Approved Minutes For Meeting On March 17, 2010
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: March 17, 2010
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Jake Baggott. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Jake Baggott, Natalie Branca, Carla Coppi, Janet Douglas, JP Dunn, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Barbara Lokaitis, Dana McKenzie, Barbara Nowack, Mike Reiman, Amy Rose, Rod Sievers, Sue Tin, Sharon Walters, Gloria Yuncker.
Members Absent: Steve Buhman, Layla Murphy, Vern Goode.
Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett, Michelle Garrett, Pat Latch.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on February 17, 2010, were corrected under 5.4a Traffic and Parking, third sentence beginning, "Parking has been..." to read, "T. Ashner believes Parking has been unable to get its income- generating proposals approved by the administration because parking is not a high priority." Minutes were approved as corrected.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: Adoption of Meeting Agenda: It was noted that item 5.4a, the Advisory Committee to the Director of Public Safety report, will be rescheduled to May. R. Sievers moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by J. Geiger. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
J. Baggott reported: i) the constituency heads met and spent some time discussing budget planning for the remainder of this, as well as the next, fiscal year. They discussed furloughs, layoffs and other types of cuts, and a number of options are being developed. The deans are being asked to develop proposals for a 10% budget cut and then to prioritize those in the order in which the cuts should occur, if they had to occur. The administration is also looking at a furlough plan and the possibility of closing on days that would not impact the academic calendar (e.g., days leading up to the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks). J. Baggott indicated that all the plans will be put into templates, and a group of people will review the options and attempt to achieve the goal with the least amount of interruption. JP Dunn asked if the days would be paid or unpaid, noting he would prefer to take a forced vacation day during the closure as opposed to a furlough day. R. Sievers pointed out that at the University of Illinois, a furlough day is a furlough, and vacation time cannot be taken. J. Baggott agreed, noting that it is common in a number of plans he has seen. He added that there is nothing that will not at least be considered, so if anyone has ideas, he is willing to take them back [to the administration]; ii) the NCA Accreditation Team is scheduled to meet with the A/P Staff Council on March 22. They will be on campus for three days, with an exit interview to be held on March 24.J. Baggott reported that as a result of his new position in the Chancellor's office, he is resigning as chair of the A/P Staff Council. Also, because he has changed from the Student Affairs sector to the General sector, he will serve the remainder of the Council year (until May), as allowed by the Council's Operating Paper, before stepping down from the Council itself. J. Baggott then turned the meeting over to the new chair, JP Dunn, who launched into a discussion on the consequences of a 10% cut, should that occur for the remainder of FY10. It was reported that the figures on staffing cuts that were recently published in theSouthern Illinoisan are staggering and reasonably accurate (hypothetically, 289 A/P staff; 443 civil service; and 283 non-tenured faculty would be cut). The numbers were given to show how extreme the consequence would be of such a cut this late in the fiscal year.5.2 Board of Trustees - None.
5.3 Human Resources (HR)
T. Bennett reported that Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Kevin Bame has received some feedback from the School of Medicine on the term to continuing proposal and will be looking into some of their suggestions, such as referencing the dean and the School of Medicine when discussing the approval process. They also wanted clarification on the definition of non-recurring dollars and had some concerns related to the budget situation. T. Bennett indicated that anyone who has questions about employment status should be encouraged to contact Employment Services. There are various rumors going around, and there are continuing employees who do not know that they would have to be given 12 months notice [before termination]. HR will provide as much information as possible.5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Advisory Committee to Director of Public Safety - To be rescheduled.
5.4b Search Committee, CASA Dean - Natalie Branca
N. Branca reported that the committee had narrowed down the list of candidates to three before the decision was made to cancel the search. Terry Owens will continue as interim dean. The hope is to begin another search in 2011.
5.4c Signage - Jon Geiger
J. Geiger distributed and reviewed his report (included as appendix 1 to the minutes). S. Tin asked if there is a possibility that companies who are able to display their outside logo would be willing to sponsor signs. This could be a way [for the University] to generate revenue. For example, there are certain signs on campus that could be put on a billboard somewhere else crediting whoever paid for the sign for a year. This is something that is done in sports. She believes the University will need to begin thinking outside the box for revenue streams. J. Geiger responded that the committee has discussed that certain parts of the University [are putting in signage] their own way. The committee is attempting to keep conformity and uniformity across campus. S. Tin suggested that the logos would not have to be sprinkled around campus, but rather contained in one place. J. Geiger applauded the idea and indicated he would raise the issue at the committee's next meeting.
5.4d Academic Calendar - Jon Geiger
J. Geiger distributed a copy of the academic calendar for 2011-2012 (included as appendix 2 to the minutes). He reported that the committee tends to work three academic calendar years ahead of the present calendar year.
5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported the committee met and discussed the budget at length. He had accompanied J. Baggott to the constituency heads meeting with the President, at which time the President discussed what is being done to address the situation. Several efficiencies have already taken place to trim $13 million from the budget: a hiring freeze, although there are some vital positions that being advertised and filled; accelerating receivables and slowing expenditures; delaying/cancelling projects; encouraging the use of surplus property in place of new; taking carry-over funds from FY09; the 2% reserve, plus another 2%; and hoping for the short-term borrowing. The bill, which has passed the Senate, will give universities authority to borrow until August 31, 2010. However, they will only be able to borrow 75% of what they are expecting from state appropriations. JP Dunn reported that the potential 10% cut was also discussed. Education across Illinois has been cut $400 million for FY11. The goals are to defeat the FY10 10% rescission; pass the borrowing authority; and basically ask for a zero/zero plan, which means no increase in funding and no increase in tuition. K. Bame and Vice President Stucky are working through the details of the furlough and layoff plans. T. Ashner asked if there is any oversight on how departments are spending their funds. JP Dunn responded he would ask K. Bame.5.5b Ad Hoc Elections Committee
C. Coppi reported the ballots have been mailed, and the deadline for their return is March 29. Shortly thereafter, the committee will meet to count and determine the slate of candidates. C. Coppi then distributed for approval the motion to postpone the spring election in the School of Medicine sector (see appendix 3 of the minutes). JP Dunn reported he received a call from Karen Reynolds in Springfield, who expressed an interest in retaining one Springfield person on the Carbondale Council. She believes it is important for A/P in Springfield to be aware of what is going on at the Carbondale campus. He agrees that having one person, whether elected or appointed by the Springfield A/P Staff Council, could be worked out later. [B. Nowack] responded that [the current Carbondale representatives] also spoke with K. Reynolds; additionally, there was an email from another individual who expressed the same concern about having some type of representation or cross-over between the two councils. S. Tin believes the Council should consider tabling the Operating Paper change until they [the Springfield members] can determine how the Springfield A/P Council would like to interface with the Carbondale group. She believes it would be more valuable to them because they would be able to see what is going on in Carbondale and have some decision-making about what happens in Springfield. Ideally, the Operating Paper should be changed so that it spells out exactly what Springfield's participation should be. She commented that the information about the budget that is being given at this meeting is the first she has heard about drastic cuts. That kind of information does not trickle down to the A/P in Springfield because they have no mechanism to hear about what is happening in Carbondale. She also pointed out that the cancer institute in Springfield has finally opened after two years. They did not hear this information from the dean, but rather read about it in the paper, which is a concern.R. Sievers reported that he did some research and found that the Civil Service Council has non- voting, ex officio representatives from the Civil Service Council in Springfield (Faculty Senate has voting representatives in Springfield who are elected). T. Ashner favored the idea of having the Springfield A/P Council appoint someone, whether voting or non-voting. JP Dunn indicated he and K. Reynolds discussed at length the importance of keeping that connection between the two councils, especially now. He agreed with the suggestion that the proposed change to the Operating Paper be tabled and possibly re-worked. R. Sievers mentioned that if the proposed change is made, then the [total] representation itself should be looked at as well. He pointed out that there are 23 School of Medicine A/P on the Carbondale campus, which would mean that three of their members would be on this Council. Originally, the committee did not want to make too many changes at once and was going to work on that issue next; however, the more he thinks about it, he believe it is something that should be considered [now] as well. J. Geiger asked the Springfield representatives how they would feel about the possibly of not being a part of this Council, if that is what is decided, since they are not a part of the Springfield Council. S. Tin responded that she would like to see some kind of participation [between the two councils], though she is not sure whether it needs to be more than one person.JP Dunn reminded Council members that there is a motion on the table to postpone the School of Medicine election. R. Sievers asked if there would be an election if the motion is defeated. [S. Tin] asked if there was anything in the Operating Paper that prohibited a person currently serving on the School of Medicine A/P Council from also [serving on the Carbondale Council]. She questioned whether they could approach the Springfield Council and ask if any of their members would like to serve on the Carbondale Council. If so, [the Springfield members on this Council] could make that nomination. JP Dunn responded that it is possible to do so. When Rhonda Seeber served on the Carbondale Council, she also acted as a liaison to the Springfield Council. R. Sievers noted the Operating Paper makes no mention of the A/P Council in Springfield. C. Coppi pointed out that the motion on the table states that the School of Medicine election be postponed until such time as the membership of that sector has been defined. S. Tin questioned why they could not nominate someone who would serve as a liaison to the Carbondale Council. R. Sievers responded that a liaison is different than having membership. S. Tin indicated that if the election is postponed, possibly the Springfield members could do some do diligence with the Council in Springfield and see if they can find at least one person willing to represent Springfield on the Carbondale Council; an election could occur later. It was noted that the three Council members from Springfield will continue their membership on the Carbondale Council. Motion to postpone the election in the School of Medicine sector carried.5.5c Committee on Committees - None.
5.5d Constituency Relations
A. Rose reported the spring reception will be on April 28 in the Old Main Lounge.5.5e Operating Paper
R. Sievers pointed out that the proposed change to Section I.A. of the Operating Paper pertaining to the School of Medicine Springfield representation has been withdrawn at this time. The second change, which addresses term limits, is now being presented for approval. He reported that he did receive a few comments regarding the proposed change. One person believes it is a good idea to serve consecutive terms, but that there should be a limit. Three other comments he received said the same. J. Geiger explained that the thought behind the change was that it has been difficult to fill open positions on the Council. It makes sense to him to allow consecutive terms. S. Walters believes it would be difficult to decide how many terms would be too many. R. Sievers noted that the Civil Service Council has unlimited three year terms; [those on Faculty Senate serve two three-year terms and then have to sit out a year before coming back]. It was also noted that the Civil Service Council has difficulty at times putting a slate together when there are vacancies; however, most of their members continue to run and serve for several years. JP Dunn commented that a valid argument for two terms would be that, for the most part, it takes a full term before Council members begin to be aware of how things work. Another point made was that elected Council members can always be voted out. S. Walters suggested allowing the A/P constituency as a whole to decide whether [there should be term limits] since the proposed changes must go to them for approval. After further discussion, J. Geiger recommended sending the proposed change to the constituency as is and allow them to vote the matter up or down. Motion to remove the term limit on A/P Staff Council membership was approved, with one nay.The question was raised as to whether the proposed amendment should be sent out now and whether it could go electronically. T. Ashner pointed out that the current Operating Paper allows for electronic voting. A concern was raised as to whether electronic voting could be conducted in a secure manner. JP Dunn responded that he is currently working with the Faculty Senate on their spring elections, which are being conducted electronically using Blackboard. In the case of A/P, it would require obtaining and matching names with network IDs and email addresses. The suggestion was made to conduct the referendum by paper ballot this time and then work toward conducting the next referendum (on the School of Medicine representation) electronically using Blackboard.5.5f Staff Benefits
S. Walters reported that the committee has not met in some time, as V. Goode has been out sick. She will attempt to contact someone in his area to find out how he is doing.5.5g Staff Welfare
C. Coppi reported the committee met last week and discussed its continuing media blitz. She contacted Tom Woolf (University Communications), who has contacted JP Dunn about an article forSaluki Times. T. Woolf will attempt to find a way to showcase the Council in that publication in order to draw immediate attention to the Council and to the interview with JP Dunn. With respect to the newsletter, she and JP Dunn will discuss how they want to gather information. J. Douglas has agreed to prepare the publication with help from her staff. C. Coppi asked committee chairs to think about articles they could write to be submitted to J. Douglas, who will then begin preparing the newsletter. The committee discussed how often the newsletter should be published. JP Dunn indicated if the committees take turns writing the articles, then monthly would suffice. C. Coppi added that a suggestion was made about highlighting a Council member for inclusion as well. S. Walters suggested including some of the information JP Dunn sends to the discussion list regarding legislative and pension news. In other business, C. Coppi reported committee members have reviewed their goals and have begun writing of their achievements for this year.
6. Old Business
T. Ashner reported that she was approached by some A/P within Institutional Advancement about having the Council look into creating an Institutional Advancement sector. She pointed out that Student Affairs has its own sector, as does Academic Affairs, so why not them? C. Coppi responded that she tends to divide areas by vice chancellor; if there is a vice chancellor, then there should be a sector. However, K. Bame is a vice chancellor, and that group does not have its own sector. They are all in General as well. T. Ashner asked if there is something in past history that she could bring back to her area that would show why the Council was divided up that way. She believes their concerns are valid. R. Sievers responded that the Operating Paper Committee also wondered about the history of the School of Medicine having its own sector. He pointed out that there is no School of Journalism sector, for example; so, why a School of Medicine? He does not know the background. T. Ashner asked that some research be done on this issue so she can report back to the staff in her area.
7. New Business
7.1 JP Dunn reported that, as a result of the resignation of Allison Sutphin, the office of Secretary of the A/P Staff Council is currently vacant. Also, because he has assumed the position of Chair as a result of J. Baggott's resignation, the office of Vice Chair needs to be filled for the remainder of the Council year. He gave a brief description of the responsibilities of each position and then opened the floor for volunteers. S. Walters volunteered to serve as Secretary, and J. Geiger volunteered to serve as Vice Chair. Motions were made and approved to elect S. Walters and J. Geiger to those respective positions.
7.2 JP Dunn reported that his thoughts are with the family of former Chancellor John Guyon, who died this morning.
7.3 JP Dunn reported that he has been asked to serve, and has accepted, a second term on the Emeritus and Annuitant Association. He added that employees do not have to be retired to join. The Association is very active in support of retaining benefits for current and retired employees.
8. Announcements - None.
9. Adjournment