Approved Minutes For Meeting On August 21, 2013
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: August 21, 2013
1. The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. by the Chair, Kathy Jones. Visitors and guests were welcomed and Rhonda Ferguson, the replacement in the Constituencies office was introduced
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Members Present: Todd Bryson, Jeannie Killian, Don Castle, Angela Cummings-Hunter, Jon Geiger, Kathy Jones, Faye Joyner-Keene, Don Patton, Charlotte Sarao, Rod Sievers, Matt Sronkoski, Valerie Brooks Wallin.
Members Absent: Angela Cummings-Hunter, Don Patton.
Proxies: Kathy Jones for Jill Gobert.
Visitors and Guests: Michelle Rushing, Tracy Bennett, Wayne Glass and Bruce Appleby. Jeannie Killian was welcomed as new academic sector representative.
3. Speaker
Bruce Appleby from the State Universities Annuitants Association was introduced as the guest speaker. Retired from SIU and currently president of the SIUC chapter of SUAA and president elect of the state association. Bruce announced that on September 26th, Linda Brookhart, executive director of SUAA, will be on campus for a presentation on Pensions and Benefits. SUAA has been vocal for both community and state universities in Illinois. Last year SUAA help to defeat constitutional amendment No. 49 that would have changed what the constitution says, and what happens to benefits and pensions every year. State constitutional committee has been put together to help reform pension program. End result could end up some sort of hybrid program incorporating Senate Bill 2404 and Senate Bill 1. SUAA has been very strong against all bills brought up in congress. Bruce spoke further about the inflation rates and pension program raises and statistics being discussed in committees. Everyone is encouraged attend the program on September 26th. Question and answer session followed..
4. Minutes
The minutes of the Council meeting on July 17, 2013, motion to approve by Charlotte Sarao, second by Rod Sievers, minutes approved as presented.
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: Don Patton moved to adopt the agenda as presented; seconded by Jon Geiger. Motion carried.
6. Reports
6.1 Chair
Constituency Heads had a meeting on July 24th. Freshmen enrollment is up, largest in 20 years. New marketing person coming on board and search for Vice Chancellor of Research continues from within and may combine OVCR and Dean from Graduate school at a later date. Questions were asked of the Chancellor about positions in the university that had been filled where the AP Staff Council had not been asked for representation on those committees. Feeling was the most recent searches belonged to the departments and their particular searches, such as Marketing Director and Dept. of Public Safety position. Constituency representation seems to slow things down from chancellor perspective. Kathy Jones pointed out that operating papers had been changed so that those representatives could be ratified as opposed to approved to move things along a little quicker. But AP Staff council has been asked for names on 2 searches since that time. Charlotte Sarao pointed out that the only participation is coming from the colleges being searched and composition of committees is not being looked at. Discussion followed. Balance needs to be struck between constituencies and chancellor’s office as far as representation on committees is concerned.
Jones announced the AP Staff Happy Hour coming up on Sept. 4th at Italian Village. Everyone needs to encourage fellow employees to attend.
C. Sarao pointed out that the A/P Staff List Serve needs to be solicited again for volunteers for university committees.
6.2 Board of Trustees No report. Next Board meeting will be on September 12th on Carbondale Campus. Jon Geiger advised that he would be attending in Kathy’s place.
6.3 Human Resources (HR)
No report from Tracy Bennett, but did announce that pay increases are supposed to be on the agenda at the September Board of Trustees meeting.
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory Committee - Michelle Rushing6.5 Standing Committees
Michelle Rushing presented and discussed her report. When attending meetings, felt more dictated to rather than really involved in participation. See appendix 1to the minutes).
6.5a Executive Committee
J. Geiger reported the committee discussed changes to agendas and minutes. Talked about Elizabeth O’Neill attending today’s meeting, which she did not - but we do have a report from her. Goals and Objectives were due by today’s meeting (8/21), discussed proposed budget for FY14 and Bruce Appleby coming to speak at today’s meeting. Talked about term contracts and no decision was made.
6.5b Committee on Committees
C. Sarao provided a list of committee assignments that have been made. Vacancies still exist that need to be filled. Keri Burns left her position at the university and there are still open spots on the committees. C. Sarao solicited the committee for positions to be filled. Wayne Glass was recommended for Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Service Award Committee, Don Patton agreed to JRB Committee from School of Medicine. Peer Review committee appointment was Angela Cummings-Hunter. Ad Hoc committee was left vacant for now. All appointees were ratified.Nominations to Dean’s Search Committee, College of Mass Communication and Media Arts - three names chosen were Greg Petrowich, Jean Kelley, and Jeff Williams.
Nominations to Dean’s Search Committee, College of Science. - Names chosen were Harvey Henson, Kim Doellman, Tom Harbert. All names have been forwarded and one will be chosen from each. Names were ratified by the committee.
6.5c Constituency Relations - Rod Sievers
Committee met on July 30th. Fall Luncheon was discussed. Luncheon will be held on Friday, October 11 at Noon in the Stadium Club. This will be the weekend before fall break. No football game that weekend. Expecting 100 guests, around $10 a plate, speakers will be found for the luncheon. Other details to be decided. No objections – committee will proceed.
6.5d Operating Paper
No report.7. Old Business
Parking Appeals committee report will be sent out with the minutes(attached).
8. New Business8.1 K. Jones reported that she had copies of Goals and Objectives from the Staff Benefits/Staff Welfare committee, Committee on Committees, and Rod Sievers read the Goals and Objectives of the Constituency Committee(attached).
9. Announcements
Don Patton moved and Valerie Brooks Wallin seconded to accept the Committee Goals and ObjectivesJ. Geiger revised the invitation to representatives to University committees to report at Council meetings. The main revisions removed the inclusion of last year’s report and a written reminder prior to the meeting at which the representative is scheduled to appear and added the option to submit a written report only.
D. Castle stated that he watched the Conference Committee on Pensions online, and a discussion of the pension issue ensued. He inquired as to whether anyone knew of any constituency groups who had approved the University presidents’ plan. No one knew of any sort of formal vote on the plan.
10. Adjournment
Motion was made by Charlotte Sarao and seconded by Rod Sievers to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.