2. Roll Call, Announcement of Proxies, and Introduction of Guests
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 16, 2008
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
5. Reports
5.1 Chair
5.2 Board of Trustees
5.3 Human Resources
5.4 Representatives to University Committees
5.4a Plagiarism Committee - Greg Scott
5.4b Graduate Council Rep - Robert Sims
5.4c SURS Members Advisory - Jake Baggott
5.4d University Joint Benefits - Vanessa Sneed/Kim Taylor
5.5 Standing Committees (see Final Reports)
5.5a Executive Committee - Allison Sutphin
5.5b Committee on Committees - Sandra Rhoads
Nomination to Associate VC Student Affiars and Dean of Students Corne Prozesky, Assistant Director, Rec Sports & Services Cordeous Love, Coordinator, New Student AdmissionsNomination to Chancellor's Advisory Review Board TBA
5.5c Constituency Relations - Paulette Curkin
5.5d Operating Paper - Cordy Love
5.5e Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn
5.5f Staff Welfare - JP Dunn
6. Old Business
6.1 Policy on Use of the A/P Listservs
6.2 Policy on Maintenance of the A/P Staff Council Website