Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 21, 2008-09
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 21, 2008 (2008-2009)
1. The meeting was called to order by the 2007-08 Chair, Tuesday Ashner.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Phil Bankester, Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Dave Hahn, Gabriele Hoffmann, Heidi Jung, Barbara Cray Lokaitis, Cordy Love, Dana McKenzie, Mike Reiman, Sandra Rhoads, Rod Sievers, Amy Rose, Mary Stammer, Sharon Walters.
Proxies: Cordy Love for Michael Cubley, Gabriele Hoffmann for Allison Sutphin, Barbara Cray Lokaitis for Barbara Nowack.
Visitors: Tuesday Ashner, Jake Baggott, JP Dunn.
3. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: S. Rhoads moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by P. Cosgrove. Motion carried.
4. Welcome and Introduce New Members
T. Ashner welcomed the new and continuing Council members.
5. Orientation
T. Ashner reviewed the duties and responsibilities for the offices of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. She also reviewed the responsibilities of each of the Council standing committees.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 Chair
T. Ashner opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chair. D. Hahn nominated D. Castle. Hearing no other nominations, D. Castle was elected Chair by acclamation.6.2 Vice Chair
D. Castle opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice Chair. H. Jung was nominated but declined. C. Love was nominated but declined. H. Jung nominated S. Rhoads. Hearing no other nominations, P. Bankester moved to close nominations; seconded by D. Hahn. S. Rhoads was elected Vice Chair by acclamation.6.3 Secretary
D. Castle opened the floor for nominations for the office of Secretary. C. Love was nominated but declined. M. Stammer nominated P. Cosgrove. Hearing no other nominations, P. Bankester moved to close nominations; seconded by C. Love. P. Cosgrove was elected Secretary by acclamation.
7. New Business
Committee preference sheets were distributed. Council members were asked to return their preferences to the Constituencies Office so the Executive Committee can make standing committee assignments at its next meeting. C. Coppi asked, if an ad hoc committee is created for the mentor program, will that committee take over the responsibility of assigning mentors. T. Ashner responded that is what she envisioned. H. Jung indicated it was decided that the ad hoc committee would determine how much work was involved and then decide whether the Council needed to create a new standing committee.
8. Announcements
D. Castle announced that this year is the 30th anniversary of the Sunset Concerts. The concerts will kick off at Shryock Auditorium on June 12.
9. Adjournment