Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 19, 2009-10
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 19, 2010 (2009-2010)
1. The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair, Jon Geiger. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Jake Baggott, Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman, Carla Coppi, Janet Douglas, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Dana McKenzie, Layla Murphy, Mike Reiman, Rod Sievers, Sue Tin, Sharon Walters.
Members Absent Barbara Lokaitis.
Proxies: Jon Geiger for JP Dunn; Carla Coppi for Amy Rose; Layla Murphy for Barbara Nowack; Sue Tin for Gloria Yuncker, Sharon Walters for Vern Goode.
Visitors and Guests: Phil Bankester, Pat Latch, Keith McMath, John Massie, Uche Onyebadi, Charlotte Sarao, Lori Stettler.
3. Guest
U. Onyebadi thanked Council members for the opportunity to speak with them on the Haiti School Project. He discussed the need to focus on the future of Haiti, education in particular, after the devastating earthquake that took place there earlier this year. The goals of the project are to build [at least one] primary school, while at the same time re-establish a relationship between Haiti and SIUC that was forged during the 1980s when SIUC had a study abroad program. U. Onyebadi asked for a show of endorsement from the Council, either by letter or resolution, so that when the project is launched (hopefully next semester) he will have evidence of support from the various campus groups. For anyone who would like more information, U. Onyebadi can be reached at or at 618-453-5483. T. Ashner asked if the Council will discuss this issue under New Business or if it would be better to refer it to the incoming Council. J. Geiger indicated the matter would be referred to the next Executive Committee for action.
4. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on April 21, 2010, were approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: R. Sievers moved to approve the agenda; seconded by P. Eckert. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair
J. Geiger (for JP Dunn) shared with the Council some information obtained from the Faculty Senate minutes of April 13, 2010, regarding the Haiti Project. He then reported: i) the University is waiting on the state legislature to take some action. The borrowing bill did pass and is awaiting the Governor's signature. There was hope for some federal stimulus money, as FY11 looks bad, and FY12 looks worse; ii) the Board of Trustees was expected to (and did) pass the 0% tuition increase, with very minimal fee increases (averaging 1.8%). Consequently, there will be a curtailment of services, with auxiliary services being hit hard. The $400,000 for Housing renovation was cancelled, and there was discussion on the implications of Plant and Service Operations hiring only 5 instead of 20 seasonal workers to mow the grass. The Student Center and Recreation Center would have to cut their hours, and there would also be a reduction in the number of student work jobs; iii) there is some concern over the debt that would be incurred if the University has to borrow money. It will become necessary to examine the mission of the University and identify the programs that are critical to that mission; iv) it was reported that admissions are up; however, there were concerns expressed by the Executive Committee as to whether enrollment was up as well. Summer enrollment appears to be up 3.4%, and fall enrollment is up 2.5%. The growth is likely due to the new nursing program, the increase in international students and the influx of students from the border states; v) the budget cut for FY11 is now expected to be 4%. The Executive Committee discussed the possibility of furloughs, which could be in the range of four to five days. This issue comes down to a cooperative effort on everyone's part, in particular the bargaining units. If that does not happen, it is A/P staff and other non-negotiated employees who are vulnerable. It was noted that the University must practice budget planning; holding funds the first half of the year with the expectation of spending them in the latter part of the year is not always a good principle to employ.6.2 Board of Trustees
JP Dunn submitted his written report (included as appendix 1 to the minutes).6.3 Human Resources (HR)
P. Latch announced that the benefits choice period will close on June 1. ING and Prudential are both offering open enrollment [for the voluntary long-term disability], with no medical underwriting if the employee has not been denied coverage in the past. Information on benefits choice is available on HR's website at . P. Latch also reported that the HR Director has postponed her retirement until June 20.6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Advisory Committee to Director of DPS - John Massie
J. Massie presented and reviewed his report (see appendix 2 to the minutes). He added that last week, the committee was given the University Crime Report for 2009. It shows that crime has decreased significantly over the last year in almost all the major categories6.4b SURS Members Advisory - Jake Baggott
J. Baggott reviewed the minutes of the April 6, 2010, meeting (included as appendix 3 to the minutes). Several handouts were also provided, which can be obtained by contacting the Constituencies Office (618-453-5249).6.4c University Joint Benefits - John Massie/Vanessa Sneed
J. Massie presented and reviewed their report (see appendix 4)6.4d Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Phil Bankester
P. Bankester reported the committee generally meets monthly, but has only met twice this semester. Incoming Chancellor Rita Cheng was introduced and sat in on the meeting in January; the committee met again in March, though not much was discussed. P. Bankester indicated there has not been much committee activity, though occasionally there is some information shared, and Chancellor Goldman may ask for input. There is some indication that Chancellor Cheng intends to continue the committee, as a set of dates for the first half of the fiscal year have been scheduled. R. Sievers asked if there was any hope that there will be changes with respect to the committee's activities. P. Bankester responded that he was unsure.6.5 Standing Committees
6.5a Executive Committee
[see Chair Report]6.5b Committee on Committees
D. McKenzie reported that after the last Council meeting, the committee received a request for a volunteer to serve on the Search Committee for Director of Human Resources. The committee met via email, and she was asked (and agreed) to serve. Additionally, the committee was asked to submit three names for the Search Committee for Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor. The following names were submitted (one of which will be selected): Tuesday Ashner (Alumni Services); Terri Harfst (Enrollment Management); and Amy Rose (Student Judicial Affairs). All agreed to serve if selected. J. Baggott asked about the time line for having an HR director in place. D. McKenzie responded that the application deadline was yesterday. The goal was to complete the search by the end of the month, but that is not likely. The committee will meet to review applications on May 24, and candidates will be interviewed on May 25. The search committee will submit its recommendation on May 26. She noted that the search is internal. Nomination to the Search Committee for Director of Human Resources was approved. Nominations for the Search Committee for Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor were approved. [In other business, the committee submitted its final report.]6.5c Constituency Relations
The committee submitted its final report.6.5d Operating Paper
R. Sievers presented for approval the Proposed Changes to the Operating Paper of the A/P Staff Council (included as attachment 2 to the agenda). He noted that this is the second meeting where the issue of School of Medicine representation on the A/P Staff Council is before the Council. S. Tin believes they may be back to square one on the issue. When she explained the proposed changes to the Springfield A/P Council, Paul Fleming, a former member of the Springfield Council, sent a lengthy email raising his concerns about forfeiting voting rights; he prefers to maintain the current six votes for the School of Medicine. S. Tin suggested the most efficient way to proceed at this point may be to have the Springfield Council and those interested parties meet separately and decide what it is they really want. She believes there is a lot of misunderstanding about how committee participation works and that there should be some practical decisions made about [how] Springfield staff are recruited for service, how they attend meetings and how they are represented on committees. J. Baggott asked if this is only P. Fleming's perspective or is it a group representation. S. Tin responded that P. Fleming's is the only feedback she has received. J. Baggott believes that, given the fact that people have had the opportunity to react and provide feedback on the proposed amendments, and that the committee had representation from the Springfield campus, the Council could move forward on the changes and then [if approved] send them to the constituency. R. Sievers agreed, noting this issue has been before the Council two or three times already, and everyone has had an opportunity for input. It is time to make a decision one way or the other.S. Tin asked for clarification on P. Fleming's concern about the decrease of voting members. J. Baggott responded that [the issue as a whole] was in response to the awareness that there was a well-functioning A/P Council at the Springfield campus, which has a liaison representative from Carbondale; additionally, many of the policies and procedures that are addressed in Carbondale many times do not affect the Springfield campus in the same way, and vice versa. He believes S. Tin has done a good job of considering all the issues. S. Tin responded that she has attempted to keep the Springfield Council informed about the discussion and vote on the Operating Paper changes. Her impression is that P. Fleming's concern has more to do with participation on certain committees, in particular the committee on computing services. J. Geiger agreed, noting P. Fleming's email discussed the lack of Springfield participation on campus-wide committees whose decisions may affect Springfield as well as Carbondale. R. Sievers questioned whether this is a valid concern. J. Baggott did not believe the proposed changes would restrict A/P staff in Springfield from volunteering for committee service.T. Ashner commented that the discussion of Springfield representation on this Council actually goes back further than the two or three times it has been discussed this year. The Springfield Council members themselves have commented about sitting through meetings at which the issues being discussed have no relevance to them or to their campus. Those comments helped lead to the proposed changes. C. Coppi agreed and suggested that perhaps P. Fleming does not realize just how many of the SIUC policies are not at all relevant on the Springfield campus. She pointed out that the Carbondale Council has never been asked to weigh in on any of the policy decisions that are made at the Springfield campus. She therefore believes his accusations are unfounded. J. Baggott suggested it is more likely a lack of understanding. He recommended the Council move forward with a vote on the changes. The constituency will then have the opportunity to either approve or defeat the referendum. R. Sievers noted that the Chancellor will have final approval. J. Geiger mentioned that in his email, P. Fleming offered to send an email to the Springfield constituency explaining why these changes are important. J. Geiger commented that P. Fleming is welcome to do that, if he feels it will help the Springfield constituency to vote down the issue, if they so choose. With respect to the issue P. Fleming raised about committee service, D. McKenzie pointed out that B. Nowack, who is in Springfield, served on the Committee on Committees and helped with selecting people to serve on [University committees]. Additionally, the committee had to work with lists from prior years because of the lack of volunteers from both campuses.Proposed changes to the Operating Paper of the A/P Staff Council were unanimously approved. R. Sievers noted that the Operating paper referendum will be conducted electronically.6.5e Staff Benefits
S. Walters (for V. Goode) presented the committee's final report.6.5f Staff Welfare
C. Coppi submitted the committee's final report. She expressed appreciation to G. Yuncker and S. Tin for the wonderful job they have done and also thanked them for bringing forward some issues that had not been discussed in a few years.
[All final reports were included as Attachment 1 to the May agenda]
7. Old Business - None.
8. New Business
J. Geiger presented certificates of appreciation to outgoing Council members Dana McKenzie, Sharon Walters, Carla Coppi and Barbara Nowack (to be mailed). He thanked them all for their Council and committee service. On behalf of the Council, J. Geiger presented a plaque to J. Baggott for his hard work and leadership as Chair of the Council during 2009-2010.
9. Announcements - None.
10. Adjournment