Minutes For Meeting On March 21, 2012

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Date: March 21, 2012


1. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by the Chair, JP Dunn. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.

2. Roll Call

Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Natalie Branca, Don Castle, Maureen Doran, Janet Douglas, JP Dunn, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Alfred Jackson, Kathy Jones, Lori Stettler, Meredith Thomas, Sue Tin, Valerie Brooks Wallin, Gloria Yuncker.

Proxies: Janet Douglas for Steve Buhman; JP Dunn for Charlotte Sarao.

Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett, Rose Moroz.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on February 15, 2012, were approved as presented.

4. P. Eckert moved to adopt the agenda as presentded; seconded by L. Stettler. Motion carried.

6. Reports

5.1 Chair 
JP Dunn reported on the March 16 constituency heads meeting: i) the Research Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for April 17; ii) there are around 15 fee items for each campus that will be introduced at the March 22 Board of Trustees meeting. No vote will be taken on them until the May 10 meeting; iii) there is not a great deal of flexibility in the budget. Graduate student support has dropped, and more departments are offering only quarter-time assistantships. There is concern over the cost of education, as there is less state and federal support than in the past. There are 150 new reporting mandates, but they did not go over them in detail; iv) it was reported that when distance education courses are offered in other states, a report must be filed in each state in which a course or program is offered; v) funding is now outcome-based; vi) the state budget, pensions, health care, funding for higher education, tuition waivers for families and re-hiring of annuitants are all issues currently being discussed in the legislature. It is likely that nothing will happen until after the election; vii) Lipman-Hearne has been working on updating campus web pages and is using the College of Business as a guide for format, layout structure, etc.; viii) he raised the issue of the staff excellence awards, noting he is one of the representatives on the selection committee. The A/P and civil service awards have been combined into one "staff" award, meaning there is no differentiation between civil service and A/P. It will be the selection committee's decision whether to give one award to civil service or one to A/P or to give both to A/P or both to civil service. He was told that this is being done as a way to "break down silos" that are creating an artificial division. D. Castle (also a member of the committee) commented that in this year of change, he does not believe many people are aware that things were different; consequently, the number of nominations the selection committee received were affected. A/P staff should be encouraged to nominate other staff for the award and understand that there is only one award; ix) there is a new Chief Information Officer (CIO), [who is scheduled to be approved] at the March Board meeting.

K. Jones asked if the recent security breach was discussed. JP Dunn responded that not all employees received an email about the breach. He explained that the system was open for 37 minutes, but [Information Technology] does not believe any information was compromised. However, there is a legal requirement to notify all employees who could be affected by a breach.

JP Dunn reported that a question was raised about retirements. The pending legislative changes are causing many retirements not only here, but throughout the state. He indicated that there is planning for replacements, and the Chancellor has stressed several times that she has not and does not want to lay off anyone; however, departments will not be allowed to do a blanket rehire of everyone without examining its organizational structure and task analysis (e.g., administrators keeping their own calendars). There may be a sharing of tasks and an examination of workflow, procurement processes, HR processes and IT processes.

JP Dunn reported that he has been serving on the Annuitants Association board for some time. His term is coming up, and a replacement is needed. He also reported that he received a letter from A. Jackson outlining two issues that came to his (A. Jackson's) attention via the constituency he represents (see appendix 1). A. Jackson explained that in this current campus climate, people are afraid to complain [about inequities] because, with reductions, they are unsure from where the axe will come. Although no one will be forced out, people can be summarily dismissed. He asked whether the Council should address this concern by way of informing constituents to go to the Ombudsman or Human Resources. D. Castle pointed out that the Council has to be careful about getting in between individual grievances. T. Ashner indicated the Council does not know all the details, so the person needs to speak to someone they can talk to privately and outline the details. Brent Patton (Labor and Employee Relations) is also someone to whom the person can speak. P. Eckert pointed out that sometimes people are new to the supervisory role and are unaware of the policies.

A. Jackson discussed the second issue in his letter, noting that people are talking and wanting to know what the Council is doing or not doing about issues. K. Jones suggested the issue of interims may be something the Council could ask the Chancellor, or possibly Linda McCabe Smith, to address. JP Dunn asked what the difference is between "interim" and "acting." T. Bennett responded that, as she understands it, an acting position cannot be filled if the person is returning to the position; an "interim" is used when someone has left a permanent position, and the position is available to be filled. A. Jackson asked if a point person would be considered acting. P. Eckert does not believe "point person" is an official title. K. Jones asked if it would be a good idea to keep track of this issue. JP Dunn believes this issue can be referred to the Staff Benefits/Welfare Committee. T. Bennett was unsure how the Council would be able to track point persons other than by word of mouth. There is no change of appointment or increase in salary for such a title. The [departments] she is aware of that are functioning without a director are being reviewed for some kind of reorganization; rather than appointing someone on an interim basis, they are attempting to manage with what they have until the reorganization has been determined. K. Jones believes it should be easy to determine which departments/units are without directors. D. Castle responded that some departments could have executive or assistant directors. The Chancellor has been saying that things will be done differently, so from the Council's perspective, it should be aware of and monitor any policy changes to make sure they are necessary or are being implemented correctly. However, individual circumstances or grievances should be run through the correct procedures and judged against current policies. K. Jones believes the Council may want to gather some information on units that are being reorganized or look into how long it is taking and when the searches are actually being done without actually interfering with individual units. D. Castle responded that the Chancellor has sent clear messages about how things will be done differently in terms of staff, and it is the Council's job to monitor these things. He reiterated that the Council should not be a grievance committee or try to adjudicate differences between a boss and her/his employees; there are other avenues. A. Jackson agreed, but pointed out that, individually, employees might feel isolated; however, if [similar situations were to be linked together, a pattern could emerge].

5.2 Board of Trustees 
JP Dunn reported the Board will meet on March 22 in Carbondale.

5.3 Human Resources (HR) 
T. Bennett reported that a general retirement presentation is scheduled for April 12. Information will be sent to employees shortly, and registration will be required.

5.4 Representatives to University Committees

5.4a Graduate Council Representative - Carrie Smith 
L. Stettler reported that C. Smith's position requires a lot of travel time, so she has been unable to participate in any of the Graduate Council meetings. C. Smith has requested the Council appoint someone who would be better able to attend the meetings. She also requested that at some point in the future, she would be willing to serve in a different capacity.

5.4b Search Committee, Dean of Education - Rose Moroz 
R. Moroz submitted and discussed her written report (included as appendix 2 to the minutes).

5.4c Search Committee, VC for Institutional Advancement - Steve Buhman 
S. Buhman submitted his written report (included as appendix 3 to the minutes).

5.4c Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Lori Stettler 
L. Stettler reported the committee met on March 19 and spent a great deal of time discussing Pesident Poshard's session on pension reform. He explained that every 1% the institution would have to contribute towards pensions roughly translates to $3 million. It is possible [the University] will be required to pay between 1-4%, which would significantly impact the budget. Another option is to have employees contribute at a higher rate. Other issues discussed included: i) efficiencies--Judy Marshall (Executive Director for Finance) worked with a group to do a significant review of purchasing and all the different areas report to her. Human Resources may be reviewed next with respect to efficiencies and combining different functions; ii) the strategic plan and what role the committee should play with respect to the strategies adopted through the strategic planning process. The committee will look at how to make those pieces happen from a budget perspective, as well as how the review committee can help in determining the financial implications of those identified strategies with respect to the entire strategic plan. They were asked to consider these issues for discussion next month; iii) discussion of the academic review process and the non-academic review process in relation to the units that are funded through state support (i.e., Athletics, Counseling Center). It was also suggested doing the same with the auxiliaries so that everyone is held at the same level of accountability in the review process. The committee was asked to consider this issue as well for further discussion next month. T. Ashner asked what is meant by "review." L. Stettler responded that academic units are currently undergoing program reviews. They are looking at things like the cost of course completion, how many majors are in a department versus how many faculty, etc. All areas are being examined for efficiency.

L. Stettler noted that someone is still needed to serve on the committee to replace Patty Cosgrove. She believes it should be a Council member or who is willing to attend Council meetings regularly since that person will be expected to report monthly. T. Ashner expressed an interest in serving out the term, which ends this year.

5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee 
L. Stettler reported the committee discussed issues that have already been addressed at this meeting.

5.5b Ad Hoc Elections 
. Thomas reported the committee received [15] nominations: 11 in General, and 4 in Academic Affairs. The election will be conducted electronically through [SIU Online (Desire2Learn)]. L. Stettler was commended for her efforts at recruiting nominees for the General sector. K. Jones suggested Council members next year may want to begin recruiting nominees earlier in the election process so there is not a last-minute push for candidates.

5.5b Committee on Committees 
J. Geiger reported the committee will work on finding a replacement for C. Smith on the Graduate Council. He also indicated he would be willing to consider T. Ashner as a replacement for P. Cosgrove on the Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory Committee (CPBAC). V. Brooks Wallin moved that T. Ashner be placed on the CPBAC; seconded by N. Branca. D. Castle expressed concern about making appointments [from within the Council] without looking through the pool of committee volunteers. Speaking as a member of the Committee on Committees, T. Ashner commented that the committee has used every volunteer on campus, and some volunteers have been appointed twice. There have been quite a few appointments made during the past year. D. Castle believes the CPBAC is a very important appointment, and the Council should be sure of how it will be filled. K. Jones commented that this may be another issue on the Council's list to have Council members recruit people for committees as well. D. Castle asked if the motion is to fill the remainder of P. Cosgrove's term. JP Dunn responded that the appointment will be through the [end of the term], which ends this year. After that time, the Committee on Committees can consider all the options. V. Brooks Wallin and N. Branca agreed to amend the motion to reflect that T. Ashner will serve through the end of the original term. Motion carried. J. Geiger asked if he should consider looking at [outside] candidates for the Annuitants Association. P. Eckert responded that she would be willing to consider serving, but the committee may want to look into whether someone else might be interested.

5.5c Constituency Relations 
M. Thomas reported the committee is planning to hold a constituency meeting in May and has been considering ideas for a speaker. She asked Council members if they had any ideas for topics of discussion. [ M. Doran] suggested retirement seems to be an issue everyone wants to hear about. M. Thomas responded that the committee has discussed focusing on retirement and benefits issues. P. Eckert suggested asking President Poshard if he would make his presentation on pensions available to the committee. T. Ashner pointed out that past meetings have been very poorly attended. Serious consideration should be given to who the committee will bring in, unless all Council members work to make sure there is good attendance. There was discussion about when and where to hold the event [and whether the meeting will still be used to recognize the excellence award nominees]. M. Thomas indicated the Awards Selection Committee should know on March 23 whether or not an A/P staff member will receive the award. She will look into dates, as well as locations, for the spring meeting.

5.5d Operating Paper 
K. Jones presented for approval the proposed changes to the A/P Staff Council Operating Paper (included as an attachment to the agenda). Proposed changes to the A/P Staff Council Operating Paper were approved unanimously. JP Dunn indicated the changes will now be sent to the constituency for a vote.

5.5e/f Staff Benefits/Staff Welfare 
JP Dunn reported he received a note from a constituent expressing concern that recent changes to the contracts of department chairs--which may include changing contracts from continuing to term, as well as from 12 month to 10 or 11 month appointments--may trickle down to other A/P positions.

P. Eckert asked if there has been any discussion on how the administration plans to budget for the pay outs that will occur as a result of mass retirements. JP Dunn responded that the administration is planning, as they are aware the pay outs will be significant. L. Stettler noted that in the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance area, every time a position becomes vacant and someone leaves, then that money gets centrally pulled back into the pool. Then, funds are released as positions are approved for hire. Except for the auxiliaries, pay outs for all the state-supported units will come from that pool of money. T. Bennett noted that, depending on the [dollar] amounts for the pay outs, positions will have to remain vacant for a certain amount of time before they can be filled.

6. Old Business - None.

7. New Business - None.

8. Announcements - None.

9. Adjournment

Meeting Adjourned at 2:47 PM.