Approved Minutes For Meeting On April 16, 2014
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: April 16, 2014
1. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by the Chair, Kathy Jones. Visitors and guests were welcomed.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Todd Bryson, Don Castle, Jon Geiger, Kathy Jones, Colleen Kuczynski, Charlotte Sarao, Rod Sievers, Valerie Brooks Wallin
Members Absent: Jeannie Killian, Angela Cummings-Hunter, Don Patton (Kim Sanders Proxy), Matt Sronkoski (Valerie Brooks Wallin Proxy) and Jill Gobert
Visitors and Guests: Tracy Bennett, John Massie, Wayne Glass, Michelle Rushing, Luisa Ballester Concepcion, Matt Daray of Daily Egyptian
3. Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the Council meeting on March 19, 2014, was made by Rod Sievers and seconded by Jon Geiger, minutes approved as presented.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda:
Charlotte Sarao made a motion to accept the agenda, and Todd Bryson seconded. Motion carried.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
K. Jones reported the Constituency Heads met on April 2nd. At the meeting the Chancellor talked about a new initiative with area community colleges. It is called a reverse transfer and will begin with SIC and John A. Logan this fall. Students from community colleges can transfer in with a significant number of credits without a degree, so it would be beneficial to allow those students to earn credit hours here at SIU and transfer them back to the community colleges to complete their AA degrees. On April 30, there will be an Open Forum with the Chancellor sponsored by the Civil Service Council. It will be noon – 1:30 p.m. in room 170 in the new Student Services Building. Everyone is welcome. The Chancellor provided an update on the staffing of UCOL 101 courses. There were 90 applications for the 10 NTT faculty openings and there are a number of volunteers coming in to teach that have taught the sections before. An error has been found on the information sent out by SURS on the traditional money purchase formula. Chancellor also mentioned that at the Board of Trustees meeting the focus will probably be on the presidential transition. Tuition and fees may not be acted on at this meeting.
5.2 Board of Trustees
K. Jones announced the next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on April 17th, after the A/P Staff Council meeting, report will come next month.
5.3 Human Resources (HR)
T. Bennett reminded everyone about the Pension Reform Sessions coming April 23 at 2:30 p.m. and April 24 at 10:00 a.m. in the Law School Auditorium. Registration is suggested for attendance at the meeting or watching on the web. Appointments are into May to meet with staff about retirement and will be group sessions to get everybody in.
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory – John Massie
J. Massie reported that the committee tries to meet about 10 times a year. Massie highlighted some of the high points: The All-Century Football and Basketball Teams were honored; project is underway to preserve the history of women’s athletics at SIU prior to the merger of the two programs; opening and dedication of the new baseball facilities; student-athletes continue to excel in the classroom with an overall GPA of 3.09; the full report is attached. (Attachment A)
5.4b Chancellor’s Planning and Budget – Michele Rushing
The last meeting was held on March 24th. The Chancellor went through several updates; board meeting, retention, Doris Goodwin Kearns and a lot of the events happening on campus. FY15 budget planning updates were discussed; fall registration is underway and the university is hoping for flat enrollment; the governor hasn’t given his budget address yet; 5% temporary Tax Increase expires January 1, 2015, if not reinstated there will be a $1B loss in expected revenue. M. Rushing’s full report is attached. (Attachment B)
5.4c Affirmative Action Committee – Justin Schuch
J. Schuch was unable to attend the council meeting but sent a report. The Affirmative Action group met once last semester. The group looked at Non-Selection Codes for hiring paperwork.
5.4d Student Center Board – Luisa Ballester-Concepcion
L. Concepcion reported that student programming and student development had planned great events that were well attended. The Spring Festival will be held on April 22nd along with Earth Day. Student Center food court is doing very well, Maroon Spoon has a rotating menu and Freshly Tossed is offering salad selections. White and Borgononi has been contracted to draw up the plans for the Student Center remodel within the next six months. There might be some increases in student fees to help pay for the remodel. The university will buy out Chartwell’s contract. L. Concepcion handed out the proposed budget for the Student Center. (Attachment C)
5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee – Jon Geiger
J. Geiger reported that the Committee discussed changes to the agenda and minutes. Also discussed were the changes to the Operating Paper, providing more sectors for better representation to the council. The Constituency Relations Committee discuss the Spring Luncheon on May 1st to celebrate the Staff Excellence Award Nominees and Winners. There will be a luncheon on May 21st for the Incoming and Outgoing Council Members prior to the regular meeting.
5.5b Committee on Committees – Charlotte Sarao
No report.
5.5c Constituency Relations – Rod Sievers
R. Sievers reported that the committee met to discuss and finalize the May 1st Luncheon and the May 21st Luncheon for the council transition. The May 21st meeting was moved from the Old National Bank Lounge in the Arena to the Stadium Club on the second floor of Saluki Stadium.
5.5d Operating Paper – Kathy Jones
K. Jones reported the committee met April 9th and made real progress. The committee provided the council with their proposed changes to filling vacancies outside the regular election cycle. The proposal would change wording on f.4.b. – when a vacancy is declared. Under the proposed change, if a vacancy occurs, an election will occur only in the sector with a vacancy for a new representative to the council. The handout showing the changes is attached. (Attachment D) K. Jones explained the handout and discussion among the council followed. The council will be voting on the proposal at a later meeting.
5.5e Staff Benefits/Staff Welfare – Don Castle
No report.
5.5f Ad Hoc Elections Committee – Valerie Brooks Wallin
V. Brooks Wallin reported there will be four new council members starting next month; Wayne Glass, Matt Taitt, Shane Bennett, and Kathy Jones. The Election report is attached (Attachment E).
6. Old Business
There was no old business.
7. New Business
K. Jones reminded the council members that standing committee reports are due to Rhonda by May 7th.
8. Announcements
Happy Hour will be at Pinch Penny Pub at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22nd.
Todd Bryson asked how the student workers going to only 20 hours would affect the A/P Staff? Because of the Affordable Care Act the student workers will only be allowed to work 20 hours a week, if you are a 24-hour operation, then what do you do? Hire more students? D. Castle added that if the student works over a certain number of hours then the University has to provide health insurance. If they work the hours without insurance coverage, then the institution can be penalized with monetary fines. This policy will also relate to the extra help employees as well. Much discussion followed.
9. Adjournment
Motion was made by C. Sarao to adjourn and seconded by V. Wallin