Approved Minutes For Meeting On January 18, 2012
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: January 18, 2012
1. The meeting was called to order at 1:03 p.m. by the Chair, JP Dunn. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman, Don Castle, Maureen Doran, Janet Douglas, JP Dunn, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Kathy Jones, Charlotte Sarao, Lori Stettler, Meredith Thomas, Sue Tin, Valerie Brooks Wallin, Gloria Yuncker.
Proxies: Derrick Williams for Alfred Jackson.
Visitors and Guests: Rita Cheng, Tracy Bennett, John Massie, Rod Sievers.
3. Guest
JP Dunn welcomed Chancellor Cheng, who discussed several issues, including: the administrative restructuring; enrollment; performance funding; the housing plan; retirements; and the need to reorganize work and adjust priorities. She then took questions from the floor.
4. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on December 21, 2011, were approved as presented.
5. C. Sarao moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by L. Stettler. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1/6.2 Chair/Board of Trustees
JP Dunn reported: i) the next Board of Trustees meeting is March 22 in Carbondale; ii) there has not been a constituency heads meeting since December; iii) Patty Cosgrove is stepping down from the Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory Committee because she is retiring on June 30. L. Stettler, who also serves on the committee, indicated she would be willing to report to the Council until such time as a replacement is named; iv) he was asked to serve on the Staff Excellence Award Committee as a former recipient of the award. The rules of the awards program have changed, and the administration is now asking for only two names to be forwarded. T. Ashner pointed out that the Constituency Relations Committee has normally served as part of the selection committee. It was noted that the names of the Constituency Relations Committee were forwarded, but it is unclear whether all four will serve or if only two will be selected.6.3 Human Resources (HR) - No report.6.4 Representatives to University Committees6.4a University Joint Benefits - John Massie
J. Massie reported the committee has only met once over the last few months, so he does not have much to report. They will meet four times this semester, so if anyone has an issue to bring forward, let him know. The first meeting of the semester will be January 31.6.4b Ombudsman Advisory Panel - Carl Ervin
C. Ervin submitted his written report (included as appendix 1 to the minutes).6.4c Recreational Sports and Services Advisory - Rod Sievers
R. Sievers presented and discussed his report (included as appendix 2 to the minutes).6.4d Search Committee, Associate Provost and COI - Janet Douglas
J. Douglas reported the committee held its first meeting in October. There were 42-45 applicants, which were eventually narrowed down to 6 candidates. Those were submitted to the Provost and Chancellor in November. In December, two candidates were brought to campus; one more candidate will be interviewed this week. Two candidates of the initial six have withdrawn.6.4e Chancellor’s Planning and Budget Advisory - No report.
6.5 Standing Committees
6.5a Executive Committee - No report.6.5b Committee on Committees - No report.6.5c Constituency Relations - No report.6.5d Operating Paper
K. Jones reported the committee will meet on Friday to discuss the proposed operating paper changes. She reminded the Council that in order to approve any proposed changes, there must be a first reading, followed by a vote the following month. The constituency will have to receive notice at least seven days prior to distribution of the ballot; once the constituency votes, the proposed changes will be forwarded to the Chancellor for final approval. The constituency voting will be done electronically.6.5e/f Staff Benefits/Staff Welfare - No report.
7. Old Business - None.
8. New Business
8.1JP Dunn reported that D. Castle will complete the term of Amy Rose, who resigned from the Council last fall.8.2 JP Dunn reported that one volunteer is needed from each sector to serve on the Ad Hoc Elections Committee. M. Thomas, as Council Secretary, serves as the chair. The committee is responsible for preparing and distributing the nomination and election ballots for spring elections. The sectors will remain the same since the Council is still operating under its current operating papers. It was noted that the call for nominations will be distributed by paper ballot, as well as through the announce listserv; the election ballot will be sent electronically. T. Ashner (General); D. Castle (formerly Student Affairs); V. Wallin (Academic Affairs); and M. Doran (Medicine) all volunteered to serve on the committee.
9. Announcements - None.
10. Adjournment
Meeting Adjourned at 2:21 PM.