Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 21, 2007-08
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 21, 2008 (2007-2008)
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Tuesday Ashner. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Phil Bankester, Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Paulette Curkin, Brad Dillard, JP Dunn, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, Dana McKenzie, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Sharon Walters.
Proxies: Cordy Love for Michael Cubley, Gabriele Hoffmann for Allison Sutphin, Barbara Cray Lokaitis for Barbara Nowack.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Mike Reiman, Amy Rose, Greg Scott, Marge Selinger, Rod Sievers, Vanessa Sneed, Kim Taylor.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on April 16, 2008, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Curkin moved to approve the agenda; seconded by P. Cosgrove. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
T. Ashner reported she and D. Castle met with Kathy Blackwell, Brent Patton and Kevin Bame to discuss the flex time issue and the A/P time reporting sheet because, according to responses to Staff Welfare's survey, there are still people having problems with those issues. She indicated it was an informative meeting because there were some changes made University-wide of which constituencies were not made aware, such as: i) the Frequently Asked Questions were officially approved (now included on the Labor and Employee Relations website; ii) a change was made to the time reporting sheet. Although it was a minor change, it was important in that it would help the office personnel manage the A/P time sheet. T. Ashner suggested if anyone has saved the time sheet to their desktop, they might want to use the newer version. P. Cosgrove noted that people should always go to the particular website and download any forms they use because the forms are constantly being changed; iii) there is no rule against flextime for A/P. Like comp time (which is not allowed for A/P), it is a decision made between the A/P person and the supervisor. There may be some supervisors who will allow it, and there are others who may not. D. Castle pointed out that flextime is a permanent change to a person's schedule, e.g., working noon to 8:30PM rather than what the University considers regular work hours. P. Bankester asked if the phrase "time shifting" was used (an occasional change to a person's schedule as needed). T. Ashner responded this issue was addressed, though not by that term. She explained that the School of Medicine is completing their time sheets correctly because Dean Dorsey met with the three-person committee, who explained it to him. He then passed that information down. T. Ashner had requested that K. Bame attend the [Chancellor's Executive Committee] meeting and train the deans, the vice chancellors and their assistants so that they can pass the information down in their areas. She received an e-mail that the deans received training last week; iv) contrary to what had been announced previously, A/P absence slips are now required to match their time sheets. M. Selinger noted that time sheets can back up A/P for insurance purposes should something happen.T. Ashner reported that new SIU IDs for all staff will be available on June 2. She also announced that Dr. Ted Grace from Ohio State University was recently offered and accepted the position of director of the Student Health Center. He will begin on July 15.5.2 Board of Trustees - None.
5.3 Human Resources (HR)
M. Selinger reported she was asked by D. Hahn to go back and review some of the changes to the A/P Compensation Plan and let him know what things have changed and if they are in progress. She indicated some of the changes that have been implemented are: i) deleting the requirement that above the midpoint salary offers have to be approved by K. Blackwell; ii) revising the language so that if an employee moves to a different position in the same salary range, the salary would not be less than the salary that would be paid to an external candidate (although it would still have to be in the same range); and iii) effecting within salary adjustments for seven A/P staff. She commented that it is a nice way to reward employees for their service. Increases have to be within the range, and for some it meant a 10 or 15% increase. On another matter, M. Selinger reported that she spoke with Carol Fisher about when training would begin for the new performance evaluation forms. C. Fisher is conducting individual training, so anyone concerned about filling out that form should contact her. M. Selinger indicated that although the evaluations were due in April, there are several that still have not come back yet. B. Patton is urging everyone to use the new form. M. Selinger reported there were 677 performance evaluations sent out, and only 388 have been sent back. Most people did use the new form. HR sends the evaluation with a letter to the supervisor and the employee and is getting ready in June to send another letter; this one will be copied to their vice chancellor area.T. Ashner presented M. Selinger with a gift on behalf of the Council and thanked her for all of her help over the past year.5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Plagiarism Committee - Greg Scott
G. Scott presented and reviewed his report (see appendix 1). T. Ashner asked if the report and working guide are available on the web. G. Scott responded that the working guide is actually a part of the report, which can be found at He noted that students would like the University to take a more proactive stance in educating them about plagiarism, whether by conducting workshops or including it in the curriculum.5.4b Graduate Council Rep - To be rescheduled.
5.4c SURS Members Advisory - Jake Baggott
J. Baggott distributed a graph on the fiscal year-to-date SURS funding status, as well as a copy of the minutes from the committee's fall meeting on October 16, 2007. He reported that at the spring meeting on April 8, 2008, the committee discussed several issues, one being the 50-year funding plan. This plan was initially adopted in 1996, with the goal being to have the SURS system 90% funded by the year 2045. There is a 15-year ramp-up phase that is now in its final two years. It was an aggressive plan to restore some of the funding that was not provided for previously. The state has done a number of things to try and make up for some of the funding, but is still $42 billion behind where it needs to be. One idea being discussed to address the shortfall is a bond sale which, if it were to pass, would infuse $3.2 billion into the pension system. However, the market for bond sales is questionable, as is support for such a plan.J. Baggott also reported: i) there are two bills currently being debated by the legislature; one is HB562, Investment in Illinois, which would require the state pension systems to invest 5% of their assets into Illinois investments. SURS actually opposes this because it affects their fiduciary responsibilities to manage employees' investments. In addition, they believe investing in Illinois is not always the most wise investment. The second bill, SB2430, would amend the State Finance Act, which allows the state to use funds from the sale of unclaimed property, to put those funds into the pension system. Passage of this bill seems unlikely; ii) there was much discussion on the prospect of a constitutional convention. Currently, the state constitution protects the pension benefits to which state employees are entitled. If a convention would occur, the impairment clause (what protects pensions) would be vulnerable to amendment; iii) the committee discussed investments and noted the funding ratio has slipped during the last period. It is now at 62.6%; iv) Judy Parker, one of the SURS staff members who meets regularly with the committee, discussed SURS's participation in Lobby Day, which occurred along with the Higher Education Day. She provided a document that gives a summary of the history of the SURS system, the funding history and the issues with which they are currently struggling. The document is available on the SURS website at; v) there is a new SURS board member, Marva Williams.T. Ashner asked if the FY09 [pension payment] will go into the pension fund. She recalled that the state had not paid into the fund for several years and would be indebted to that fund if it did not make [some payment]. J. Baggott responded that the state approved a two-year pension holiday. What it did was sell bonds, infusing a large amount of money into the fund during the last fiscal year to replace some of those funds that were not previously provided. In addition, a law was passed allowing the state to not fund the pension for two years; this is the second year of that law. Next year, the state will have the responsibility of funding the pension [unless another such law is passed].vi) there was much discussion as to whether the traditional plan should be the default choice for employees who do not make a decision about which plan to select for retirement. A majority of the people, either through action or inaction, end up in the traditional plan. SURS will study this to see whether the default should be the portable or self-managed plan; vii) those who were employed before July 1, 2005, are potentially eligible for the money purchase (enhanced retirement) formula. The Comptroller has recommended an 8.5% interest rate, which is what the board had recommended for the other plan. The Comptroller had set the interest rate over the last couple of years, but this changed with the [aforementioned law] as well. However, the board has been pretty consistent on adopting or setting a similar interest rate, which is good news; viii) there will be some work done to update the retirement choice booklet to make it easier for people to understand the choices; ix) the next meeting of the committee will be October 16. He is currently serving as vice chair of the committee and is chair of the Benefits Subcommittee.5.4d University Joint Benefits - Vanessa Sneed, Kim Taylor
V. Sneed distributed, and K. Taylor reviewed, their report (see appendix 2).5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee - None.
5.5b Committee on Committees
S. Rhoads presented the committee's final report. She also presented for approval the following nominations:Search Committee for Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Corne Prozesky, Recreational Sports and Services
Cordeous Love, New Student ProgramsChancellor's Advisory Review Board
Lori Stettler, Student Center
Carl Ervin, Student Development (alternate)
Tarnisha Green, College of Engineering (alternate)Nominations were approved. S. Rhoads noted that Vice Chancellor Dietz has selected C. Prozesky to serve on the search committee. Also, from last month's nominations, Robert Sims was selected to serve on the Search Committee for Dean of the College of Engineering. In other business, S. Rhoads reported there were six A/P hired in March.5.5c Constituency Relations
P. Curkin presented the committee's final report.5.5d Operating Paper
C. Love presented the committee's final report.5.5e Staff Benefits
D. Hahn presented the committee's final report.5.5f Staff Welfare
JP Dunn presented the committee's final report. He noted he still has the surveys and will work with the next committee to help review and analyze the data.
[All final reports can be found at Final Reports]
6. Old Business
6.1 T. Ashner reported that at the last meeting, she distributed copies of two policies, "Use of A/P Listservs" and "Maintenance of the A/P Staff Council Website" for Council members to review so action could be taken at this meeting. Members were also e-mailed copies prior to the meeting. T. Ashner asked if anyone had comments or suggestions for changes. Hearing none, P. Cosgrove moved to approve the first policy, "Use of A/P Listservs;" seconded by G. Hoffmann. T. Ashner noted that, if approved, it is possible that next year's Operating Paper Committee may want to add oversight of the listserv to the duties of Council Secretary [and Vice Chair]. D. Castle commented that this would be the first time an official policy of the A/P Staff Council--outside of the Operating Papers has been put in writing. Motion to adopt the "Policy on Use of the A/P Listservs" carried.
6.2 T. Ashner asked for a motion to approve the second policy, "Maintenance of the A/P Staff Council Website." JP Dunn so moved; seconded by D. Hahn. T. Ashner asked H. Jung when the site would be ready to go live. H. Jung responded that she plans to have the website up by the end of July. Motion to adopt the Policy on Maintenance of the A/P Staff Council Website carried. T. Ashner noted that next year's Operating Paper Committee may also want to consider adding website maintenance to the duties of the Vice Chair. [Both policies are included as appendix 3 to the minutes.] D. Hahn asked if Council term limits would be something that could be made policy. T. Ashner responded that it would require a change in the Council's Operating Paper. She indicated the Executive Committee, as well as the Council, discussed the issue previously. She plans to recommend that the next chair revisit term limits for Council members.6.3 T. Ashner reported there was much discussion about the idea of an ad hoc mentor committee at the last Executive Committee meeting. She believes the consensus was that, for next year, an ad hoc committee be formed to review the mentor program and help establish it as more formal policy by creating a handbook or manual for the program. T. Ashner indicated she would make this recommendation to the next Council chair, as she does not want to see the program die.
6.4 H. Jung reported that the Ad Hoc Website Committee is close to completing the new A/P website. One major task is to get pictures of Council members for the website, as well as creating links for various documents. She is also awaiting revised descriptions for the Council's standing committees.
7. New Business
T. Ashner thanked everyone on the Council, noting she has enjoyed serving on the Council over the last three years. She presented each Council member with a card expressing her thanks. She then presented certificates of appreciation to outgoing Council members JP Dunn, Brad Dillard and Paulette Curkin. She thanked them for their Council and committee service. On behalf of the Council, D. Castle presented a gavel to T. Ashner for her leadership as Chair of the Council from 2007-2008.
8. Announcements
P. Curkin invited Council members to her retirement party, to be held at Carmen Suarez's house on Friday, July 5.
9. Adjournment