Minutes For Meeting On April 18, 2012
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: April 18, 2012
1. The meeting was called to order at 1:06 p.m. by the Chair, JP Dunn. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Don Castle, Maureen Doran, JP Dunn, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Alfred Jackson, Kathy Jones, Charlotte Sarao, Meredith Thomas, Sue Tin, Valerie Brooks Wallin, Gloria Yuncker.
Members Absent: Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman, Janet Douglas.
Proxies: Alfred Jackson for Lori Stettler; Kathy Jones for Tuesday Ashner.
Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett; Terri Harfst.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on March 21, 2012, were approved as presented.
4. P. Eckert moved to adopt the agenda as presentded; seconded by J. Geiger. Motion carried.
6. Reports
5.1/5.2 Chair/Board of Trustees
JP Dunn reported the constituency heads have not met. At the April 9 Board of Trustees meeting, new officers were elected. Several items on agenda were notice items to be voted on in May, including fee increases for the Carbondale and Edwardsville campuses. There was discussion on the resurfacing of Lincoln Drive. JP Dunn indicated he had attended a Traffic and Parking Committee meeting for Joel Fritzler, and at that meeting a map was circulated which showed Lincoln Drive being rerouted behind Communications. This is supposed to create more green space and reduce the number of pedestrians walking in traffic. M. Doran commented that the School of Medicine is extremely concerned for Life Science II and Life Science III because of their delivery of Class 1 flammable liquids and the response time for emergency personnel. JP Dunn indicated he would ask the Chancellor about this. He reported that the next meeting of the Board is in Edwardsville on May 10. They will most likely approve all the changes.5.3 Human Resources (HR)
T. Bennett reported there will be a benefits choice period in May, although there will be very few choices to make. Current contracts for health insurance are expiring, as is AFSCME's contract, and they are typically the ones who negotiate the health insurance package with the state for all [university] employees. She is unsure what will happen, but supposes that the current contract will be extended, as it was last year. In that case, nothing will change for a while until the AFSCME's contract is settled and they can put out the bid for health insurance carriers.T. Bennett also reported a rule is being proposed that is currently on the JCAR (Joint Committee Administrative Rules) website for comment. The proposed rule would remove the campuses' ability to approve principle administrative appointments (PAP) at the campus level and give it to the Civil Service Systems office. It is the desire of the Systems office to get better control over those titles that are being approved. T. Bennett indicated she could provide a link if anyone wants to read the proposal and make comments. HR has commented as a system its concerns, but individuals can comment as well.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory - Carrie Andrews Rice5.5 Standing Committees
C. Andrews Rice submitted her written report (included as appendix 1 to the minutes).5.4b Student Center Advisory - Terri Harfst
T. Harfst presented and reviewed her report (included as appendix 2 to the minutes).5.4c Signage - Jon Geiger
J. Geiger presented and reviewed his report (included as appendix 3 to the minutes).5.4d Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Tuesday Ashner
T. Ashner submitted her written report (included as appendix 4 to the minutes).5.5a Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported the committee met and made some revisions to the minutes, as well as discussed some of the issues that have been raised at this meeting.5.5b Ad Hoc Elections
M. Thomas presented the results of the elections (included as appendix 5 to the minutes). She noted that because there was a three-way tie in the General sector, it has not yet been decided who will serve the one year term. It was suggested that each of the three individuals be contacted to see who would be willing to serve the one year term. If no one volunteers, the General sector representatives on the Council will make the decision.5.5c Committee on Committees
J. Geiger presented for approval the nomination of Pat Eckert, Continuing Education, to serve as the A/P representative to the Annuitants Association. Nomination was approved.J. Geiger presented for approval the nomination of Rhetta Seymour, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, to serve as the A/P representative to the Graduate Council. Nomination was approved.
5.5d Constituency Relations
M. Thomas reported the A/P constituency meeting is scheduled for May 7. Chancellor Cheng will be the guest speaker. She asked Council members to bring at least two A/P staff members with them to the meeting.5.5e Operating Paper
K. Jones reported the Operating Paper revisions were adopted, with only minor dissent. She noted that voter turnout was very low.5.5f/g Staff Benefits/Staff Welfare
C. Sarao reported on two issues that were raised at the last Council meeting pertaining to unfair sick leave practices and interim positions (see appendix 6 to the minutes). She noted there is a distinct difference between someone who is "interim" and someone who is "acting." Those in an acting position cannot apply for the permanent position, whereas interims can. She is aware of some departments that are operating without "directors" and instead have someone who is considered the "go to" person for that unit. It is unclear whether something can be done about that practice. T. Bennett noted that in those types of instances, there is no change of assignment because those people are not being appointed into an interim position. When a "go to" person is named, what is the circumstance that made [the supervising administrator] believe this person was the best one for the job as opposed to offering it to anyone else? A. Jackson indicated that since there is no policy for or against the practice of identifying a "go to" person, that leaves people not knowing how these decisions are made. With the number of retirements that will occur by June 30, the Council may have to raise this issue with the Chancellor.
6. Old Business - None.
7. New Business
7.1 JP Dunn reminded committee chairs that their final reports are due on May 9.7.2 S. Buhman submitted a written report on the Search Committee for Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations (see appendix 7 to the minutes).
8. Announcements
JP Dunn mentioned that his term on the Council is coming to an end. He stated that it has been an honor and privilege to work with everyone on the Council, and he expressed thanks to the Council for the opportunity to serve as chair.
9. Adjournment
Meeting Adjourned at 2:23 PM.