Approved Minutes For Meeting On July 16, 2008
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: July 16, 2008
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Don Castle. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Michael Cubley, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Dana McKenzie, Barbara Nowack, Sandra Rhoads, Rod Sievers, Sharon Walters.
Members Absent: Mary Stammer.
Proxies: Steve Buhman for Phil Bankester, Patty Cosgrove for Mike Reiman, Gabriele Hoffmann for Allison Sutphin, Terry Huffman for Amy Rose, Barbara Nowack for Barbara Cray Lokaitis, Sandra Rhoads for Jon Geiger.
Visitors and Guests: Patrick Jones, Marge Selinger, Robert Sims, Lori Stettler.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on June 18, 2008, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Cosgrove moved to approve the agenda; seconded by M. Cubley. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
D. Castle reported: i) the constituency heads met with Chancellor Goldman two weeks ago. D. Castle believed it was a good meeting and is looking forward to attending those each month. Issues discussed included the budget and two Faculty Senate resolutions on affirmative action. The resolutions focused more on diversity in the hiring processes involving deans, directors, provost, vice chancellors and chancellor. The Chancellor strongly believes that searches need to be more aggressive, proper and done correctly which would include diligent reference checks. There was some debate by the faculty that [if a majority] of the committee believes a candidate should be hired, then that person should be hired. However, the University's process is not democratic; rather, it is ultimately the decision of the administrator doing the hiring. D. Castle noted that he participated in the discussion and made the point that it is good to promote and encourage diversity; but, if the University is sending that message, then the message should also be sent about hiring for excellence, quality and selecting the best people. It should not just be a single message about diversity; ii) he received a communication that the Chancellor Search Committee is attempting to schedule a retreat for those involved with the search process. He will be the A/P rep unless the Council believes otherwise. [The President's Office] reached out to the constituency heads to serve on the committee. They are in the "quiet" stages of the search and likely will be for most of the year. [The actual] search committee has not yet been formed, and he will keep the Council posted on how that process will be handled; iii) the Academic Affairs sector of the Council has caucused and selected Jon Geiger (Evaluation and Developmental Center) to fill the remainder of Cordy Love's term on the Council.5.2 Board of Trustees
D. Castle circulated the Board materials, noting he attended the meeting on July 10 in Springfield. It was a very short meeting, as the Trustees needed to attend the dedication of the new SimmonsCooper Cancer Institute. D. Castle noted, when reviewing the Board agenda, that the Trustees have created an audit committee among themselves. They are looking to be more vigilant in monitoring the fiscal affairs of the University.5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Representative to the Graduate Council - Robert Sims5.5 Standing Committees
R. Sims apologized that he was unable to attend meetings over past year because of a class conflict.5.4b Search Cmt, Dean of Engineering - Robert Sims
R. Sims reported the committee first met on May 9; however, the meeting was open to faculty only. It was decided that applicants should: i) be able to receive tenure in a department within the College of Engineering; and ii) be from academia rather than the work force since trends in academia are social, whereas someone from industry may have a "hire and fire" mentality. The committee checked previous dean searches and used them as a guide. A concern was raised about ABET coming in the fall and the number of interim [administrators] on campus. It was felt that this might be an issue with respect to [whether the person selected] could make commitments that can be believed and trusted. R. Sims reported the full committee met on May 13. Thoughts from the first meeting were raised, and the ad for the position was finished and placed. The committee will not meet again until after the start of the fall semester.5.4c Chancellor's Advisory Review - Lori Stettler
L. Stettler distributed and discussed her report (see appendix). She reported that during the training, members were provided with a manual that goes through all the parts of due process, as well as the Student Code of Conduct, which is currently under review. Faculty and staff had an opportunity for input into that process, and now input is being sought from students. It is hoped the new Student Code of Conduct will be in place when the fall semester starts. L. Stettler noted she has not yet had an opportunity to participate in the review process, but is trained and ready to act on the Council's behalf.5.4d Ombudsman Advisory - To be rescheduled.
5.5a Executive Committee
S. Rhoads reported: i) the committee met on July 9 and reviewed the minutes from the May 21 meeting, as well as the draft of the meeting agenda for July 16. There was some discussion on whether the Operating Paper addressed consequences for those who do not fulfill [their committee responsibilities] on the Council. D. Castle indicated he will review the Operating Paper regarding this issue; ii) H. Jung reported that the Academic Affairs representatives on the Council met and selected a replacement for Cordy Love. An alternate was also selected; iii) A. Sutphin reported that the Call for Volunteers for University committee vacancies will be sent in the next month; iv) S. Walters reported that the Constituency Relations Committee will meet to select a date and keynote speaker for the fall luncheon.5.5b Committee on Committees - None.
5.5c Constituency Relations
S. Walters reported the committee is reviewing last year's goals and will meet next week to discuss its goals for this year.5.5d Operating Paper
M. Cubley reported the committee has not met, but will do so shortly to discuss its goals.5.5e Staff Benefits
D. Hahn reported the committee has not met; however, he put together a packet for the new members that includes a summary of what the committee does, a copy of the end-of-year report and last year's goals. The committee should be meeting in the next two weeks to write its goals and get ready for submission next month.5.5f Staff Welfare
H. Jung reported the committee should be meeting soon. All members have a copy of last year's final report and goals to review. She indicated C. Coppi has agreed to act as her proxy on the committee while she is on maternity leave. JP Dunn has agreed to be her proxy for the August through October Council meetings. He has also agreed to serve on Staff Welfare, if needed.6. Old Business
H. Jung reported she had e-mailed Council members asking for further feedback on the new website. She hopes to go live with the site on July 21; at that time, a notice will go out on the A/P listserv announcing the new site.
7. New Business
8. AnnouncementsD. Castle distributed the Council's year-end budget report for FY08, noting much of the budget goes toward food and refreshments for the spring constituency reception and fall luncheon. H. Jung asked whether the Council could approve an expenditure for the Constituencies Office to upgrade some of its outdated software, in particular the web-related software. She believes it is a cost that should be shared by the other two constituency groups within that office. D. Castle indicated he would authorize this transaction.
C. Coppi commented on the expenditures made for food during the past year, particularly for the fall luncheon. The Council has debated before its frustration with those people who make reservations and then do not show up. There was discussion about having some kind of "hook" to get those people who make a commitment to honor it, or at least to send a substitute. She suggested [the Constituency Relations Committee] begin thinking about how to handle this problem. The Council has little money to work with already, and she dislikes seeing it wasted because of inconsiderate people. S. Walters responded that the issue is already on her committee's agenda. During discussion of this issue by Council members, some suggestions raised were: i) requiring a deposit that could be refunded if the person attends; ii) giving a door prize for which a person has to be present to win; iii) calling or e-mailing a reminder (although the latter is already done); iii) charging everyone for the meal. S. Rhoads indicated that Continuing Education conducts a program for children that is free; however, they require a $20 check, which they return if the child attends or cash if s/he does not. D. Castle pointed out that the Council would have to open another account if it charged people because any money collected cannot be deposited into the Council's state account. It was also noted that it is not on the [flyer] for the luncheon that people should send notification if they are unable to attend; they probably feel it is okay if they do not show. D. Castle indicated that further discussion should take place within the Constituency Relations Committee.
8.1 D. Castle announced the next Council meeting will be August 20. Anyone who cannot attend should remember to send a proxy.
8.2 D. Castle reminded committee chairs their goals are due by the August 13 Executive Committee meeting.
9. Adjournment