Approved Minutes For April 20, 2011
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: April 20, 2011
1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, JP Dunn. Visitors and guests were welcomed and introduced.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Tuesday Ashner, Steve Buhman, JP Dunn, Pat Eckert, Jon Geiger, Alfred Jackson, Sarah Olson, Charlotte Sarao, Rod Sievers, Lori Stettler, Meredith Thomas, Sue Tin, Gloria Yuncker.
Members Absent: Janet Douglas, Layla Murphy, Mike Reiman.
Proxies: Alfred Jackson for Amy Rose; Charlotte Sarao for Natalie Branca.
Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett; Patty Cosgrove.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on March 16, 2011, were approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda: J. Geiger moved to adopt the agenda as presented; seconded by R. Sievers. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1/5.2 Chair
JP Dunn reported on the April 6 constituency heads meeting: i) there was discussion on the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting. Trustee Ed Hightower chaired the meeting, since there is currently is no chair as a result of the resignation of Roger Tedrick. Board officers were scheduled to be elected in February; however, since there was not a quorum at that meeting, it could be May or beyond before officers are elected. Currently, there is one new Board member and two vacancies; ii) tuition and fees were discussed. As a result of the tuition proposal of 8.9%, the president and chancellors of both campuses were asked to examine their needs and report back to the Board in May. There was little discussion or opposition on the fees. T. Ashner asked if the fee increase for athletics is for scholarships. JP Dunn responded [yes]. T. Ashner questioned why students would pay fees for athletic scholarships. C. Sarao agreed, indicating that athletes are known for getting full rides. R. Sievers responded that it is because there are new facilities now that require a different kind of maintenance. T. Ashner asked if there is a website where all the fees are explained. R. Sievers responded that when the fees are listed on the Board agenda online, it includes a brief description on each fee. L. Stettler added that the Registrar's website also includes an explanation for all the fees; iii) in 2009, the University had a 4% tuition increase; in 2010, it was supposed to have been a 0% increase. This year, the University of Illinois (U of I) is increasing tuition by 6.89%. JP Dunn circulated the fee list showing which fees are being increased; iv) Trustee Bonham commented that a change in the University's overall administrative structure was needed; v) the President discussed Lobby Day, which was held on March 14 in Springfield. He also discussed briefly the state's budget and reported that summer Pell grants have been cut. SIU is still owed $133 million from [FY11] and has only received approximately 33% of its state appropriations. The President discussed briefly the proposed "conceal/carry" law. Universities and community colleges are banding together to fight for a gun free zone; vi) there is an RFP out for a new bus service. Beck is one of the bidders; vii) the University is still working with Lipman-Hearne on its image. During the Chancellor's report at the Board meeting, she mentioned the Japanese Student Organization raised $15,000 for the relief efforts; viii) grants are up by $3 million so far this year. The University has brought in $65 million in grants [this year]; ix) applications and admits are up 12%; housing contracts are up 9%; x) several searches are underway (Liberal Arts dean, Engineering dean). A name should be announced within the next two weeks for the Liberal Arts dean. In Engineering, the committee desired a more diverse pool, so that search may be extended. Names for the provost search have been released; xi) an engineering firm has been on campus taking coring samples of the parking garage. An old tunnel was found that has asbestos; xii) for the second time, a representative from Graduate Assistants United spoke during the public comments section and asked that the Board freeze fees for graduate students; xiii) recognition of Roger Tedrick was given; xiv) responses to the distance education restructuring have been posted on the Associate Provost's website; xv) next week, Ray Schroeder will be on campus to give an open presentation on [a learning management system]; xi) SURS has changed its rate of accrual from 8% to 7% for anyone retiring after 2012. P. Cosgrove explained that the SURS Board will vote on changing the actuarial table in June. If it passes, employees' pensions will be reduced 7-8% sometime after January 1, 2012. JP Dunn also reported that April 15 was the Chancellor's installation.P. Eckert commented that the selection of Donna Mannering to the Board of Trustees is an interesting choice. In reading her background, her last full-time employer was the IEA. With the union situation on this campus and the negotiations, the Governor appointed a Board member who worked full time for the IEA. She questioned how that Board member might function objectively.5.3 Human Resources (HR)
T. Bennett reported that benefits choice is coming up in May. There will be informational sessions on May 4. HealthLink and Prudential representatives will be on hand all day to answer questions. Health Alliance has been dropped; however, they are appealing that decision. HR staff will know more when they attend a meeting with CMS on April 19. That information will then be sent out through Campus Mail. T. Bennett also reported that the letters went out April to 112 staff who are impacted by the term to continuing policy. P. Eckert asked if any term contracts are being converted to continuing based on the budget freeze. T. Bennett responded that she has not seen language to that effect in the guidelines.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Search Cmt, Dean of Engineering - Tarnisha Green
T. Green submitted her written report (included as appendix 1 to the minutes)5.4b Signage - Jon Geiger
J. Geiger presented and reviewed his report (included appendix 2 to the minutes).5.4c Computing Advisory - Patty Cosgrove
P. Cosgrove presented and reviewed her report (included as appendix 3 to the minutes). She added that wireless is planned for the residence halls in the fall.5.4d Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Patty Cosgrove
P. Cosgrove presented and reviewed her report (included as appendix 4 to the minutes).5.4e Emeritus and Annuitant Association - JP Dunn
JP Dunn reported the State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) encourages people to join. Employees do not have to be retired to join. They are fighting for pension rights and will be fighting the change to the actuarial table. SUAA is the state organization, while the Emeritus and Annuitant Association (EAA) is the local chapter.5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee
T. Ashner reported the Expanded Executive Committee met and reviewed the minutes and finalized the agenda. Other issues discussed were the future election process and the changes that would be needed. It was decided to put those recommendations in the end-of-year reports for the next Council to consider.5.5b Ad Hoc Elections
J. Geiger discussed the committee's recommendations for next year's elections (included as appendix 5 to the minutes). The results of the elections are included as appendix 6 to the minutes.5.5c Committee on Committees - No report.
5.5d Constituency Relations
S. Buhman reported the A/P reception is scheduled for April 26. The recipients of the Excellence Through Commitment awards, Don Castle (Outstanding A/P Staff) and Alicia Ruiz (Outstanding Teaching Support) will be in attendance, along with their nominators.5.5e Operating Paper - No report.
5.5f Staff Benefits - No report.
5.5g Staff Welfare - No report.
6. Old Business - None.
7. New Business
JP Dunn reminded committee chairs that their final reports are due on May 11.
8. Announcements - None.
9. Adjournment