Approved Minutes For Meeting On August 18, 2010
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: August 18, 2010
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, JP Dunn. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman, JP Dunn, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Sarah Olson, Amy Rose, Charlotte Sarao, Rod Sievers, Lori Stettler, Meredith (Rhoads) Thomas, Sue Tin, Gloria Yuncker.
Members Absent: Janet Douglas.
Proxies: Don Patton for Layla Murphy; Rod Sievers for Mike Reiman; Lori Stettler for Alfred Jackson.
Visitors and Guests: Jake Baggott, Tracy Bennett.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on July 21, 2010, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: L. Stettler moved to adopt the agenda as presented; seconded by P. Eckert. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
JP Dunn reported: i) the constituency heads will meet with the Chancellor on August 20; ii) employees on campus who are represented by the Service Employees International Union will be receiving a 3% pay increase this year; iii) there did not appear to be much objection to the proposed Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct documents as written; iv) there is a question as to whether leave forms for sick and vacation are being uniformly filled out by all departments; v) the upcoming inauguration for Chancellor Cheng to be held in April. There are two planning committees (at-large and working). JP Dunn was asked to serve on the at-large committee, as were most of the constituency heads. It has been emphasized that no state funds will be used to fund the event; vi) as a result of health issues, Barbara Lokaitis has resigned from the Council; vii) the [Office of Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance] has requested the Council appoint a representative to the Civil Service Excellence Through Commitment Award Selection Committee; viii) the search for a Registrar has garnered three campus candidates for the position. Interviews will begin on August 19; ix) the A/P Judicial Review Board needs to meet in order to elect a new chair and undergo training; however, the current chair, Amanda Phillips, is on maternity leave. JP Dunn asked that A. Jackson, the Staff Welfare representative to the Board, schedule a meeting of that group so they can organize for the year. P. Eckert commented that when she served on the Board several years ago, someone from Legal Counsel was invited to speak. She suggested this might be helpful to Board members as they undergo their training.5.2 Board of Trustees
JP Dunn reported the Board will not meet again until September 16. At that time, the chancellors will request the authority to call for administrative closure days.5.3 Human Resources (HR)
T. Bennett reported that there were some civil service positions that have been eliminated or targeted for elimination. The majority of those employees were reassigned to other vacant positions on campus. She believes it was a more positive experience than when reassignments occurred a few years back. People were understanding, helpful and welcoming to those who were reassigned.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
Search Committee for Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor - Amy Rose
A. Rose reported the committee met for the first time on August 17 and was given its charge by the Chancellor. Chancellor Cheng would like to have finalists on campus in late September/early October and would like the committee's decision as early as October, with a start date by the end of the semester.5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee
T. Ashner reported the Expanded Executive Committee met and reviewed the minutes from the July Council meeting, as well as the agenda for August. Topics discussed included: i) the proposed changes to the Operating Paper and when that referendum will be mailed. The voting will be done electronically using Blackboard; ii) the proposed Code of Ethics; iii) the goals of the standing committees; iv) search committee composition and at what level is it appropriate for the Council to have representation.5.5b Committee on Committees
A. Rose presented for approval the appointment of Loraine Hunziker, College of Engineering, to the Civil Service Excellence Through Commitment Award Selection Committee. J. Geiger noted that L. Hunziker was selected because she was civil service employee at one time and also had indicated willingness to serve on any committee.Appointment of L. Hunziker was approved.5.5c Constituency Relations
S. Buhman reported the committee has not met, but did submit its goals for approval. He will schedule a meeting of the committee in order to plan for the fall constituency luncheon. There was some discussion in the Executive Committee about a guest speaker and the possibility of charging $5 for lunch to help offset costs during this difficult budget year.5.5d Operating Paper
R. Sievers reported the committee met by email and drafted its goals for the year.5.5e Staff Benefits
C. Sarao reported the committee met and established its goals.5.5f Staff Welfare - No report.
6. Old Business
6.1 JP Dunn presented for approval the FY11 Goals and Objectives (included as an attachment to the agenda). C. Sarao moved for approval; seconded by M. Thomas. Motion carried.6.2 JP Dunn welcomed J. Baggott, who reported he attempted to get some clarification on some questions that were raised at the Council's last meeting regarding the University Code of Conduct and the University Code of Ethics: i) the codes are not intended to supercede any existing policy; ii) the codes are very much intended to deal with students in their roles as employees; iii) with respect to whether the codes can be used as disciplinary instruments, J. Baggott indicated the documents are intended to be system- level policies. The last page of each states the University has an obligation to report anything that falls outside of the Code of Ethics or the Code of Conduct; again, [they are] so very broad and encompassing that it would likely be more reliable to use other existing policies, procedures and laws with which everyone must comply; iv) the codes will not affect a person's private life activities, as long as those activities do not impact her/his role as an employee.JP Dunn called for a motion to approve the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct. T. Ashner asked if the two documents are being considered under one motion or if they will be voted on separately. JP Dunn responded that they will be voted on separately. G. Yuncker asked if the documents are applicable to the School of Medicine. JP Dunn responded that the documents are system-wide, so Edwardsville, Carbondale and the School of Medicine would be included. G. Yuncker indicated she is aware the School of Medicine is currently working on its own code of conduct. J. Baggott responded that [the committee that drafted the documents] is taking comments from Edwardsville, and he is aware the School of Medicine has submitted some comments as well. He is also aware the School of Medicine is working on its own document specific to that school. He added that these documents may not be the final versions, but he will be taking any feedback, particularly the questions raised, to the committee to consider. The Council is not required to take a vote on the documents, but it is welcome. If anyone has strong feelings against either of them, he would like to know that for certain. C. Sarao did not believe the Council should vote on the codes until they have been finalized. J. Baggott responded that the codes will be Board of Trustees policy, and what they are looking for is feedback as the codes are being drafted. T. Ashner believes that if the codes will not affect employees in the private sense, as the Student Conduct Code does students, then she would like the Code of Ethics to state that specifically. The policies are so broad that she did not want to leave it open to interpretation. J. Baggott understood the concern; however, the difficulty with that is there are examples of activities that one might do in her/his private life that creates problems in her/his role at the University. He asked T. Ashner if the essence of what she is saying is that, if the proposed Code of Ethics was modified in such a way that it in effect stated that it would not impact an employee's private life or activities to the extent that those activities do not affect her/his professional role, would that be acceptable? T. Ashner agreed. J. Baggott believes that to be a reasonable request. P. Eckert did not believe a document could be drafted that still would not be open to some kind of interpretation. There [could always be] some crazy circumstance that could arise (e.g., if the Chancellor gets a speeding ticket or DUI). J. Geiger asked if there are any real inconsistencies with the proposed Code of Ethics and the document that deals with ethics state-wide. J. Baggott did not believe the two are in conflict, though they may not be entirely consistent with each other. T. Ashner believes the Code of Conduct explains everything very well; it is the Code of Ethics that is so broad.L. Stettler asked if the Council would see the final version [of the Code of Ethics] before it goes to the Board. J. Baggott did not believe it would come back in this form, but it will certainly be on the Board agenda. The constituency heads will be attending the meeting and have the opportunity to comment; there is a public speaking opportunity as well. C. Sarao did not believe there was a reason to vote if the codes are going to be approved, anyway. R. Sievers responded that the committee only asked for comments. T. Ashner suggested that when J. Baggott discusses the Code of Ethics, he also have the Student Conduct Code available to show the committee. Some people do not work with students as much as some others and so they do not know what the students go through. He could point out that A/P has raised concerns because they have seen where some [circumstances with students] have gone wrong. J. Baggott responded that he is likely a member of the committee (his predecessor was), so he will have an opportunity to express [the Council's] concerns. JP Dunn asked whether it will be understood that employees are to abide by the codes or if they will have to sign off on them. J. Baggott responded the policies do not suggest a signature or test. What will likely happen is that they will end up on the Board's website with all their other policies. JP Dunn asked whether the Council wanted to take a vote on the two proposed codes. C. Sarao suggested a motion that the Council generally accept the [Code of Ethics] with the exceptions that have been noted. T. Ashner moved first that the Code of Conduct be accepted as presented; seconded by R. Sievers. Motion carried.JP Dunn called for a motion on the Code of Ethics. J. Baggott pointed out that on the last page, the second paragraph states, "The Southern Illinois University Code of Conduct is based on these guiding principles. All members of the University community should integrate the Code of Ethics' principles and the Code of Conducts' standards into their daily University activities." He believes that is the frame for which this will be used. T. Ashner understood, but there is still the uncertainty. J. Baggott indicated that it will be uncertain until it is tested; however, he is confident that it will be viewed that way. C. Sarao moved that the A/P Staff Council accept the general intent of the document, with the noted comments to be forwarded to the committee working on this document for their consideration; seconded by R. Sievers. J. Geiger indicated he is not comfortable voting on the document until the Council knows those changes have been incorporated. R. Sievers reiterated that the committee did not ask for [changes to the document]; they only asked for comments.JP Dunn called for a vote on the Code of Ethics, with the pending changes in language that have been proposed. A show of hands vote resulted in some confusion in the total votes cast because some Council members are holding proxies. L. Stettler requested a roll call vote.
Tuesday Ashner - Y
Natalie Branca - Y
Steve Buhman - Y
Janet Douglas (absent)
JP Dunn - Y
Pat Eckert - Y
Jon Geiger - N
Lori Stettler (for Alfred Jackson) - N
Don Patton ( for Layla Murphy) - Y
Sarah Olson (absent)
Rod Sievers (for Mike Reiman) - Y
Amy Rose - Y
Charlotte Sarao - Y
Rod Sievers - Y
Lori Stettler - N
Merideth Thomas - N
Sue Tin - N
Gloria Yuncker - N
Motion was approved 10-6 on a roll call vote.
7. New Business - None.
8. Announcements
T. Ashner announced that the homecoming tailgate this year will be on the field of the old McAndrew Stadium. The tailgate is open to members and non-members of the Alumni Association.
9. Adjournment