificates of appreciation to outgoing Council members Jon Geiger, Donnell Wilson, Don Patton, and John Massie. She thanked them for their Council and committee service. On behalf of the Council, P. Cosgrove presented a plaque to C. Gibson for her leadership as Chair of the Council from 2005-2007.
8. Announcements - None.
9. Adjournment