Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: October 21, 2009
Location: Mississippi Room, Student Center Time: 1:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Announcement of Proxies, and Introduction of Guests
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 16, 2009
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
5. Reports
5.1 Chair 5.2 Board of Trustees 5.3 Human Resources 5.4 Representatives to University Committees 5.4a Chancellor Search - Don Castle 5.4b Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Phil Bankester 5.4c Affirmative Action Advisory - Delores Kerstein 5.4d Judicial Review Board - JP Dunn 5.5 Standing Committees 5.5a Executive Committee - JP Dunn 5.5b Committee on Committees - Dana McKenzie Nomination to Academic Calendar Committeee: Jon Geiger, Eval & Developmental Ctr [AcA] 5.5c Constituency Relations - Amy Rose 5.5d Operating Paper - Rod Sievers 5.5e Staff Benefits - Vern Goode 5.5f Staff Welfare - Carla Coppi Recommendations for Sexual Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedures (see attached) 5.5g Constituency Relations - Amy Rose
5.1 Chair
5.2 Board of Trustees
5.3 Human Resources
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Chancellor Search - Don Castle 5.4b Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Phil Bankester 5.4c Affirmative Action Advisory - Delores Kerstein 5.4d Judicial Review Board - JP Dunn
5.4a Chancellor Search - Don Castle
5.4b Chancellor's Planning and Budget Advisory - Phil Bankester
5.4c Affirmative Action Advisory - Delores Kerstein
5.4d Judicial Review Board - JP Dunn
5.5 Standing Committees
5.5a Executive Committee - JP Dunn 5.5b Committee on Committees - Dana McKenzie Nomination to Academic Calendar Committeee: Jon Geiger, Eval & Developmental Ctr [AcA] 5.5c Constituency Relations - Amy Rose 5.5d Operating Paper - Rod Sievers 5.5e Staff Benefits - Vern Goode 5.5f Staff Welfare - Carla Coppi Recommendations for Sexual Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedures (see attached) 5.5g Constituency Relations - Amy Rose
5.5a Executive Committee - JP Dunn
5.5b Committee on Committees - Dana McKenzie
Nomination to Academic Calendar Committeee: Jon Geiger, Eval & Developmental Ctr [AcA]
Nomination to Academic Calendar Committeee:
Jon Geiger, Eval & Developmental Ctr [AcA]
5.5c Constituency Relations - Amy Rose
5.5d Operating Paper - Rod Sievers
5.5e Staff Benefits - Vern Goode
5.5f Staff Welfare - Carla Coppi
Recommendations for Sexual Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedures (see attached)
5.5g Constituency Relations - Amy Rose
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Announcements
9. Adjournment