Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: June 16, 2010
Location: Balcony Conference Room, Anthony Hall
Time: 1:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Announcement of Proxies, and Introduction of Guests
3. Guest
Chancellor Rita Cheng
4. Approval of 2009-2010 Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2010
Approval of 2010-2011 Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2010
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
6. Reports
6.1 Chair6.2 Board of Trustees 6.3 Human Resources 6.4 Representatives to University Committees 6.4a Ombudsman Advisory - Carl Ervin 6.4b Rec Sports and Services Advisory - Paul Bennett 6.4c UWPA - Kristine McGuire 6.5 Standing Committees 6.5a Approval of Standing Committee Assignments 6.5b Recess to Elect Standing Committee Chairs 6.5c Executive Committee - JP Dunn 6.5d Committee on Committees - 6.5e Constituency Relations - 6.5f Operating Paper - 6.5g Staff Benefits - 6.5h Staff Welfare -
6.1 Chair6.2 Board of Trustees
6.3 Human Resources
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Ombudsman Advisory - Carl Ervin 6.4b Rec Sports and Services Advisory - Paul Bennett 6.4c UWPA - Kristine McGuire
6.4a Ombudsman Advisory - Carl Ervin
6.4b Rec Sports and Services Advisory - Paul Bennett
6.4c UWPA - Kristine McGuire
6.5 Standing Committees
6.5a Approval of Standing Committee Assignments 6.5b Recess to Elect Standing Committee Chairs 6.5c Executive Committee - JP Dunn 6.5d Committee on Committees - 6.5e Constituency Relations - 6.5f Operating Paper - 6.5g Staff Benefits - 6.5h Staff Welfare -
6.5a Approval of Standing Committee Assignments
6.5b Recess to Elect Standing Committee Chairs
6.5c Executive Committee - JP Dunn
6.5d Committee on Committees -
6.5e Constituency Relations -
6.5f Operating Paper -
6.5g Staff Benefits -
6.5h Staff Welfare -
7. Old Business
8. New Business
Motion on Haiti School Project: The SIUC Administrative and Professional Staff Council supports the efforts of Dr. Uche Onyebadi and the Haiti School Project to raise funds from faculty, staff and students for construction of at least one primary school in Haiti.
Motion on Haiti School Project:
The SIUC Administrative and Professional Staff Council supports the efforts of Dr. Uche Onyebadi and the Haiti School Project to raise funds from faculty, staff and students for construction of at least one primary school in Haiti.
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
11. Meeting with Standing Committee Chairs