Approved Minutes For Meeting On June 17, 2009
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: June 17, 2009
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Jake Baggott. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Jake Baggott, Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman, Carla Coppi, Janet Douglas, JP Dunn, Jon Geiger, Vern Goode, Dave Hahn, Dana McKenzie, Layla Murphy, Barbara Nowack, Mike Reiman, Rod Sievers, Allison Sutphin, Sue Tin, Gloria Yuncker.
Proxies: Jake Baggott for Amy Rose, Barbara Nowack for Barbara Cray Lokaitis, Sandra Rhoads for Sharon Walters.
Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett, Valerie Brooks, Don Castle, Carl Ervin.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the 2008-2009 meeting on May 20, 2009, were approved as presented. The minutes of the 2009-2010 meeting on May 20, 2009, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: JP Dunn moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by J. Geiger. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
J. Baggott reported that the constituency heads met prior to the Board of Trustees meeting. Discussion centered on the items that would be going before the Board.5.2 Board of Trustees
J. Baggott reported the Board meeting on June 11 was fairly brief. All but two items were approved on an omnibus motion; however, he believes there is one item that has potential impact on A/P, and that is the reorganization of the Diversity office. The position title has been renamed the Associate Chancellor for Institutional Diversity. All issues related to diversity and affirmative action will fall under that area. A national search will be done to fill the associate chancellor position. Linda McCabe-Smith will continue in the interim role and may be a candidate as well. D. Castle noted that one of the departments in that area, the Center for Academic Success, has been moved into Academic Affairs. J. Baggott added that, as a result of the reorganization, the Chancellor believes there will be a need for staff in some of those reorganized areas, though no plans have been identified. J. Baggott circulated the Board agenda, noting there is an organizational chart attached. He reported that in other business, President Poshard commented on the state budget, indicating that the funds going towards higher education cannot go below FY06 levels or the federal stimulus money could be threatened. MAP funding has been cut in half, which has a dramatic impact on SIU because approximately 7,000 students actually attend on a MAP grant. Chancellor Goldman's report focused mainly on the storm damage that occurred on May 8; some will be covered by insurance, some by FEMA, and a portion will have to be covered by the University. No specifics have been determined as yet.5.3 Human Resources (HR) - None.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Chancellor's Search Advisory - Don Castle
D. Castle gave a presentation on the status of the search, noting that a position description has been drafted, in addition to a position announcement. A website has been created that is still under construction, but can be accessed by going to Both the position description and announcement are posted on the website. The position description details some of the qualities being sought. The pre-search committee had some input and spent some time discussing those qualities. There is also a time line that shows a chancellor being in place by September. D. Castle challenged all A/P staff to help seek out and identify candidates, either by sending them to the website, which will tell them all they need to know to apply; or staff can contact him and he will pass on the names through the proper processes. A/P staff should also be aware of their opportunities to be involved. Make it known what qualities the new chancellor should have. Those can be communicated to him in any fashion, and he will make sure it becomes part of the committee process. D. Castle encouraged all A/P to be very active in the campus interview process. The committee has been discussing how to make those better. C. Coppi expressed concern about the January start date for on-campus interviews. January is the semester start-up time; the first two weeks of the semester are hectic for everyone on campus, and there should be as much student participation as possible. She suggested starting in February or at least the last week of January. D. Castle responded he is unsure of all the variables that come into play, but he does want to encourage A/P to have a positive approach to the process. He believes momentum is very important, and this could be a positive step forward in identifying and selecting someone.5.4b Traffic Appeals - To be rescheduled.
5.4c Ombudsman Advisory - Carl Ervin
C. Ervin reviewed and discussed his report (see appendix 1). He added that of the 152 cases brought forward, four were brought by A/P staff. There were three issues dealing with employment (gender discrimination; unfair annual evaluation; difficulty with immediate supervisor). Another was an academic issue (an inquiry about a student looking for help with a class withdrawal). C. Ervin reported that problems ranged from student complaints about financial aid to employee complaints that supervisors were not helping them as much as they could.5.4d Recreational Sports and Services Advisory Committee - Paul Bennett
P. Bennett submitted his written report (see appendix 2).5.4e University Women's Professional Advancement - Valerie Brooks
V. Brooks reviewed and discussed her report (see appendix 3).5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Approval of Standing Committee Assignments
J. Baggott reviewed and presented for approval the standing committee assignments for 2009 (included as an attachment to the agenda). He noted that the Executive Committee attempted to give everyone their higher preference choice, though it was not possible in every case. J. Geiger moved to approve the standing committee assignments; seconded by R. Sievers. Motion carried.J. Baggott asked if any of those members in Springfield desired to chair a committee. He indicated he recognized the difficulty those Council members in Springfield have with respect to interacting with the group in Carbondale. There has been a suggestion made to look into the possibility of videoconferencing, which would require the four members in Springfield to meet at one location. He indicated the Council will pursue this option.5.5b Recess to Elect Standing Committee Chairs
J. Baggott recessed to allow committees to meet and elect their chairs.5.5c Executive Committee
JP Dunn reported that committee assignments were determined, noting the Executive Committee attempted to give everyone their first preference. It was not always possible because of the strong interest this year in Staff Benefits and Staff Welfare.J. Baggott asked each committee to announce its chair. He also suggested each of the committees review past meeting minutes and the final reports that were submitted by the previous committees and begin thinking about goals and objectives for the coming year.5.5d Committee on Committees
D. McKenzie reported she was elected to chair the committee.5.5e Constituency Relations
J. Geiger reported that A. Rose was elected to chair the committee.5.5f Operating Paper
R. Sievers reported he was elected to chair the committee.5.5g Staff Benefits
D. Hahn reported he was elected to chair the committee.5.5h Staff Welfare
C. Coppi reported she was elected to chair the committee.
6. Old Business
J. Baggott reported he has been following up with the administration on the term contract resolution that was approved by the previous Council. It has been sent to Vice Chancellor Kevin Bame for his input. The Chancellor is aware that the Council is interested in pursuing the resolution, so J. Baggott indicated he will stay on top of the issue.
7. New Business
JP Dunn asked if the Council could get some information from Human Resources on the changes that have been made to the 403b accounts. T. Bennett responded that Mary Nippe would be the person who would need to provide that information. She will check to see if M. Nippe can attend the next Council meeting.
8. Announcements - None.
9. Adjournment