Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: October 15, 2008
Location: **Kaskaskia-Missouri Rooms, Student Center**
Time: 1:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Announcement of Proxies, and Introduction of Guests
3. Guest
Jerry Blakemore, General Counsel and Legal Affairs
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 17, 2008
5. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
6. Reports
6.1 Chair 6.2 Board of Trustees 6.3 Human Resources 6.4 Representatives to University Committees 6.4a Judicial Review Board - Carlos Del Rio 6.4b Honorary Degrees - Pat Eckert 6.5 Standing Committees 6.5a Executive Committee - Sandra Rhoads 6.5b Committee on Committees - Allison Sutphin 6.5c Constituency Relations - Sharon Walters 6.5d Operating Paper - Mike Cubley 6.5e Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn 6.5f Staff Welfare - Carla Coppi (acting chair)
6.1 Chair
6.2 Board of Trustees
6.3 Human Resources
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Judicial Review Board - Carlos Del Rio 6.4b Honorary Degrees - Pat Eckert
6.4a Judicial Review Board - Carlos Del Rio
6.4b Honorary Degrees - Pat Eckert
6.5 Standing Committees
6.5a Executive Committee - Sandra Rhoads 6.5b Committee on Committees - Allison Sutphin 6.5c Constituency Relations - Sharon Walters 6.5d Operating Paper - Mike Cubley 6.5e Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn 6.5f Staff Welfare - Carla Coppi (acting chair)
6.5a Executive Committee - Sandra Rhoads
6.5b Committee on Committees - Allison Sutphin
6.5c Constituency Relations - Sharon Walters
6.5d Operating Paper - Mike Cubley
6.5e Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn
6.5f Staff Welfare - Carla Coppi (acting chair)
7. Old Business
8. New Business
8.1 Discussion of Proposed Sexual Harassment Policy/ Complaint and Investigation Procedures [two separate links] 8.2 Discussion of Proposed Plagiarism Policy Guide/ Office of the President Plagiarism Policy 8.3 Discussion of Eco-Dawgs Proposal
8.1 Discussion of Proposed Sexual Harassment Policy/
Complaint and Investigation Procedures [two separate links] 8.2 Discussion of Proposed Plagiarism Policy Guide/ Office of the President Plagiarism Policy 8.3 Discussion of Eco-Dawgs Proposal
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment