Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024, 11:27 AM
Date: February 20, 2008
Location: Balcony Conference Room, Anthony Hall
Time: 1:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Announcement of Proxies, and Introduction of Guests
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 16, 2008
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
5. Guest
Vice Chancellor Rickey McCurry
6. Reports
6.1 Chair 6.2 Board of Trustees 6.3 Human Resources 6.4 Representatives to University Committees 6.4a Traffic Appeals - Tom Furby 6.4b Search Cmt, Dean of MCMA - Jake Baggott 6.4c Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory - Jeff Goelz 6.4d Advisory Cmt, DPS - John Massie 6.4e Honorary Degrees - Paulette Curkin 6.5 Standing Committees 6.5a Executive Committee - Allison Sutphin 6.5b Ad Hoc Elections Committee - Don Castle 6.5c Committee on Committees - Sandra Rhoads 6.5d Constituency Relations - Paulette Curkin 6.5e Operating Paper - Cordy Love 6.5f Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn 6.5g Staff Welfare - JP Dunn
6.1 Chair
6.2 Board of Trustees
6.3 Human Resources
6.4 Representatives to University Committees
6.4a Traffic Appeals - Tom Furby 6.4b Search Cmt, Dean of MCMA - Jake Baggott 6.4c Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory - Jeff Goelz 6.4d Advisory Cmt, DPS - John Massie 6.4e Honorary Degrees - Paulette Curkin
6.4a Traffic Appeals - Tom Furby
6.4b Search Cmt, Dean of MCMA - Jake Baggott
6.4c Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory - Jeff Goelz
6.4d Advisory Cmt, DPS - John Massie
6.4e Honorary Degrees - Paulette Curkin
6.5 Standing Committees
6.5a Executive Committee - Allison Sutphin 6.5b Ad Hoc Elections Committee - Don Castle 6.5c Committee on Committees - Sandra Rhoads 6.5d Constituency Relations - Paulette Curkin 6.5e Operating Paper - Cordy Love 6.5f Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn 6.5g Staff Welfare - JP Dunn
6.5a Executive Committee - Allison Sutphin
6.5b Ad Hoc Elections Committee - Don Castle
6.5c Committee on Committees - Sandra Rhoads
6.5d Constituency Relations - Paulette Curkin
6.5e Operating Paper - Cordy Love
6.5f Staff Benefits - Dave Hahn
6.5g Staff Welfare - JP Dunn
7. Old Business
Ad Hoc Website Committee
8. New Business
Proposed A/P Staff Council Budget for FY09
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment