Approved Minutes For Meeting On February 20, 2008
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: February 20, 2008
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Tuesday Ashner. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Don Castle, Carla Coppi, Patty Cosgrove, Phil Bankester, Mike Cubley, Paulette Curkin, JP Dunn, Dave Hahn, Heidi Jung, Cordy Love, Dana McKenzie, Lisa McKennedy, Barbara Nowack, Sandra Rhoads, Mary Stammer, Allison Sutphin, Sharon Walters.
Members Absent: Brad Dillard.
Proxies: Allison Sutphin for Gabriele Hoffmann.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Tom Furby, Jeff Goeltz, John Massie, Marge Selinger, Rickey McCurry.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the January 16, 2008, meeting were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: P. Bankester moved to approve the agenda; seconded by P. Cosgrove. Motion carried.
5. Guest
T. Ashner introduced Vice Chancellor McCurry, who gave an update on the comprehensive campaign.6. Reports
6.1 Chair7. Old Business
T. Ashner reported: i) the open forum with President Poshard and Chancellor Treviño has been cancelled. She will talk with the Civil Service Council and Faculty Senate Presidents about how their constituencies feel about the cancellation; ii) after meeting with the Council and some of the other constituency heads regarding how the current SIUC administration is handling the constituency heads, she met with Chancellor Treviño; he had apparently also received some other feedback, so he asked her to disregard his earlier memo and indicated the constituency head meetings tradition would continue. She has not yet been contacted about a meeting. Overall, her meeting with the Chancellor went well.6.2 Board of Trustees
T. Ashner reported that the next Board meeting will be February 28.6.3 Human Resources (HR)
T. Ashner asked M. Selinger if the contract for non-negotiated employees has been approved. M. Selinger responded she had no information on that issue.6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Traffic Appeals Board - Tom Furby6.5 Standing Committees
T. Furby distributed a summary of the appeal decisions made in FY08 through December 2007 (see appendix 1). The committee is the second step in the appeal process for a parking tickets. The first step is an administrative step at the Parking Division. He was elected to chair the committee, and by virtue of that, he also serves on the Parking and Traffic Committee.6.4b Search Committee, Dean of MCMA - Jake Baggott
J. Baggott reported the committee had an organizational meeting just prior to the Christmas holiday break, and individual members began to review applications/nominations in the beginning of January. There were 19 applications/nominations that had been narrowed to 6 qualified applicants. Reference checks have been made, and the search committee meets later today to review those results and decide on which candidate to forward for further consideration.6.4c Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory - Jeff Goelz
J. Goelz distributed and discussed his report (included as appendix 2).6.4d Advisory Committee to Director of DPS - John Massie
J. Massie distributed and discussed his report (included as appendix 3).6.4e Honorary Degrees - Paulette Curkin
P. Curkin distributed and discussed her report (included as appendix 4).6.5a Executive Committee
A. Sutphin reported the committee reviewed the agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting.6.5b Ad Hoc Elections
D. Castle reported the committee has collected the list of A/P by sector and will be meeting to clarify the lists and set the deadlines. The next thing will be to distribute the call for nominations. D. Castle indicated that during the process, he noted that units the General sector report to the Chancellor for Research and the Graduate School. They are not academic units but are units that are involved in either research or economic areas.6.5c Committee on Committees
S. Rhoads reported on the list of new hires for December and January. The committee is in the process of assigning mentors for those. Also, the Chancellor is asking for a representative to the Signage Committee. The committee will meet to select someone for that committee. T. Ashner commented the Signage Committee will be looking at policies and procedures on having signs.6.5d Constituency Relations
P. Curkin reported the committee met by e-mail and is looking to schedule the spring event to recognize the nominees for the A/P excellence awards. There was a question of whether to hold the event before or after the Chancellor's banquet on April 22. T. Ashner indicated the event is to recognize everyone who was nominated for the awards, as well as the recipients of the awards. Heidi Jung pointed out the recent Operating Paper change states that the event should be held after the Chancellor's banquet. P. Curkin indicated the event will have to be after April 22 but before April 30.6.5e Operating Paper
C. Love reported the committee will convene and count the ballots for the Operating Paper change.6.5f Staff Benefits
D. Hahn reported he has talked with M. Selinger on several occasions on various questions and they came to the consensus that it would behoove the Council to hear information straight from HR versus M. Selinger giving him the information to report back to the Council. She suggested the committee compile a list of questions to give to HR; they would do the research and data collection and then come to the Council to answer questions. The committee is currently finalizing a list of questions with the hope of presenting them in March. He invites Council members to submit questions for HR to address; the committee will add those to the list. His intent is to send the final list out to Council members to review; then, at the March meeting a decision will be made by the Council as a whole what questions they want to pass on to HR; HR will then come and meet with the Council. He strongly suggested Council members consider holding a special meeting with HR to address these questions and have an in-depth discussion, possibly in April. The committee's questions focus on continuing and term contracts, etc. However, if Council members have questions about sick days, vacation time, salaries, job descriptions or other issues that HR can give input on, let him know. M. Selinger asked if it would be beneficial for the committee to have a copy of the policies and possibly look at the materials that are sent from HR to those particular candidates who are up for continuing positions. T. Ashner believed it would be helpful to have that information.6.5g Staff Welfare
JP Dunn reported the survey has been revised to include those changes recommended by the Council at the last meeting. It is ready to be distributed.
7.1. H. Jung reported the Ad Hoc Website Committee has met to discuss various issues. The next step is to draft a web environment that can then be reviewed and revised. She showed the Council a draft of the new website, noting that as development continues, there will be more to show.8. New Business7.2 D. Hahn indicated it was mentioned that there had been a proposal at one time on vacation benefits. M. Selinger reported that she checked on the proposal; it went only so far, and then it was dropped. T. Ashner noted she has a copy and will send them to D. Hahn and his committee.
The Proposed A/P Staff Council Budget for FY09 was presented for approval. P. Curkin moved to approve the budget; seconded by D. Hahn. Motion carried.9. Announcements
9.1C. Love announced Student Life Advisor applications are due on February 25.9. Adjournment9.2 P. Curkin announced that if anyone has students who are interested in diversity, a diversity workshop is being held on March 1.
9.3M. Stammer announced that the Jackson County Access to Care Committee, in cooperation with the Delta Regional Authority, is holding a health fare at the Carbondale WalMart at the end of March. It will be "cover the uninsured week."