Approved Minutes For Meeting On July 18, 2007
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: July 18, 2007
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Tuesday Ashner. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Mike Cubley, Paulette Curkin, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, Lisa McKennedy, Dana McKenzie, Barbara Nowack, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin.
Members Absent: Sandra Rhoads for Sharon Walters, Rod Sievers for Phil Bankester.
Visitors and Guests: Lana Campbell, Sarah Merideth, Marge Selinger, Tamora Workman.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the June 20, 2007, meeting were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Curkin moved to approve the agenda; seconded by G. Hoffmann. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
T. Ashner reported: i) she has invited Chancellor Treviño to a future Council meeting. The date has not yet been determined; ii) Human Resources will be sending her, at the end of each month, the names of all new A/P staff that are hired each month so a welcome letter can be sent from her as chair of the Council. L. McKennedy asked if the list would include Springfield A/P. M. Selinger responded that the list would only include those A/P who go through orientation on the Carbondale campus. T. Ashner asked L. McKennedy to check into who conducts the new A/P orientation in Springfield so that a similar arrangement can be worked out with that office; iii) she attended a meeting about the Legacy Campaign, which is a campaign to preserve the University's history and traditions. The campaign will kick off at the Illinois State Fair and run through Homecoming; iv) she was invited to attend President Poshard's July 10 presentation on enrollment and retention. At that time, he reported enrollment was down 532 students from the same time period last year. M. Cubley noted that as of this date, new student enrollment is up 10.3% from this time last year. T. Ashner indicated everyone needs to do their part to help with the retention effort; v) the President's office is working with the International Laborers Union to offer SIU as a national laborer's university, which will allow laborers to continue with their education so they can be promoted within their organizations. Currently, laborers in the state have to go to West Virginia to achieve their various certifications.5.2 Board of Trustees
L. McKennedy, who attended for T. Ashner the July 12 Board meeting in Springfield, reported that the School of Medicine dean gave a presentation about how Medical School students are selected. A report was also given by the new SIUC chancellor, and then the Board moved on to the matters recommended for approval. There was much discussion regarding project and budget approval for Morris Library. Students from Carbondale were in attendance to express their concerns about how the project has overrun its original budget. Questions were raised as to how the extra $4 million will be raised; students are concerned about having to pay those additional charges. They submitted a proposal recommending the upper floors and the coffee shop not be put in until the funds could be raised elsewhere. It was reported that the funds would come from an internal maneuver of money and that students would not incur those extra fees. The Board then approved a revised budget to finish the library. P. Cosgrove questioned whether the amount was $14 million and not $4 million. JP Dunn responded that the actual amount is $14 million. R. Sievers noted that only $4 million was discussed at the meeting; the rest will be brought to the Board at a later time. P. Cosgrove asked if the compensation plan was approved. L. McKennedy responded that the issue was not raised. P. Cosgrove pointed out that the compensation plan was sent to Interim Chancellor Dunn so it could be approved prior to his departure. T. Ashner indicated she would check on the status of the document.5.3 Human Resources (HR)
M. Selinger reported on continued efforts to improve the orientation program. She indicated the programs for faculty, A/P and civil service are now online. Having them online is especially helpful for those hired for off campus programs to get information or if someone would like to go back and review what was covered in the actual orientation program. Tours are also being offered through Admissions for those who are interested, and checklists are being offered to departments on how to orient new employees. She has contacted different departments that offer services (e.g., Recreation Center, library) so they can send out their own personal letter to new employees welcoming them to campus and offering their services. University Communications will be giving out the Factbook, which is also provided as a part of the orientation packet.B. Dillard asked if the new performance evaluation tool can be used. P. Cosgrove responded that the old form is no longer available online. M. Selinger indicated the new form is not supposed to be used until all supervisors have been trained. She is still receiving and accepting performance evaluations on the old forms. B. Dillard commented that the procedures for the new form indicate the supervisor is supposed to take their staff's reviews to their supervisor and review those evaluations with them. T. Ashner asked if that was to show that supervisors are actually doing the evaluations. M. Selinger responded that the Excellence Concept Team discussed conducting evaluations in that manner when merit was an issue. It was a way to hold supervisors accountable if evaluations were not done. B. Dilliard agreed that was how it was addressed by the Concept Team. However, according to the instructions, the employee does a self evaluation, is evaluated by their supervisor and then that supervisor has a conversation with her/his supervisor about each employee's evaluation. He would like some clarification on how the evaluations are actually supposed to be done. M. Selinger indicated she would look into this issue.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Naming University Facilities - Sarah Merideth5.5 Standing Committees
S. Merideth reported that although the committee has not met since her last report to the Council, it did, on June 28, 2006, approve and forward to the Chancellor a proposal to name the healing garden at the SimmonsCooper Cancer Institute "The Gordon and Evelyn Brandt Thomas Garden of Hope." The proposal for naming the healing garden met the committee's guidelines.5.4b Student Center Advisory - Lana Campbell
L. Campbell reported on the activities of the committee (see appendix 1).5.4c UWPA - Sharon Walters
S. Walters submitted her written report on the committee's activities (see appendix 2).5.4d Search Committee, Director of International Programs - Jacqueline Scolari
J. Scolari submitted her written report, stating that the committee has been dissolved and the search closed/discontinued until the position description has been refined. At a future time, the search will be reopened. To her knowledge, the search committee has not been reconvened, nor has the search been reopened. J. Scolari thanked the Council for its confidence in appointing her as its representative to the committee.5.4e Search Committee, Director of Information Technology - Nancy Carr
N. Carr submitted her written report: The committee met for the first time on April 11, 2007. Judy Marshall served as chair. Prior to the first meeting, committee members were provided with a position description, application requirements, evaluation tool and application information from 54 applicants. At the first meeting, Kevin Bame, Executive Director of Finance, welcomed the committee members, outlined his expectations and left the group to conduct its review. The committee discussed and evaluated each application and provided recommendations on whom to invite to campus to interview. The committee met again on May 7 to discuss interviewees and provide input to interview planning. Two applicants, Jason Heimbaugh and Janice Thomasson were invited to campus to interview. Following the interview process, the committee received notice that the search would be closed and reopened at a later date.5.5a Executive Committee
A. Sutphin reported the committee did not meet.5.5b Committee on Committees
S. Rhoads reported the call for committee volunteers will be sent out soon. The form was revised to include the question of whether or not the person was willing to be a mentor for new A/P. The committee expects to meet the first part of August to fill 16 vacancies. The nominations will be presented for Council approval on August 15.5.5c Constituency Relations
P. Curkin reported the committee has not met but has developed its goals. She indicated she has also secured Chancellor Treviño as the keynote speaker for the October 9 fall constituency luncheon.5.5d Operating Paper
C. Love reported the committee has not met, though he did send a welcome e-mail to members. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss the committee's goals and objectives for the year.5.5e Staff Benefits
D. Hahn reported the committee met on July 10. P. Curkin attended the meeting to bring members up to speed on the committee's past goals and accomplishments and what issues were pending. The committee would like to examine where the constituency is at with respect to job titles, salary levels, etc. The committee hopes to collect information on who is currently in an A/P position (name, job title, whether they are term or continuing) in order to compare how SIU fairs in relation to the going market rate.5.5f Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported the committee met and finalized its goals for the year. One of those goals is to appoint a member to the Judicial Review Board. JP Dunn noted he has been appointed to fill that position. The committee discussed the issue of mentoring and came to the conclusion that it may not be something in which people are interested. There was also discussion about developing an orientation packet for new A/P staff that would include the kinds of things A/P would need to know when they come to campus (policies, procedures, who to call with questions, problems). T. Ashner indicated that when M. Selinger sends her names of the new A/P , she (T. Ashner) would send a personal letter; however, the committee may want to call or e-mail them and welcome them to campus. JP Dunn reported that one of the other issues the committee discussed was drafting a mission statement for the committee to advertise itself to constituents and let them know what the committee does and that members are available to assist them with issues. P. Curkin asked if the committee planned to send information to Springfield as well. JP Dunn responded that the committee discussed making the orientation packet available to both the Carbondale and Springfield campuses.P. Cosgrove asked why the committee did not believe a mentoring program would be successful. JP Dunn responded that the committee did not believe there would be enough people who would be willing to participate. He indicated the committee will be conducting a survey; it could include a question to see if there is interest in mentoring. He noted that by making the committee more known to campus, it is possible new A/P would be more comfortable in giving one of them a call. T. Ashner believes the committee should be more proactive and make the call. D. Hahn pointed out that is why his committee discussed collecting information on A/P--to find out who is out there and in what areas they are located so they can be contacted. One of issues his committee discussed was the spring election and why there is such a small turnout. If the names can be split up [between the sectors] so that those people can be contacted, there might be more involvement.
D. Castle asked if the mentors would be anyone in the A/P constituency who is willing. T. Ashner responded that the way it is currently set up, S. Rhoads has added that question to the call for committee volunteers. The Council will have to see what kind of response the question elicits. P. Cosgrove did not believe the mentor would have to be from the same unit as the new A/P person. D. Castle asked that if the Council will be assigning people to be mentors, what will the Council tell them their job is, and what kind of resources and direction will they be given. He indicated that when he and P. Curkin searched to find someone from Student Affairs to serve on the Council, they obtained a list of who was in the sector and had a discussion. It was a good exercise for them because they were able to see who was in the sector. He commented that this would be something Council members could do, i.e., contact and orient people within their sectors to discuss how to reach out to new members, as well as to other staff within the sector.
T. Ashner asked if the Council would be able to see the orientation packets being developed by the Staff Welfare Committee. JP Dunn responded that copies would be provided to the Council.
6. Old Business - None.
7. New Business
7.1 T. Ashner charged standing committees with establishing their Goals and Objectives for FY08 and having them ready to present for approval at the August 15 Council meeting.7.2 T. Ashner raised the issue of reviewing the Council's website to make sure the information that is needed is there and that it is easily accessible. JP Dunn suggested an ad hoc committee could be charged, with one member coming from each standing committee. He also suggested that each committee could draft a statement of purpose for their committee and discuss what they do. Those could then be added to the website. T. Ashner asked each standing committee to select a member from their respective committees and bring those names forward for the August meeting.
7.3 The A/P Staff Council Year End Budget Report for FY07 was presented as an informational item. L. McKennedy asked if there is ever an opportunity for the School of Medicine to have a constituency luncheon in Springfield. T. Ashner responded she would look into the matter and report back at the next meeting. She asked about how many A/P are at the Springfield campus. L. McKennedy responded there are approximately 300 A/P. T. Ashner asked M. Selinger to verify the numbers.
8. Announcements
C. Love announced that the Week of Welcome is coming up soon. The website should be up for the honorary student life advisors on August 1. He encouraged everyone to come out and welcome the new students. He noted that move-in day is scheduled for August 17.
9. Adjournment