Approved Minutes For Meeting On October 17, 2012

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Date: October 17, 2012


1. The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m. by the Chair, Kathy Jones. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.

2. Roll Call

Members Present: Steve Buhman, Don Castle, Angela Cummings-Hunter, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Kathy Jones, Faye Joyner-Keene, Don Patton, Rod Sievers, Lori Stettler, Valerie Brooks Wallin.

Members Absent: Jill Gobert, Jenni Janssen, Charlotte Sarao, Keri Young.

Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett, Dennis Cradit, John Massie, Anne Moore, Michele Rushing.

3. Guest

K. Jones introduced Dean Dennis Cradit (College of Business), who discussed his perspectives on the state of the University, as well as the larger issues in higher education.

4. Minutes

The minutes of the Council meeting on September 19, 2012, were amended under 6.1/6.2 to remove the second sentence under item (iii) that begins, "At this point...." Also removed was the paragraph following that begins, "P. Eckert asked...." Minutes were approved as amended.

5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: The agenda was amended to add a report on the Advisory Committee to the Director of Public Safety under 6.4d. J. Geiger moved to adopt the agenda as amended; seconded by R. Sievers. Motion carried.

6. Reports

6.1 Chair 
K. Jones reported the last of the town hall meetings was yesterday. An overall report will be provided to the Council on the six town hall meetings that were held. She noted that attendance was lower than she had hoped; however, in retrospect, it may have been unrealistic to expect staff to find time for a meeting during what is likely the busiest time of the academic year (mid-September to mid-October). Also, several people mentioned that they do not pay attention to emails [not pertinent to their jobs], so that is something that needs work. K. Jones thanked all who came to meeting, noting that good connections were made despite the low turnout.

K. Jones also reported: i) there have been two constituency head meetings since the Council last met. After the fall leadership meeting, the Chancellor had reported she was conducting listening sessions with faculty, and K. Jones mentioned to the Chancellor that staff would like have listening sessions with her as well. K. Jones believes that sessions will be conducted with A/P as soon as the Chancellor has completed the faculty sessions; ii) the fall leadership meeting was held on October 4. The focus of the meeting was on the draft of the strategic plan. K. Jones indicated a draft of the plan was available to download from the strategic planning website. She distributed a document containing excerpts from the draft strategic plan, including the mission statement, values and an introductory paragraph from each of the sub-sections (see appendix 1 to the minutes). K. Jones indicated she will put this item on the agenda for the next meeting to see if it helps to focus the Council's discussion.

6.2 Board of Trustees 
K. Jones reported the Board did not meet in October. The next meeting will be in Edwardsville on November 8. The final meeting of this calendar year will be December 13 in Carbondale.

6.3 Human Resources (HR) 
T. Bennett reported: i) a general retirement session is scheduled for October 23; ii) flu shots will be given on October 26; iii) everyone should make an effort to have their ethics training completed by the internal deadline of November 9; iv) everyone should have received an email about HR's new self service system. After November 30, employees will no longer have pay advisories going to their departments. Everyone will have to have their dawgtag number in order to log in. Several training dates have been offered, with the next one scheduled for October 18. Staff will be available to help show employees how to access their information. Currently, only pay statements and W2s are available. T. Bennett believes W2s will continue to be mailed at this time, but if duplicates will have to be printed off by the employee. She noted that those familiar with AIS should have no difficulty working with the system.

6.4 Representatives to University Committees

6.4a Judicial Review Board - S. Buhman 
S. Buhman reported the Staff Benefits and Welfare Committee met and discussed JRB training. He is the designated chair for the JRB and is also on Staff Benefits and Welfare. He indicated he cannot call a training session, even though he is the designated JRB person. It has to be someone who is on the Review Board from Staff Benefits and Welfare. The committee is currently attempting to get a meeting called so training can be held, hopefully in the next few weeks. Afterward, the JRB will be active should an appeal come in.

6.4b Screening Cmt, Associate Provost for Academic Administration - No report.

6.4c Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Michele Rushing 
M. Rushing presented and reviewed her report (included as appendix 2 to the minutes).

6.4d Advisory Cmt to Director of Public Safety - John Massie 
J. Massie presented and reviewed his report (included as appendix 3 to the minutes).

6.5 Standing Committees
6.5a Executive Committee 
J. Geiger reported the committee met and discussed: i) the state-mandated reporting of child sexual abuse; ii) screening versus search committees and how most of the committees now tend to be screening; iii) whether the Springfield School of Medicine Council member could be someone from the School of Medicine Carbondale campus; iv) sending the welcome letter written by JP Dunn last year to new staff; v) that there seem to be more excellence awards added for faculty, but not for A/P and civil service. The question was raised as to why and whether it is having an effect on staff morale. Also discussed were what kinds of things the Council can do to improve morale; vi) coming up with talking points and questions for the Chancellor and Provost, who will be attending the November Council meeting. They would like to have any questions a week or two in advance in order to prepare; vii) the fall constituency lunch and opening the buffet line at 11:45AM so the program can begin sometime between 12:10-12:15PM.

6.5b Committee on Committees 
L. Stettler presented for ratification the nomination of Shane Bennett (Recreational Sports and Services) to serve on the University Joint Benefits Committee. Motion carried. L. Stettler also reported she received a request from Provost Nicklow for representation for the Screening Committee for the Director of Undergraduate Research. She will bring those names to the Council meeting next month.

6.5c Constituency Relations 
V. Brooks Wallin reported that there is still room for staff who would like to attend the Fall Constituency Luncheon. Also, she received donations from Athletics to be used as door prizes for luncheon. Additionally, R. Sievers provided some reusable tote bags and pens from University Communications.

6.5d Operating Paper - No report.

6.5e Staff Benefits and Welfare 
D. Castle reported the committee met earlier in the week and discussed appointing one member to the Judicial Review Board; that person will be him. V. Brooks Wallin moved to appoint D. Castle as the Benefits and Welfare representative to the JRB; seconded by L. Stettler. Motion carried. D. Castle also reported the committee will be looking into the term to continuing appointment issue, as well as the issue of staff morale. He pointed out that the committee is focused on practices, policies and procedures; in order to help them focus on those things, they will continue those discussions.

7. Old Business
K. Jones reminded Council members that they will need to come up with questions to provide the Chancellor and Provost in advance of next month's meeting. She will email everyone and ask for topics and then will send those back out to spark more discussion.
8. New Business
K. Jones reminded Council members that the next Council meeting is November 21, the day before Thanksgiving. P. Eckert suggested that those who may not be able to attend should send a proxy since both the Chancellor and Provost will be in attendance.
9. Announcements - None.

10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:38 p.m.