Approved Minutes For Meeting On July 18, 2012
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: July 18, 2012
1. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by the Chair, Kathy Jones. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Don Castle, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Jill Gobert, Jenni Janssen, Kathy Jones, Faye Joyner- Keene, Lori Stettler, Valerie Brooks Wallin.
Members Absent: Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman.
Proxies: Michelle Garrett for Keri Young; Jon Geiger for Charlotte Sarao; Lori Stettler for Rod Sievers.
Visitors and Guests: Kevin Lister, Alyssa Mays, Yvonne Spencer.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the Council meeting on June 20, 2012, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: The agenda was amended to remove item 5.4a (Search Committee for Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations); that report will be rescheduled. Y. Spencer was added under item 5.4c so she could report on the Chancellor's Advisory Review Board. L. Stettler moved to approve the agenda as amended; seconded by P. Eckert. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair6. Old Business - None.
K. Jones reported the Executive Committee has been making progress on two of her initiatives. One is to hold town hall meetings after the start of the fall semester; the other is to meet with the past Council chairs from the last 10 years. A luncheon has been scheduled for July 30. Since there are several past chairs who are either on the Council or still working at the University, she believes it would be a good opportunity to ask them what they learned from their service as chair. With all the issues facing A/P staff and the campus as a whole, she believes the past chairs may have some ideas/suggestions that might be beneficial. K. Jones also distributed an article to Council members that was taken from the electronic newsletter, Inside Higher Ed. The article discusses retirements in Illinois and changes at the state level and how they have affected other universities.5.2 Board of Trustees
K. Jones reported she attended the July 12 Board meeting in Springfield. The Board's Executive Committee approved the appointments of deans for Applied Sciences and Arts and Education and Human Services. At the Board meeting itself, the appointment of the library dean was approved. Other items approved included the campus pouring rights agreement for Pepsi Mid-America; the purchase of TV bulk programming for University residence halls; $20 million worth of HVAC projects and budgets for Parkinson, Neckers and Faner, as well as renovations to Woody Hall and upgrades to campus lighting. There was an item the University wanted to add as a current and pending matter to the Board agenda; however, the deadline to get it added through the normal process was not met. There needed to be a unanimous vote in order to add the matter to the agenda. Since there was one objection, it was not addressed. Instead, a special meeting of the Board was called for July 19 in Edwardsville for the purpose of taking up the issue.5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Search, VC for Development and Alumni Relations - To be rescheduled.5.5 Standing Committees5.4b Naming University Facilities - Kevin Lister
K. Lister presented and discussed his report (included as appendix 1 to the minutes).5.4c Chancellor's Advisory Review Board - Yvonne Spencer
Y. Spencer presented and discussed her report (included as appendix 2 to the minutes).5.5a Executive Committee
J. Geiger reported that the committee discussed preparations for its July 30 meeting with the past chairs. K. Jones added that she would like to pose a series of questions to the past presidents for them to begin thinking about for the meeting. She asked that any questions Council members might have for the past chairs can be emailed her. J. Geiger continued to report that the committee also discussed the proposed town hall meetings. There will be as many as six sites, with the idea that since there are between 600-700 A/P staff on campus, there could be approximately 100 people attending each meeting rather than 200 or more at one meeting. J. Geiger indicated that both he and K. Jones would like to attend each meeting, and other Council members are welcome to attend as well. The plan is to begin the meetings in mid-September. K. Jones distributed to Council members a draft proposal for the town hall meetings.In other business, J. Geiger reported: i) Meredith Thomas (College of Business) has resigned from the Council. Members of the Council from the Academic Affairs sector selected J. Janssen to complete M. Thomas's term. J. Janssen had been on the Academic Affairs ballot in the spring election; ii) August 6 is the deadline for submission of committee goals and objectives for FY13; University committee appointments should also be submitted; iii) the year end Council budget report was briefly discussed.
K. Jones discussed the draft proposal for the town hall meetings. What she would like to see happen is: i) for Council members to think about what kind of structured questions could be asked; ii) to get people's ideas on what the issues are and how the Council can help them; iii) for the meetings to be carefully structured so staff feel like it is a positive, constructive exercise; iv) for the questions to drive the discussion, much like it was done in the strategic planning process; v) to get feedback from Council members on the work done by the Council and any other questions they believe should be on the list; vi) to have at least one Council member from each sector attend each meeting so that if someone has an issue, they could go see the Council member with an office in close proximity; vii) to invite staff to a specific meeting location, but also provide the other meeting dates in the event they cannot attend at their specific site; viii) for Council members to be very active in soliciting people to attend the meetings and talk up the benefits of going; ix) to think carefully about constructing the questions, with the hope of finding solutions or constructive suggestions; x) to make people see the Council as an entity that cares and has an opportunity to make an impact.
P. Eckert noted that another point that was raised at Executive Committee was that the town hall meetings would provide K. Jones the opportunity, when meeting with the Chancellor, to share some of the concerns/feedback received from constituents at the meetings. P. Eckert also noted that some of the items K. Jones listed in her proposal could be turned around to questions and points of discussion.
5.5b Committee on Committees
L. Stettler reported that several committee members have been out, so she has been unable to call a meeting. However, she hopes the committee can meet early next week to make recommendations for University committee assignments. K. Jones added that she discussed with L. Stettler the idea of sending out another call for nominations later in the year so the committee will have an additional pool of volunteers when vacancies or search committees occur during the year. L. Stettler noted that there are currently 36 staff who have volunteered. K. Jones suggested this could be another issue addressed at the town hall meetings (opportunities for involvement).5.5c Constituency Relations - No report.
5.5d Operating Paper
P. Eckert reported the committee met by email and adopted its goals for the year.5.5e Staff Benefits and Welfare - No report.
7. New Business
7.1 K. Jones charged the standing committees with developing their goals and objectives for the coming year for approval at the next meeting. She reminded committee chairs to have them in by August 6.7.2 The Council's year-end budget report for FY12 was distributed to Council members (for informational purposes).
8. Announcements
8.1 F. Joyner-Keene announced that the Physical Therapist Program, which was housed in the School of Allied Health in the College of Applied Sciences and Arts, has been moved to the School of Medicine (although their physical location remains the same).8.2 K. Jones reported that the School of Medicine in Springfield has still not been in contact regarding its representative on the Council.
8.3 D. Castle announced that there are only two Sunset Concerts left this summer, one on July 19 and the last one on July 26.
8.4 L. Stettler announced that two more A/P staff will be joining the campus this fall. Jon Shaffer from Ferris State University has been hired as the new director of University Housing, and Troy Vaughn from Southeast Missouri State University has been hired as the new director of Recreational Sports and Services. L. Stettler was asked if the open marketing position at the Student Center had been filled. She responded that the Student Center has a marketing position open; a search is underway, and candidates have already been brought to campus and interviewed. They are now awaiting permission to hire. Also, there is a search ongoing for the Director of Continuing Education.
8.5 P. Eckert announced that she had an opportunity to tour the new Transportation Education Center at the Southern Illinois Airport. K. Lister mentioned that there will be a ribbon cutting dedication sometime this fall.
8.6 D. Castle announced that there is a campus-wide call for volunteers for Saluki Startup (move-in activities, etc.). It is easy to go online and register, but anyone needing assistance can contact him.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 1:53 p.m.