Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 20, 2009-10
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 20, 2009 (2009-2010)
1. The meeting was called to order by the 2008-09 Chair, Don Castle.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Jake Baggott, Natalie Branca, Steve Buhman, Carla Coppi, Janet Douglas, Vern Goode, Dave Hahn, Barbara Cray Lokaitis, Dana McKenzie, Layla Murphy, Barbara Nowack, Amy Rose, Rod Sievers, Allison Sutphin, Sue Tin, Sharon Walters, Gloria Yuncker.
Members Absent: Mike Reiman.
Proxies: Dave Hahn for Jon Geiger, Heidi Jung for JP Dunn.
Visitors: Don Castle, Patty Cosgrove, Sandra Rhoads.
3. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: D. Hahn moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by V. Goode. Motion carried.
4. Welcome and Introduce New Members
D. Castle welcomed the new and continuing Council members. Introductions were made around the table.
5. Orientation
5.1 Officers
D. Castle reviewed the duties and responsibilities for the office of Chair; S. Rhoads reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the Vice Chair; and P. Cosgrove reviewed the duties and responsibilities of Secretary.5.2 Committee Chairs
D. Castle reviewed the responsibilities of each of the Council standing committees. H. Jung mentioned that a good starting point for the new committees would be the final reports of the previous standing committees. Some may include suggestions or recommendations that new committees can incorporate into their goals for the coming year.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 Chair
D. Castle reported that the election of officers for the year will now take place. He commented that those who are continuing on the Council may better understand the process, but that is just the nature of things; however, it does not exclude anyone from running for any of the officer positions. P. Cosgrove, the 2008-2009 Elections Committee Chair, then opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chair. She noted that self-nominations are also accepted. D. McKenzie nominated J. Baggott. Hearing no other nominations, J. Baggott was elected Chair by acclamation.6.2 Vice Chair
P. Cosgrove opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice Chair. H. Jung nominated JP Dunn; S. Walters nominated A. Sutphin, who declined. V. Goode self-nominated. Hearing no other nominations, P. Cosgrove distributed paper ballots. JP Dunn was elected Vice Chair by a vote of 13-3, with 2 abstentions and 2 votes cast for A. Sutphin.6.3 Secretary
P. Cosgrove opened the floor for nominations for the office of Secretary. S. Walters nominated A. Sutphin; H. Jung nominated V. Goode. Hearing no other nominations, P. Cosgrove distributed paper ballots. A. Sutphin was elected Secretary by a vote of 12-7, with 1 abstention.
7. New Business
Committee preference forms were distributed. Council members were asked to return their preferences to the Constituencies Office so the Executive Committee can make standing committee assignments at its next meeting.
8. Announcements
8.1 P. Cosgrove reminded Council members that when they send a proxy to a meeting, make sure the person is an A/P member from the same sector and notification is given in writing (includes e-mail) to the Constituencies Office or to any of the officers prior to the meeting the proxy will attend. The proxy does not have to be a Council member.
8.2 D. Castle announced the next Council meeting is scheduled for June 17. The Executive Committee should meet prior to that meeting. All Council members will receive an e-mail in advance with a link to the agenda on the website. D. Castle commented that the past Council had a good year, and much was accomplished. The Council was asked many times for its opinions and interacted with the administration in different ways. He wished the new Council well in its endeavors, noting there are many changes taking place on campus currently, so members need to be vigilant.
9. Adjournment