Approved Minutes For Meeting On May 15, 2013
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: May 15, 2013 (2013-2014)
1. The meeting was called to order at 1:39 p.m. by the 2012-13 Vice Chair, Jon Geiger.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Todd Bryson, Keri Burns, Don Castle, Angela Cummings-Hunter, Jon Geiger, Faye Joyner-Keene, Don Patton, Charlotte Sarao, Rod Sievers, Matt Sronkoski, Valerie Brooks Wallin.
Proxies: Don Castle for Kathy Jones; Yvonne Spencer for Jill Gobert.
3. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: C. Sarao moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by D. Patton. Motion carried.
4. Welcome and Introduce New Members
J. Geiger welcomed the new and continuing Council members. Introductions were made around the table.
5. Orientation
An orientation packet was distributed to each Council member. J. Geiger noted that a committee preference form has been included in the packet, which Council members will need to complete and return by June 3.
5.1 Officers
J. Geiger reviewed the duties and responsibilities for the offices of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.5.2 Committee Chairs
J. Geiger reviewed the responsibilities of each of the Council standing committees.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 Chair
D. Castle opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chair. V. Brooks Wallin nominated K. Jones. She then read a brief candidacy statement on behalf of K. Jones. D. Castle called for further nominations. Hearing none, D. Patton moved to close nominations; seconded by A. Cummings-Hunter. Motion to close nominations carried. K. Jones was unanimously elected Chair for 2013-2014.6.2 Vice Chair
D. Castle opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice Chair. V. Brooks Wallin nominated J. Geiger. D. Castle called for further nominations. Hearing none, R. Sievers moved to close nominations; seconded by C. Sarao. Motion to close nominations carried. J. Geiger was unanimously elected Vice Chair for 2013-2014.6.3 Secretary
D. Castle opened the floor for nominations for the office of Secretary. C. Sarao nominated V. Brooks Wallin. D. Castle called for further nominations. Hearing none, C. Sarao moved to close nominations; seconded by Y. Spencer. Motion to close nominations carried. V. Brooks Wallin was unanimously elected Secretary for 2013- 2014.
7. New Business
D. Castle pointed out that since there are now only 13 members of the Council, members may have to serve on more than one standing committee. Assignments will be made by the three officers based on member preferences.
8. Announcements
D. Castle announced that the Sunset Concerts begin on June 13. The schedule will be out soon.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:02 p.m.