Approved Minutes For Meeting On October 15, 2008
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: October 15, 2008
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Don Castle. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Jon Geiger, Gabriele Hoffmann, Barbara Cray Lokaitis, Dana McKenzie, Barbara Nowack, Mike Reiman, Sandra Rhoads, Rod Sievers, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Sharon Walters.
Proxies: Steve Buhman for Phil Bankester, Dana McKenzie for Michael Cubley, JP Dunn for Heidi Jung, Terry Huffman for Amy Rose.
Visitors and Guests: Jerry Blakemore, Phyleccia Reed Cole, Pat Eckert, Marge Selinger, Gary Tisdale.
3. Guest
D. Castle introduced SIU General Counsel J. Blakemore, who noted he serves not only as general counsel for the University but also for the Board of Trustees. This is important to keep in mind, as the Sexual Harassment Policy is a Board policy. He indicated there are two documents being proposed; one is the policy itself, which the Board will take action on at a future time, and the other is the actual procedures that will be used to implement the policy. Implementation of the policy will be left up to the campuses. J. Blakemore provided some background on how the process was developed, the process to date and what will go forward. He then introduced P. Cole, who reviewed the proposed changes to the policy and, with J. Blakemore, answered questions from the floor.
4. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on September 17, 2008, were approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: S. Rhoads moved to approve the agenda; seconded by P. Cosgrove. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair7. Old Business - None.
D. Castle congratulated the Constituency Relations Committee on a successful luncheon and program. He then reported that at the last constituency heads meeting, Chancellor Goldman asked for help with identifying and defining what are signature programs. This issue was discussed by the A/P Executive Committee, but the criteria they discussed did not meet the Chancellor's criteria, and that is what he will report back. Also, during a recent chancellor search retreat, the constituency heads were asked to come up with some criteria to help develop a position description for the next chancellor and also a statement regarding current challenges the new chancellor will face. D. Castle distributed a short survey and asked Council members to return it to him or respond by e-mail or phone. Members are free to share the survey with co-workers, as he will take any feedback anyone wants to provide. He believes a new chancellor could be in place as early as late January 2010.6.2 Board of Trustees
D. Castle reported the October 16 meeting was cancelled. The agenda was fairly light, although there was a proposal for tuition differentials for non-Illinois students who reside nearby. He believes the Carbondale campus is attempting to catch up with Edwardsville because that campus already has differential tuition in place.6.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Judicial Review Board - Carlos Del Rio6.5 Standing Committees
C. Del Rio submitted a written report (see appendix 1).6.4b Honorary Degrees - Pat Eckert
P. Eckert reported the committee met on September 24. Jan Waggoner (College of Education and Human Services) was elected chair of the committee. A request for nominations was mailed to all recognized University constituencies and other related organizations. The deadline for receiving nominations is October 24. The committee will meet again on November 12 and will make its recommendations to the Chancellor by November 21.6.5a Executive Committee
S. Rhoads reported on the October 15 meeting (see appendix 2).6.5b Committee on Committees
A. Sutphin reported the committee has met and is working to match up new employees with mentors.6.5c Constituency Relations
S. Walters thanked all those who helped with the luncheon. She reported that there were 13 uneaten meals. Three were cancellations that occurred the day of the event; seven were received after the event; and three were no shows. The committee suggested the possibility that next year's committee consider guaranteeing 10% less than the actual reservation number.6.5d Operating Paper - None.
6.5e Staff Benefits - None.
6.5f Staff Welfare
C. Coppi reported that the State Universities Retirement System (SURS), through the Emeritus and Annuitant Association, sent out an e-mail earlier in the day on the solvency of SURS. It was uplifting information, noting that--despite the fact that people are losing millions of dollars-- everything at this time is going well with [SURS pensions]. JP Dunn mentioned that he posted a similar press release on the listserv last week. There is another statement he received from Eastern Illinois University about the constitutional convention. There is much misinformation being shared concerning what would happen should a convention be held.
8. New Business
D. Castle upended the three items under New Business in order to first address the Eco-Dawgs Proposal.9. Announcements8.3 D. Castle asked for comments regarding the Eco-Dawgs proposal he received from Vice Chancellor Larry Dietz (included as an attachment to the agenda). Council members responded that the proposal was somewhat wordy and difficult to read. In addition, there was disagreement to the suggestion of adding a fee to the faculty and staff parking decals to help fund the project; if such a fee is added, then A/P staff should have representation on the [proposed Sustainability Council]. D. Castle charged the Staff Welfare Committee with drafting a statement/motion on the proposal for the Council to consider at its next meeting.
8.2 D. Castle reported he has received a draft of the proposed Plagiarism Policy Guide and the SIU Office of the President Plagiarism Policy (included as attachments to the agenda). The President's office would like any comments submitted by November 26. D. Castle indicated that any recommendations should be in the form of a motion or resolution that has been approved. The A/P Expanded Executive Committee will review the documents and accept input from Council members and constituents. D. Castle noted he would like to have something for the Council to vote on at the November meeting. He urged members to share the documents with other A/P staff and submit input to any member of the Expanded Executive Committee.
8.1 D. Castle reported that if the Council wanted to take any action on the proposed Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures, the Council would have to draft and approve a motion/resolution that would be submitted to the administration. The [Sexual Harassment Working Group] is collecting comments, so A/P staff can send those to that group; however, the Council can take action to support or not support the proposed policy. It was suggested the Council could approve those parts it is in agreement with and possibly strengthen other parts that do not adequately address other concerns, such as electronic communications and the use of University equipment for purposes of sexual harassment.
G. Tisdale announced that what the Recreation Center used to call "appreciation membership" has been renamed "autumn memberships" and is a week earlier this year. Payroll deduction is now being offered for fall/autumn memberships, with a special rate for new members.
10. Adjournment